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Hola my dear patron loves. I just posted this to socials as well - but I’m reading and responding to all comments here.

Okay, let’s get this fucking year started.

Bye 2022. Didn’t love you, but you did your best.

First polar swim of the year belongs to you, California.

FIRST OFF Thank you to everyone who came to the dolls show last night … so much rain, so much confetti … photos coming but oh my god, what a truly epic homecoming for our little band.

Happy 2023, truly.

This past year was a difficult one for pretty much everyone I know. May this coming one bring ease, togetherings, and whatever it is you need to feel like you’re back on the ground.

If you have goals and wanna hold yourself accountable, put ‘em here and encourage each other.

We aren’t alone and saying our stuff out loud is nice.

I personally plan to swim every day possible (yes, even in the ice back home), drink less, get outside more, nourish the new friendships I’ve found at home, and let go of situations that keep harming my heart and just aren’t fixable. I want to organize my kitchen.

I want to pay more attention to my patreon, teach the world more about how wonderful it is, and get more clear-eyed about social media and where and how to deploy my voice.

I want to work on a possible new book about the new tsunami of hatred, fear, unresolved trauma, and the disintegration of community and family.

I want to write more advice columns, finish up all the lost projects I dropped in 2019, and get a great team working around my writing work and band.

Way More piano playing. I want to work on my songwriting space.

I plan to write the best damn record of my career and record it.

I also want to figure out more about how my car works, cook more meals at home and waste less food.

I plan, above all, to go easy on myself and know that I am doing just fucking great even if none of these things happen and another pandemic hits and I simply survive the year without dying or having a mental breakdown. 😃

Ok you.

Let’s hear it. Just say it out loud.






I want to get my driver's license this year, continue saving money, and give myself a lot more self love and acceptance. I'm tired of berating myself. As for creativity, I would like to try some new things. Maybe yoga? Or how to rap. Find fun DIY that make use of the endless clutter. Or purposefully use bootleg materials for something else entirely. I want to tap into my own appearance and try to get into my own fashion sense. I usually wear shirts, hoodies, jeans, and shorts. I love being a blob, but so does my depression after some time. Wearing something that feels good on me goes a long way. So yes, I should buy more rings, necklaces, and get a damn pair of doc martens. And try perfumes, maybe colognes. Good luck everyone! Whether the new year gives you a boost of inspiration or not, we're (mostly) all in the same astral plane on this ever-changing blue ball.


☀️🪐☄🌙🎼🎵🎶Felicitous Covid-Free Celebration Of The Completion Of The Earth's Revolution Around The Sun 🎶🎵🎼🌙☄🪐☀️


Resolutions: Lose weight, be more patient, less overwhelmed, more direct, less snarky, more loving, less suspicious, and spend more time helping. Oh, and I wanna hear my new favorite album: Perhaps, Virginia.

Rebecca Ryan

I didn’t love 2022 either..a little anxious and wary about this one. Me this year..-l’m going to try and be more open to people. Like I have forever. And lost it for a long while That’s important I love people And have neglected friendships. ..say maybe a yes for a change, when invited to kids bbq movie night with parents u haven’t met. I guess....If I have to…:More yes. I miss the old me. Turn up to anything and no flying fucks about it.. Maybe this is me now..at 46.. I like her too. Maybe even more. She’s just more sensitive..indecisive grr…impulsive..ok..and borderline boring ..but so isn’t…but is..☺️ Let’s keep learning about ourselves hey. Hope travel to NZ all good so far 🥰 it will be awesome xx


I don't really know, what are my plans. I would like to finally decide, if I want to stay with my husband and feel not accepted and not loved as I think I deserve or to leave and face everyday struggles with 2 kids (one with intellectual disability) on my own... Or at least partly on my own. No idea. This roller coaster of ups and downs is going on since YEARS. I also plan to be good to myself and spend as much time with women as I can. Women's support is what keeps me going. I would also like to take care of basic stuff: more cooking instead of sandwiches, more moving and less scrolling. I need that to longer be around for my kids. My older will never live on her own. But these aren't NY resolutions. I always have these things in mind, but somehow I fail all the time. Much love from Poland <3 I think I live in the same building as your friend Gaba Kulka :)




I need to reconcile with being good enough instead of trying, and dramatizing over failing, to be the best (mom, cook, and everything in between). I want to be able to laught at my own mistakes. Hope to retrieve genuineness and kindness to other after having my circle of empathy drastically narrowing down to my pregnant belly. Want to try out pottering, or free dancing, something to let out my creative energy. Find what is fun in renovating the apartment and try to enjoy the process. And yes, cold swimming does wonders to my mood, hope to find time for a trip to a lake or coast twice a month or so. And just be near the sea, whatever the reason, more often :)


I usually set 10 goals a year some big some small I want to get to 250 followers on my instagram art page , lose 8 kg by June . Do 200 yoga sessions and 100 dance lessons on Apple fitness . I’m going to write 50 songs and try record the good ones(that I need to learn a bit for that mostly how to record ) , I’m going to finally do that online course in ai that I bought years ago try to publish the book I wrote and the lenormand deck I designed also my husband is trying to get us to move house


I’m not setting any new year’s goals because it’s too much to be a mostly stay at home mom (I’m an occupational therapist and work per diem a couple times a week when the nursing home and home health companies need me), and I’m taking course work to transition into pelvic floor therap, and don’t want to set extra goals that I probably won’t keep. However, I’m continuing to work on the goals that I’ve been working on for a while. I’m finishing up a pelvic floor movement course and hoping to start teaching 6 week classes starting in February or March. I have 3 additional pelvic floor courses I plan on taking this year and I hope to start seeing clients sometime this summer. Just 2-3 half days per week because I’m also CEO of home, shuttle driver for school and doctors appointments and extra curricular activities (currently swim, music, and ice skating lessons), at-home-after- school art and science teacher, home chef, housekeeper, gardener, mama-milk-maker (the hours that go into tandem feeding a 3 and 1 year old…), sleep couch, family therapist, etc… you’re a mom too and juggle all of that with your career. 😅 but I have been prioritizing exercise for myself and plan to keep that up: my goal is always 5-6 days/week for 15-30 minutes (I also count walks outside), but some weeks I’m happy when I exercise 3x/week. But honestly, most days my goal is just to tackle a couple things on the to do list, spend time with my kids and husband, and keep everyone fed and clothed and being nice to each other.


I'm intending to dedicate phone-free time to my kid, take the space I need to find my body again (I live far too much in my brain and on the computer, and sometimes I feel like a disembodied glob, and I think I just need more time finding out what this body is even capable of anymore), and grow a tidier garden. Also, I was going to say that I want to cook more at home, but the truth is that cooking daily has been exhausting me and maybe what I really need to do is figure out how to order out in a way that is most healthy and least costly? Like... how long can I make a massive order of white rice last as a base for meals? Hmm... ideas!

Stefanie Oepen (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-08 20:44:21 Another musician I follow (Singer/Songwriter Jim Kroft) asked about our new year's plans as well, so I'm just gonna crosspost here: "New year, new you" always has the bad aftertaste of "you are not good enough as you are" and I am working hard to resist that thought. Yet, January usually means I don't have many plans in terms of traveling and a lot of time to reflect. So I often use it to get back into exercising if I have fallen off the wagon. I do not like workouts, but I know they will make me feel better in the long run so that is why I commit to them. This, however is a yearly thing and not so much a resolution, a routine more than a plan. This past year I have tried to catch up on so much I missed during the two pandemic years so I have traveled a lot and see lots of concerts. It was great fun, but I do feel exhausted, so the one overall plan I have for this new year is: S l o w d o w n ! Get over the FOMO, you can't do everything and you can't be everywhere and that's OK. Choose wisely. Here's a list of ideas for things I wanna do in 2023: - see friends as often as possible - make memories - continue to go to concerts that will make me happy - play my ukulele (badly!) - see a play or a few, preferably in London - rest when I need it - not feel guilty when I realize I can't manage everything I thought I'd do - capture travels and concerts with my camera, but also enjoy moments without - remain curious A comment on your list, Amanda: It seems to me that doing everything you plan plus "going easy on yourself" is unachievable, unless that ois your list of things for the next 5 to ten years. Either way, I am curious as to what's to come. Especially looking forward to new music. Side note: I have the feeling you won't tour Europe any time soon and that makes me sad, because I very much enjoy seeing you live. That thought aside I am sure I will find content here that I enjoy. :) Because I think I never said it: A belated thank you for the Shadowbox to ypu and everyone wo posted there. It was my lifeline in the first pandemic year. I must admit I have gotten busy and abandoned it since, but it helped oh so much against the loneliness of those days. <3
2023-01-09 05:55:08 Another musician I follow (Singer/Songwriter Jim Kroft) asked about our new year's plans as well, so I'm just gonna crosspost here: "New year, new you" always has the bad aftertaste of "you are not good enough as you are" and I am working hard to resist that thought. Yet, January usually means I don't have many plans in terms of traveling and a lot of time to reflect. So I often use it to get back into exercising if I have fallen off the wagon. I do not like workouts, but I know they will make me feel better in the long run so that is why I commit to them. This, however is a yearly thing and not so much a resolution, a routine more than a plan. This past year I have tried to catch up on so much I missed during the two pandemic years so I have traveled a lot and see lots of concerts. It was great fun, but I do feel exhausted, so the one overall plan I have for this new year is: S l o w d o w n ! Get over the FOMO, you can't do everything and you can't be everywhere and that's OK. Choose wisely. Here's a list of ideas for things I wanna do in 2023: - see friends as often as possible - make memories - continue to go to concerts that will make me happy - play my ukulele (badly!) - see a play or a few, preferably in London - rest when I need it - not feel guilty when I realize I can't manage everything I thought I'd do - capture travels and concerts with my camera, but also enjoy moments without - remain curious A comment on your list, Amanda: It seems to me that doing everything you plan plus "going easy on yourself" is unachievable, unless that ois your list of things for the next 5 to ten years. Either way, I am curious as to what's to come. Especially looking forward to new music. Side note: I have the feeling you won't tour Europe any time soon and that makes me sad, because I very much enjoy seeing you live. That thought aside I am sure I will find content here that I enjoy. :) Because I think I never said it: A belated thank you for the Shadowbox to ypu and everyone wo posted there. It was my lifeline in the first pandemic year. I must admit I have gotten busy and abandoned it since, but it helped oh so much against the loneliness of those days. <3

Another musician I follow (Singer/Songwriter Jim Kroft) asked about our new year's plans as well, so I'm just gonna crosspost here: "New year, new you" always has the bad aftertaste of "you are not good enough as you are" and I am working hard to resist that thought. Yet, January usually means I don't have many plans in terms of traveling and a lot of time to reflect. So I often use it to get back into exercising if I have fallen off the wagon. I do not like workouts, but I know they will make me feel better in the long run so that is why I commit to them. This, however is a yearly thing and not so much a resolution, a routine more than a plan. This past year I have tried to catch up on so much I missed during the two pandemic years so I have traveled a lot and see lots of concerts. It was great fun, but I do feel exhausted, so the one overall plan I have for this new year is: S l o w d o w n ! Get over the FOMO, you can't do everything and you can't be everywhere and that's OK. Choose wisely. Here's a list of ideas for things I wanna do in 2023: - see friends as often as possible - make memories - continue to go to concerts that will make me happy - play my ukulele (badly!) - see a play or a few, preferably in London - rest when I need it - not feel guilty when I realize I can't manage everything I thought I'd do - capture travels and concerts with my camera, but also enjoy moments without - remain curious A comment on your list, Amanda: It seems to me that doing everything you plan plus "going easy on yourself" is unachievable, unless that ois your list of things for the next 5 to ten years. Either way, I am curious as to what's to come. Especially looking forward to new music. Side note: I have the feeling you won't tour Europe any time soon and that makes me sad, because I very much enjoy seeing you live. That thought aside I am sure I will find content here that I enjoy. :) Because I think I never said it: A belated thank you for the Shadowbox to ypu and everyone wo posted there. It was my lifeline in the first pandemic year. I must admit I have gotten busy and abandoned it since, but it helped oh so much against the loneliness of those days. <3


Imma plant more gardens, and start a buskers festival in Wellington.