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...i'm at the woodford festival in australia. neil is down for the count with bronchitis, my set just got cut short by 10 minutes accidentally leaving me with a set of performance blueballs, it's 80 degrees, i have a cider and despite the obstacles...LIFE IS GOOD. 

as i sit here under this australian tree waiting for the new years moment to toll, i just wanted to express to you all how much i love and appreciate you. more and more with every passing day. the gratitude i fee to have a group of people who support me, my art, my mission to create ... im starting to cry just writing it. 

2016 was filled with so much pain, death, division. may we sail forth into this coming year with our hearts on our sleeves and our sleeves rolled up. into the light we go. 

and i'm stealing aln idea from karina...post one thing in the comments that was wonderful about this year. anything...something small and personal or something that happened in the world. a meal. a birth. anything. 

i love you all so much. 

happy 2017. 





I was married to my soul mate 6/11/16, we started our relationship 2/11/12 <3


I've been seeing someone now since October of 2016. The first time I saw her 22 years ago I fell instantly into her magic and love. As life goes, the one time I asked her out I was incredibly drunk - no bueno for her and that was that. We both have been in serious relationships and not so serious. Finally somehow 2016 became our year. - I asked her out again...sober of course and she said Yes. Our time together so far has been nothing short of surreal and beyond amazing. It was my soaring comet of 2016 no doubt!


Something wonderful? My husband. Well, we aren't married yet, but it's almost the same. We are together from 2012, but every single day he becomes even more wonderful. He is cooking dinner for me right now. If only you can see how much love he puts in what he's doing... I'm so grateful...


There were so many great things. A lot of travel, which I'm grateful for. A new bicycle! I married someone I love very much that loves me very much. I slept with a roof over my head every night except when I was camping. I have a great job and I have health insurance. My friend had a healthy baby girl, another friend also had a healthy baby girl. There's a lot of reasons to hope, push forward, and keep loving.


Our family was treated to back to back summertime concerts-by-the-sea. Thank you Dresden Dolls, do it again!


Spending my mother's sixtieth birthday with her and my brother on a beautiful island. And it made her so darn happy ❤


My 2 year old little man. His enthusiasm and positivism is catching. :)


In June 2016, my father was given six months to live, marking him as gone by Christmas. It's now 2017 and I'm sitting right next to him. Another Christmas with my dad - that's the best thing that happened to me in 2016.


Too many things haha. Met an amazing man who has taught me much in the past month as I might say I did for him. I'm more open to the concept of thematic interconnection with my Equals, and will solely focus on the betterment of my art through outlets like this so I can feel stronger feelings and taste more interesting thoughts! =D