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welcome to australia...

i awoke today to a classic internet tempest-in-a-teapot about something I quipped at the wodford festival press conference yesterday (i arrived four hours after landing from cuba), namely, that “Donald Trump is going to make punk rock great again”. i’d been asked how i felt about the current political climate in the US, and that statement came after a long chat about how disturbing, depressing and frightening it feels right now to be an American, and in particular, an American woman. 

i stand proudly by my statement that The Donald will indeed give us something to artistically push back against. dark times inspire, inflame and focus us as writers, artists and advocates. i am not just speaking for myself here...all the artists i know are sharpening their wits, tongues and pens for the fight ahead, and it's why neil and i were happy to send eyes and ears to PEN america , an organization that defends writers' freedoms.

here's the basic gist...http://www.thewrap.com/amanda-palmer-donald-trump/ ...i don't want to send traffic to the original guardian article (which seemed to be written somewhat hastily and with the aim to garner clicks, which disappoints me given the guardian's general history of being decent).

my friends. donald trump-land is not going to be great for free speech, for internet freedom, and for a more tolerant society. and as far as ART goes, these *are* the times when things get riskier. and more important. as it always is, as it always was. i'll say it over and over again til i'm blue in the face.

don't forget the dixie chicks. and given the growing division in the country, now is exactly the moment when artists need to be saying MORE, not less, about the realities of world, and the truths of our inner and outer lives. 

bjork just published a great interview in the guardian  about sexism in music. she says:

 “Women in music are allowed to be singer songwriters singing about their boyfriends...If they change the subject matter to atoms, galaxies, activism, nerdy math beat editing or anything else than being performers singing about their loved ones they get criticized. Journalists feel there is just something missing … as if our only lingo is emo …on the pedagogic Biophilia I sang about galaxies and atoms, but it wasn’t until Vulnicura where I shared a heartbreak I got full acceptance from the media....If we don’t cut our chest open and bleed about the men and children in our lives we are cheating our audience.”

...when i read this, all i could think of was how easy it would be, in the next four years (for female artists especially) to resist controversial, or even unusual, topics, even if only *slightly* political. why risk pissing off a person on facebook? why risk getting yelled at? why risk having a bad morning like amanda palmer?

it's a micro-decision every artists makes when choosing what words, what topics, what sentiments she knowswe will have to "defend". and defending, for many artists, is becoming a second full-time job if you want to hang out on the dregs of facebook and twitter and instagram trying to wave people over to your jukebox.

 it's so easy to make "easy" art choices to avoid angering anybody. there are so many people out there who are so ready to be angry right now, and female creators are especially delicious targets.

so while we may have a mainstream world of supermarkets and top 40 radio playing what i like to call "ooh-baby" songs about heartbreak and jealousy, THERE IS ALWAYS THE OTHER THING, the OTHER ART, the inheritors of punk and folk, the other voices who have so much more to consider and to share than "ooh-baby" fare. the darker, blacker, punker song topics. the political fury, the rapes and abortions, the local pain and neighborhood disenfranchisment, the hilarious satirical absurdities of how we do and don't and can and can't treat each other...the poetry of a truer, richer tapestry of life. the visceral reflections of our times. and THIS is the music, the punk of which i speak, that will thrust up like flowers and weeds from the sidewalk-cement of a donald trump presidency, where it feels like the most materialistic, wealth-worshipping and non-compassionate oppressors of our times are taking the reigns of the white house.

this is not, as some nitwits on twitter, etc, seemed to have deduced, a celebration of trump. i'm not that dumb. to andrew, who tweeted:  "yeah, I dig, just think it is odd to be saying "well, we may have a nuclear holocaust, but think of the art!"...you miss the point.

the nuclear holocaust hasn't happened yet.

the trump election has, i wish it hadn't, and....here we are. ready to get to work.

so in short, i hope i was right. i hope punk, in whatever new costume it decides to appear, comes back with a vengeance.


and ALL HAIL the clashes, the yokos, the fugazis, the x-ray spexes, the patti smiths and the rages.

artists, on your fucking marks.

the job is ours, if we choose to accept our mission.



p.s. one last thing -  about australia. some of the articles that circulated today implied (probably to help stir the click-pot) that neil and i are going to be moving to australia for the duration of trump-times. not the case. we are going to be here for the next two+ months while i tour sydney, melbourne, canberra, adelaide and cairns, etc. HOWEVER - the truth is far more exciting: last july neil and i were granted what's known as "distinguished talent" visas, which means that we can cross the US/OZ border freely for the next 5 years without work permits. it saves us a massive pain in the bureaucratic ass and we're really thankful to the australian government for making it happen.




Thank you, and well said. Add me to your list of new supporters.


Supporting this. I remember my Grandmother saying something eloquent but paraphrased as 'When a storm hits, you can complain about the weather, or adjust your sails.' Use the energy for good, for survival, maybe something brave and spectacularly beautiful might happen out of the strife. We didnt wish for this - but we ought to be damned if it cant be used for some cathartic (and productive) art, that we can help being a part of (incl other artists thanks to Patreon etc). Go you and your art family in these times. See you at the Canberra show.


I feel this goes way beyond being an artist. Every single one of us has to decide in what capacity and to what extent we are putting ourselves out there. As humans. As vulnerable humans with an opinion. We all need to decide every single day if it is worth it to state and stand by our opinions and values, even if we get under verbal fire and depressed as fuck by the ignorance and lack of kindness and basic human decency in so many. But I say it is worth it, now more than ever.


Keep on, lady. Love and light to you.


This was well said and I agree we need to take up arms; especially with permission granted by the Orange One to spout hate and scorn about everyone who isn't a wealthy middle- to upper-class white (or orange) cis man spreading all over the country. On a more personal note I'm really pleased about your visa and I hope I can see a lot of you guys in the next five years!


So happy to hear about your visa!!


This! Thank you for articulating my concern so well.


Rock on Sister!


My partner and I have literally been saying exactly what you said above since Trump was first elected. We started studding our jackets, I shaved my head a few days ago, and I've been making art more furiously than ever. Now, trying to tackle these topics is the most difficult challenge, I literally live in the whitest place in America right now (temporarily anyway). Have you heard about the Neo-Nazi parade happening in a few weeks in Whitefish MT? Well, I live about 30 miles from there. You better believe we are going to let them have it.


We are behind you. Speak your mind!