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my loves

if you came - how are you?? how was it?? are you holding up ok? how did all of you like the shows, adorable woodstock and the rainstorm? did you have bears at your air bnb??? tell me stories please

i would post more of the epic photos right now but i am dead

these shows made me the most dead and the most alive i have ever felt in my life

dolls night 3 is over …. once again we left our souls and blood on the stage ….and i woke up exhausted and basking and with an obvious graceful solution to several problems waiting on a platter in my head.

my lost has toppled and piled up again (long story), we lost a few key members of our team this week (long story, but everyone’s ok).

i am about to be drowning in 1,500 photos and videos to organize and i am processing 10-17 long stories to weave together about what’s happened over the last few weeks and over the last few nights. i have wanted to write so badly about all of this and have had no time.

i want to WRITE

it’s also been lightly stressing me out that i don’t have a piece of content to release for november. i was going to choose a good question from the ASK AMANDA advice column and start writing in a few days when i’ve recovered from these shows and get my emails and texts up to speed and my kitchen cleaned….

then in occurred to me:

oh you fool….why the fuck not just write a big, beautifully threaded piece about the dolls and just Thing it. it’s going to take me a week or two to assemble and create that piece, especially with all the photos to sort through, and the graceful solution is to simply spend my time on what’s actually wanted to come out of my writing-head instead of to switch tacks randomly. i know i don’t need to ask for your blessing but here i am sort of asking. but while i’m at it, and especially if you were AT the shows: questions please. i will try to answer or respond to any questions, feelings or thoughts you have …. in the piece. it’ll be a long one. there is just so much to say.

hit me

hit me

hit me

i am reading the comments



these were the best shows of my life

and i love you.



see many of you in a few hours at the brunch - and REMINDER !!! my friend father nathan monk is going to do a book signing at the golden notebook bookstore at 1;30pm, that’s about a 2 minute walk from the venue right in the village. COME after the brunch ….or come if you’re not coming to the brunch

also if you are wondering how and why i am awake at 8am after playing a rock show that epic i will tell you

ash gets the bus at 8am and i cannot turn off my internal mother sleep schedule

i am simply fucked

xxxx a

main photo by krys fox

this one by me last night right when the doors opened




Thank you! Thank you thank you thank you. My pal Kevin and I had tickets for Saturday. We went to music school together in '08 and found out we both had a love for your music. The week before the concert my dog had been sick and I wasn't sure if I would be able to make it. It's a long story but Saturday morning there were definite signs of improvement, so I hopped in the car with her and DROVE. Our Air BNB folk made an exception and let my dog come to the air bnb, they were very kind. They had goat roaming their property and Luna (my fur child) thrived in the mountains :) I was blessed to run into Michael Pope during the concert. I was blown away by the show. Seeing the band's musicianship was inspirational. SEEING you and Brian interact and play off each other added new layers to these songs I've listened to for many years. I am so grateful. Thank you!


It was so incredibly healing to be so enthusiastically welcomed by so many people at the brunch. I was overwhelmed by the love. Thank you, everyone. I'd really love to connect with the crew that took me in with them <3


It was wonderful seeing you on Thursday night. I have been absolutely swamped with schoolwork -taking prerequisites for a nursing program. Seeing you two play helped sooth the serious burnout I've been experiencing. Every chapter of my life I have found myself escaping back into your music. Highschool, College, monotonous back-breaking job, and back to college again. I took my boyfriend to the show. I also took him to a "There Will Be No Intermission" rehearsal. Actually, when we were first getting to know each other we got into an argument about you. He had an unfair, judgmental hatred. That was so long ago, and now he was excited to see you onstage a second time. Anyone who actually does their research can't keep up the sourpuss act for long, There is too much love.

Jeremy Sliwoski

Made both N1 and N2. I spent much of the day before N2 just thinking about the absolute catharsis I saw the night before on stage, and how much it resonated in my heart. I hope that you continue to use future Dresden Dolls shows to heal and to grow (both you and Brian), and to find yourself as you put it N1. I have forgotten what it felt like to be at a DD show. It feels like something I could only dream of being a part of, and N2 I felt more apart than I have ever before, and likely ever will again. Thank you for that.

Catherine Hannah

Def DEF Thing the Dolls... Those of us not at the table wanna sniff the bouquet and smash the burgers and delectify those tiny chocolate mousse surprises that always show up for the FEAST. ALL THE LOVE - MUAH


Drove up from Jersey for the 3rd night THANK YOU I really needed it! My last hoorah before serious business (chemotherapy) I’m going To beat this thing and hopefully the Dolls will play again and again and again! See you cats in the future Oh yeah, THE SHOW DID NOT DISAPPOINT! You both still have that special thing we love.

Terry Green

you bet. thing the thing


My partner and I drove in from Niagara Falls, NY for the 3rd show in a 32 hour whirlwind trip start to finish. I don't know exactly what it was about this one that cracked the lock on my heart wide open, but I have never felt that way before at a concert. I cried at songs I've never cried at before. I smiled bigger than I feel like I have in years. I was surrounded by love and magic. You touched my face after I did the get-out-of-the-way-side-step-dance with Manta which made me freeze in the way even more haha. We stayed at a hotel in Kingston and joined the brunch the next morning. The hotel clerk told us at check in when we said we are here for The Dresden Dolls "oh there's a lot of you folks here today." That felt good to hear. I had wanted so badly to talk to you while you wandered around at the Brunch and thank you simply for being who you are and for everything you have given to the community. I couldn't do it. It wasn't that I was scared, it was that every time I tried to open my mouth I was just crying. At the very end as everyone filtered out my partner grabbed my hand and pulled me over to you and gave you a button for our DD inspired acoustic duo moxy cleaveland cabaret and he thanked you for inspiring us into doing what we love. I was apparently rendered speechless. You looked me right in the face and I swear to the gods you could see what I needed and wanted to say to you in my eyes. I hope that's true. I posted about this on the Facebook group because there is a Patreon member I would like to find and thank. After the brunch a petite person named Anna/Ana/Anya with wonderfully colorful hair and is from Virginia, saw me crying (okay, sobbing) and my partner hugging me. She yelled across the road if I was okay, and immediately came over and hugged both of us. I gave her the same moxy cleaveland cabaret button I gave you. That was the sort of kindness I can’t explain to people who are not in this group. A beautiful stranger saw me and knew that i needed something so simple as camaraderie and support and gave it genuinely and willingly to both of us. Anna/Ana/Anya from Virginia, if you are in here somewhere, thank you for being who you are. Amanda thank you for being who you are I see you. Both of you. Thank you for seeing me. This past weekend was one of those core-memory life changing events I will never forget.

Len Tower Jr.

You should also ask after Anna/Ana/Anya on Amanda's forum, theshadowbox. Search for the topic "Dresden Dolls, Nov 2022, Woodstock, NY Need/Offer Ticket/Ride/Couch/Buddy/Info" -Len


Hello! Hi! I am the mouthbreather in Punk Cabaret yoga. The one that came to yoga without a ticket for any shows and was invited to the show that night, the Last Show of the weekend. I was repeatedly reminded at the show (to mutual delight) that I totally won the day on that one. I want to share a bit more of my story so we can all relive the magical high together. I’m trying to get to the part where I relive seeing the Dresden Dolls live for the first time, but the wins are so much sweeter in juxtaposition to the loooooosing streeeeeak that has been setting the tone all up in my life for a bit now; and, as my late great aunt CJ would say, the appropriate backstory is absolutely critical. The best listeners will find it charming. So, here it is. Lemme scale this out a bit. I am a human that lives an admittedly ridiculous bicoastal lifestyle in order to support my primal hordes in Oregon and Massachusetts. I identify as a climate activist, solo polygamist/relationship anarchist, Mad Scientist (I am a scientific observer aboard commercial fishing vessels, master of science, and have a basement lab for hobby science; the science of sustainability through personal wellness). The last few weeks the nature of all of my major emotional attachments have changed in rather explosive and traumatizing ways. My expectations for where I find “home” have been in ongoing flux for a few weeks. Wowza! We shall begin our story in earnest with the morning of Punk Cabaret Yoga! I made it in the door exactly on time. Noon on the button, thank you much. The magic began immediately. Before the door finished closing behind me, Amanda walked out from the studio and said something like “ok, you’re beautiful, once you get on a mat we’ll get started” and my mouth said some sort of thank you while my body moved through the motions of taking my shoes off, pulling out my travelers mat. I scoped out a spot next to a human with pastel pink-and-more-colors hair. I could honestly go on and on about the yoga itself. Yoga is a part of my habitual practice at home, but there is irreplicable healing power to being in a group. Sharing energy, sharing breath. That’s my shit right there. Emotional composting at its finest. We did a bit of get-to-know-ya activity, which I’m all about, and then Amanda Palmer picked the mat next to me for the yoga-ing. And that was that, folks, I won the day! No Additions Necessary. Worth the drive, what a delight. Stardust welling up in my eyes aside, I can not understate the benefit I got from the class. I was able to move my body in ways my body has been struggling to move (dat tree pose!) in the months since I sprained my ankle for my 30th birthday (did I mention I’ve been on a losing streak? Me and the rest of the world, I know.) and I do think it is the power of many energies coming together. Moar plz. The loving kindness meditation at the end was the restorative cherry atop the triple scoop wellness sunday. May we be safe. May we be happy (that one is hard for me to say so I know it is even more important that I say it). May we have ease of wellbeing. May we know that we are loved. My meditations. Her Meditations. Our Meditations. Amanda opened the floor for questions when the meditation was over. We shared knowledge. We shared gratitude. I asked if anyone else had come just for the yoga, no show ticket. Amanda said something to the effect of “oh, don’t worry about it, we’re getting you in” and then there was clapping and then I was crying for the third time that class. The next was a blur of hugs, meeting people,touching base with Stephanie Bryant about logistics, feeling enormous gratitude to Stephanie Bryant, Amanda, and all the unseen humans that got my name onto the list for the night, and settling into some different expectations for how my day, and night was going to play out. This was gonna be a good one, folks. Amanda mentioned she was glad she picked the spot next to me because I was -a breather-. I sho do get noisy for my wellness 😀 My airbnb was my minivan. Luckily, my minivan has been in tiny-home mode since the “Now is the Time we Shall Have the Divorce” (I am a solo polygamist and unmarried, but no less affected by the ongoing developments with my partners) conversation that is one of the exploding factors of my life, so I was packing sleeping pads, my ukulele ditch kit, Viggie Violet (my violet violin. The blue one in my patreon profile pic is named Amanda. I have four violins, and Viggie is the showboat for sure), sustainabubble, and a 55 gallon water tank I picked up marked "FREE" off the side of the road (like I was gonna pass that up for sleeping space, what are you, crazy?), so I wasn’t too worried about my real needs for the day, but HOW THE FUCK was I going to go to my first DRESDEN DOLLS show in my PAJAMA PANTS?!?! They weren’t even cool ones. (ok, maybe all pajama pants are actually cool) The whole thing could have been a dream, honestly; like I could have woken up in my bed at any time, black plaid pajama pants the only constant. But it was not a dream. I found a place to park and took Viggie Violet busking since I am very broke and was suddenly in need of HECKIN MERCH MONEY!!!! The magic of the day intensified and my tally of wins increased when not one, not two, but THREE hugs from unexpected friends came at me! I had the pleasure of meeting Ellia and Jeff of Charming Disaster in New Bedford a few months back when we played a Stove Boat house show (run by my partners). When they came walking towards me down the street it was one of those “oh look, a busker, how fun-WAIT WE KNOW THIS ONE” moments where we all realized we remembered each other at the same time. Hugs and laughter all around. I was graced with my third hug after I saw a devilishly handsome man walking up the other side of the street. Slick black suit. Immaculate salt and pepper hair and bear. A stellar black jeweled necklace to tie the whole look together. You play better when the scener is nice, ya know? So I’m playing my little heart out as this gentleman and his equally handsome companion stroll away from me. Suddenly, he turns around and yells over at me “wait, is your name KIM?” and I’m like “Yes? YES! IT IS!” He rushed across the street to me, and I can see it is one of the people in the gaggle I went with for my first Amanda Palmer show. We caught up for a bit, and he told me he plays with Brian Viglione sometimes now, so I’m not the only one winning in this story. Paul is a catch. Big win for Brian :). Recently acquired merch money in hand, I scuttle on to get in line for the Dresden Dolls show. My first Dresden Dolls show. The show I had convinced myself I wasn’t going to be able to see this time around since I fell asleep with the shadowbox account creation page open rather than all of the way creating an account and reaching out for ticket. The night reached out to me, instead. I asked in the way I could, and I was told I was enough. All of you held me. Thank you so much. You’re a beautiful community. I loved waiting in line in the drizzling rain with you guys. I would not trade the time for anything. Fucking making friends, man. Y’all are good friends to make. Stiltwalkers Betsy and Scott, Tiffany, Amir, Denise, Lindy, my reception line buddy Denise, Kate with the excellent floral tattoos; some people possible to recognize from the morning’s yoga, some faces entirely new to me. Now people I can enjoy thinking about seeing again and I think that is fucking fantastic. AND THEN FACEMELTING PUNK ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAahhhhhh man. I can’t throw more words at it. It won’t do it justice. What a PERFORMANCE! Good Day, Gravity, Astronaut, Ultima Esperanza, Delilah, and Sing all got me particularly feeling feels. It felt so good to FEEL the music. All together. The new one? Fuckin' a. When Amanda mentioned the divorce, and the crowd cheered, and she shrugged and said "its complicated" and someone shouted "WE LOVE YOU BOTH" and I sobbed motherfuckers because that just sums up so much of my life right now and I needed that moment. I needed that pain to be held in a group by a lot more bodies than just me. The pain that comes when we take the time to fully recognize we're not telling a story of villains and victims; we're survivors and sympathetic characters. FUUUUUUCK! After the show, I kept winning. So much win. I like this winning in particular because no one else -loses- at all, and in fact I was assured throughout the evening that my joy was hightening the experience, my joy became -our- joy. On recognizing my joy can become our joy, my joy becomes pure elation. My favorite tangible win of the night is that Brian Viglione wrote my violin’s name, Viggie Violet, on the back of my violin. Ever since my violet violin told me its name, which took some time, I will say, I have been dreaming Brian Viglione would sign the name on the back. It has been a desire my heart flutters to frequently, and then IT HAPPENED! I shall have to display it next to my Amanda autograph sometime. I will admit, I had been practicing saying “My violin’s name is Viggie Violet. Will you write Viggie Violet on the back of my violin?” since getting into the car after yoga and coming to terms with how I would be showing up to the show in my pajama pants. It was my mantra as I navigated the streets of woodstock. I had to practice it because I knew my brain was roughly the consistency of golden brown mashed potatoes, and if I did not practice I was liable to get to the front of the line and say aaabsolutely nothing. Viggie Violet’s name is worth voicing. And OH it was SO GOOD! Watching him light up and plot it out, the care in the execution, getting to hug about it afterwards. Ha-wow. OH so GOOD. Getting MORE AMANDA HUGS and to thank Amanda again for the tremendously lovely night, “of course, my mouthbreather” she holds my face in her palm. I am happy. I am held. As I’m collecting myself to leave, Manta asks if anyone wants the rest of this wine, and my mouth replies “Yes!” without any real input from the mashed potatoes cradled in my skull. I get to have some soulwarming conversation with Manta, and he signs my case. I share the last of the wine with Angel and the lovely individual to do with the chocolates whose name escapes me but who is a delight with which to share wine. I was able to wring out all possible last drops of mirth and merriment from the night with the gaggle conglomerating in front of the venue. There was some insistence that we should see how the instrument sounds now that it's been inked, and so we did. I had an absolute blast. It was so many of my favorite things all in one day. Thank you so much for being a place for so much. I love you. -Kims

Nikki D. May

I was at the first show and it was amazing! I've seen you solo three times before, but this was my first Dresden Dolls show - hopefully not my last! The highlight of my night was meeting you after, getting amazing hugs, and giving you a necklace I made right off my neck! I made a little reel from the photos my friend took: https://www.instagram.com/reel/Ck3xIBqJuae

Len Tower Jr.

Kim: I glad you has such a magic night. I suggest, if you wish, you share this on Amanda's forum, the shadowbox, & in her Official Facebook group. Many other fans would love the gift of your sharing your night. (Very few of us, even attempt to read all the comments on Patreon.) All the best with all the changes you & your loved ones are going through. -Len

Len Tower Jr.

Niki: I glad you had such a magic night. I suggest, if you wish, you share this on Amanda's forum, the shadowbox, & in her Official Facebook group. Many other fans would love the gift of you sharing your night. (Very few of us, even attempt to read all the comments on Patreon.) All the best! -Len


Write that piece and Thing it. For sure.


catching up on old posts and didn't realize you knew nathan!!! we used to be buds back when i lived in pensacola, i hope everything went great!