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Hi Everyone.

This is a joint statement from me and Neil.

Neil is posting this on his blog as well. (And I posted it over on mine, as this is a closed post). 

After many years of marriage, we have made the difficult decision to divorce. While we will no longer be partners in marriage, we will remain in one another’s lives as co-parents committed to raising our wonderful son in a loving and compassionate environment. We deeply appreciate everyone respecting our family’s privacy so we can focus on our son and entering this new chapter in our lives.





Love to you all, change can be difficult but doable ❤


Sending you all a lot of love ❤️


Sending love to all


Chiming in with my very own contribution to the great big pillow fort love pile we're all creating for you to fall on into. Much, much love to all three of you x


I'm so sorry. Being a fan of both of you, in my mind so different and so similar...I was enchanted by what very little I could glean of your relationship. And I endlessly respected your efforts to keep things private---and laughed (kindly) at the imagined the effort required to keep Amanda (share everything) quiet. But then I imagined that everyone requires some things kept private and I love that you worked it out. I love that you both get to love Ash and you will create the best for him. Yet, I wanted even more for you two and am sad. This too shall pass. You must have gratitude for what you have and forgiveness for what you don't. I have a failed marriage. Few things affect me more deeply. Again, my deepest condolences and wishes for much happiness for all three of you.


I am very sorry, I know how hard it is to co-parent. Sending much love and strength. Hugs


I was really saddened to read this. Not as some sort of weird judgement thing, I just felt sad *for* you both. It can be so hard to unbuild a relationship. Painful and profoundly difficult. It feels natural to build a life with someone you love. But doing the reverse is like pulling stitches out of your skin, heart, soul. Even when it’s the right thing to do it’s never easy or wanted. I hope you are finding joy in small things, and that joy in bigger things will come when you’re ready. Loads of love. Zx


Healing love to you all. Here’s to future days 💜🤗💜


All the love and hugs to you and your family.


Big hugs.

Barbarella (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-08 20:56:37 Just keep swimming. It's going to be okay. <3
2022-12-18 01:44:55 Just keep swimming. It's going to be okay. <3

Just keep swimming. It's going to be okay. <3