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Short story:



RSVP now and start asking and chatting.  


Long story:

Just a quick reminder that we are hosting an ALL-PATRON crowdcast tomorrow to celebrate, discuss, cry about, and otherwise compost and destroy and rebuild ourselves in the beautiful film/spoken word/music project that is “I Will Not Be Purified”. A thing that had no right to exist and pushed itself out into the world.

Sophie Strand - who wrote the text - and Holly Miranda, who crafted the film, will be at my house (YAY!!!) and we will crack a bottle of wine, read poems, answer questions, find resonances, and discuss the piece and what it means to you, to this moment, to all of us. 

You can RSVP now and start chatting with anyone who happens to be there on the cast, and leave questions or thoughts for me, Holly, or Sophie, in the Q&A area. Anything goes.

See many of you tomorrow.


If you haven't seen the film/project yet, oh....please do:


It's really powerful and beautiful.

It will never go viral. It's too weird. But I'm really proud that we made it, and it brought all three of us - all survivors of sexual assault - great joy and healing, for real. 

There isn't a huge marketplace for healing rape art, but hey. That's what this fucking patreon is for. The stuff that has no sale value but huge soul value.

If you missed the post about the making of the project, it's here:


Come be with us, keep us company, and share this moment.

We love you.





Aimsel Ponti

this sounds AMAZING. hate to miss it but off to sacred venue in Maine to see Paula Cole. hope to catch replay. xx

Laura Wellner

Oh no, the time is right when I'm doing barn chores. Perhaps I can stop in after I get back from putting my wee donkey and tinier goat to bed! Or maybe i can catch a replay?

Laura Payne

Beautiful film, such incredible art. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to join the Crowdcast today as I have a pending appointment at that exact time. Will definitely watch the replay though. I love you, Ms. Palmer. ❤️❤️❤️


I'm SO EXCITED about an all patreon webcast!! This is just what we need to connect and bond!!! <3

Laura Wellner

Thanks, Len - I might be late joining, my wee barn babies must be fed and put to bed. If I don't make it, I'll catch it on the replay.


SORRY. that “tomorrow” was a typo and it’s fixed. it’s TONIGHT! 5pm est friday.

And Steiner

Amanda please read my messages. I am desperate for help even an understanding ear. The abuse on queer/trans people in the Mass DMH system is out of control. There is a HUGE opportunity to get something done a bout it. I've already gotten the "VIP" commissioners magnifying glass on the situation on my own. Please I need support. I'm at Lemuel Shattuck. Floor 10S There is so much to this situation.


Finally got to listen to/watch this. Bravo, you beautiful artists! Thanks for sharing. This is the deep philosophy of my practice and I love how Sophie put it so eloquently in words. Let this be a catalyst for a new way of looking at healing. 💓💓💓


Sorry I can’t join this one but want to say again that I was blown away by this piece of art. Thank you to all the creators and especially Sophie for articulating so much so movingly. X

Michele Peters

This piece is so POWERFUL and still resonates with me so many days after its initial release on FB. I have the quote: "When was the last time you consulted the land for advice? When was the last time you sat in the woods at night without a flashlight? When was the last time you invited everyone to the table?" on a post-it note at my desk to remind me several times a day of its power. I wish I could join the event but, alas, I am in the Pacific Time Zone and still at work. Please, those of you who go, enjoy the hell out of it. I was in a virtual event recently with Sophie, and it was fabulous. Totally jealous y'all get Amanda and Holly, too.


regarding "There isn't a huge marketplace for healing rape art" that's true, but the other day I noticed someone did a video of your Blurred Lines mashup in American Sign Language--here's to accessibility for healing rape art: "https://youtu.be/31yRp0e3hcI" Blurred Lines/Rape me in ASL/PSE by Amanda Palmer & Reb Fountain


I just watched the video and then the webcast. I wasn't sure if I was ready for it, but it turned out I was. What a powerful piece of art. And great chat. Sorry I couldn't be there on the day


Thank you so much, Amanda, Sophie and Holly, it was a really inspiring and helpful conversation, and it was exactly what I needed at this moment.