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Well then.

There are now scalper stubhub tickets on sale for the upcoming Dresden Dolls shows for $3,372 a pair.

This makes me really sad.

Let me remind you that the band will eventually do bigger tours and everyone will be able to come music with us. You should get on the band’s mailing list.

Again, there’s like that 2% of my heart that get thrilled and ego-stroked that tickets for my band are this wanted.

But this also veers into the realm of horror when I look at what the band is going to earn from these shows (very little) and the fact that one scalper who took advantage of our relatively honor-based system could literally earn more than both members of the goddamn band, who are going to rehearse our asses off for two weeks and then soundcheck and perform nine hours of music over the course of three long days…just because they grabbed a dozen tickets and can now sell them for a kings ransom.

This scalper could - in all seriousness - make more money than the band and the crew combined.

This really hurts, because my band and my crew work really hard. We are good at our jobs. We deserve to get paid more than a clever scalper.

Lots of bands have tried lots of things to escape scalping. I remember a few years ago when NIN put tickets on sale IN PERSON. You literally had to go stand in line with your ID and get the goods in the flesh.

I talked to a local woman in Woodstock about a week ago and she was bemoaning the fact that she couldn’t get tickets…and then she texted me that she was just going to blow the thousand bucks on stubhub. She was thrilled. I was not.

I don’t think people understand how much it hurts, when you’re the musician, and you know the math.

Could I have squeezed her onto the guestlist and asked her to just give *me* that $1,000 in cash? Sure. Would I ever do that in a million years? No.

The band also could have sold ALL these Woodstock tickets for $300 each and they probably would have sold. But we didn’t want to gouge our community. We sometimes sell VIP tickets, but we have always, always tried to keep our general tickets really reasonably priced even when we knew we could make more money by charging more. Because FAIR.

There is really no way to fix this at the moment. These scalpers already bought these tickets and we cannot get them back. Our team looked into systems for the internal community to buy and resell tickets - and we will implement that when we eventually tour - but that doesn’t help us now.

These tickets on stubhub are VIP tickets; as evidenced by the fact that you get a merch package with the ticket. That means that either some scalper had to be on our mailing list, or some actual fan of ours decided that it was worth $3,372 to not see a band they love.

So many people are struggling right now. Me included. I haven’t been able to properly tour in a few years, because of the collision of mothering a young kid and pandemic, and belts are tightening all around the world. My patreon numbers are falling. The exit polls show that people are having to budget more tightly.

I wonder how much you’d have to bribe ME with to not attend these dolls shows.

Like, if someone just flat out offered me $5,836,386 in cash to cancel these three shows, would I do it?

Does everybody have a price?

More critically:

Will I ever go back to making posts about art, songwriting, and music?


I guess all I want to say is this: to whatever person is selling these tickets, I hope it’s worth it to you. It’s making me and my band sad, you’re taking advantage of some pretty nice people and pissing in a system based on kindness, and whatever you’re spending the profit on, I hope it’s not meth.

We will figure this out, my friends. Bear with us.

I just posted this to social media, and immediately got three text messages from pals who had extra tickets and were wondering what to do with them, and offered to sell them back to the band at face value.

YES. If you have tickets you want to sell back to us, we will take them and find them good homes. Email management@amandapalmer.net and we will sort it and thank you up and down.

Also, here’s a post about all the patron and extra dolls stuff you need to know (yoga! brunch! brigade!!) https://www.patreon.com/posts/73301948

There is also the shadowbox forum, where we have a thread going with housing, ticket trades, ride shares and all that.


And if you have or need tickets right here and now, feel free to comment below and find one another.






All, I want to highlight what happened to Pamela, is there a guarantee (through Stub Hub) that these are even actually real tickets? In Pamela's case they just took her money and ran, there was no ticket. Please don't buy outrageously priced tickets from someone you don't know. I'm actually more concerned about the more reasonable tickets in the few hundreds of dollars--don't buy those either. You can have my tickets if you're really thinking of spending thousands of dollars. The Dolls are going to be touring at a city near you in the near future, I'm sure. I can still enjoy a nice mini-vaca in Woodstock with y'all. Bottom line, the band and crew need to make a fair living wage, and fans buying tickets from scalpers is not going to help that happen. Maybe buy some merch instead this time around, if you can't find any tickets, or, like I said, you can have my tickets. I'm a new fan, never seen the Dolls live, and am not as invested as some of you old-timers. For the future tour, maybe there's a way to avoid booking regular venues that are going to charge an arm and a leg due to trying to recover from the pandemic. Could you get a tent or something, and a permit, in most bigger cities and towns? Anyway, scalpers are the worst. Fucking outrageous.


I upped my Patreon, people need to up their Patreon because really supporting the artist is very important


thanks Pamela, I do plan to go to at least one of the two shows I have a ticket for, probably both :) I'm just saying if someone truly can't wait, to the tune of hundreds and thousands of dollars, consider reaching out before spending that kind of money. because the band and crew will not see a dime of it, and what if there is no ticket? like, if it's someone's literal dying wish to see the Dolls, so they literally can't wait because they might die before then, take my ticket. I'm new to concerts and ticket buying so I'm not exactly sure what is going on, but my spidey senses are tingling. 🕷️

Grace Beaster

So sad to hear of this occurrence, especially within a community that is built on faith, love, trust and kindness. Good on you for laying out the math.


Urgh scalpers ☹️ NIN are still super tight on the trying not to let scalpers get tickets. I bought tickets to see NIN this year in the uk but unfortunately got covid before the gig (I’d been to a festival a week before). Obviously I was gutted! I tried to contact the venue, the ticket company - no one would give me a refund. The tickets were only available on my AXS app and the QR refreshed every 60 seconds - I couldn’t resell them - I couldn’t even give them away for free!! Good on Trent and co for making tickets impossible to transfer but also… there has to be another way! I had a genuine reason to not go! I could have gone to that show with covid, since I wasn’t getting my £70 back, and they don’t ask you, but I would have felt awful knowing I was spreading it around so I stayed home. Luckily hotel was refundable and train tickets weren’t yet purchased, so I only lost the price of the ticket.


Just watched a John Oliver video on youtube about ticket resellers, interesting. It strikes me that posting a blown-up price might be a convenience for the ticket reseller if they want to post the tickets all at once, but hold some of them until closer to the date to actually sell them. In other words, not many people could actually pay that much, so it's a way to post a bunch of tickets all at once but hold some of them for later by posting an out-of-reach price. They drop the price to a more reasonable amount when they actually want to sell them, closer to the date when people are more desperate and would pay more. The listing shown in Amanda's post is now only ~$675 today before fees (they're probably getting a lot of traffic after Amanda's post :). ). Anyway, it would be interesting to get the data on what the maximum actual price someone has really paid on these sites for tickets.

Holly Smith

You hope it’s not meth? Yikes.


Make tickets not transferable and ticket needs matching ID on entry. Limit number of tickets per person. Option to buy tickets determined by lottery. I can only imagine how frustrating this has to be. I don't miss spending Saturday mornings in long lines to department stores to buy tickets. But, at least it meant you had skin in the game to get a ticket.

Lindsay Rickman

Thank you for being real and raw in this post, and as always. So many people I care about work as independents, and I'm always trying to educate myself about the everyday-life things you guys are dealing with out there. Scalping truly is stealing from artists.


On this note: how do I offer my second ticket for NYE to another fan at face value?