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(patron-only post).

ah, facebook.

you know....i love you guys. i really do.

yesterday i posted this photo to twitter, tumblr and facebook, and said:


go back to germany in 1935 and tell paul klee, bertolt brecht and the other poets, musicians, painters and novelists that "politics" had nothing to do with their "real lives".

"life stories..."?  "things about my child...."?

these ARE the stories of my life.

if i thought that donald trump was going to have no effect on my life story...the story of my child...the story of my 300 million american brothers and sisters...i'd shut up. really i would.

it's a good time to drag this evergreen quote out:

"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Socialist.Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—  Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."

-from Martin Niemöller, 1892–1984, who was a prominent Protestant pastor / outspoken public foe of Adolf Hitler and spent the last seven years of Nazi rule in concentration camps.

are you ready to speak? are you ready to listen?

because it's about to get very, VERY loud.

and it must, because if we don't speak now, we will regret it.

love, amanda

(and to drive the point home....this was typed and cut and pasted while literally breastfeeding a baby.)


it was widely shared.



man, i love you guys.....here.

i'm stepping away from a house full of 22 people to just tell you that...i mean it, a lot. i stood in a silent room just now, i lit 100 candles, and i thought about how lucky i am to have this space to talk with you. it's a conversation i treasure.

since it's thanksgiving and family tensions across the land are high (i've been seeing people freaking on twitter and facebook about going home to their trumped-up, racist, homophobic relatives), i posted something on facebook this morning about how this was a good time, when breaking bread, to say less, listen more, stop and consider your words, try extra hard to be compassionate...family times are hard. 

that we're better off not yelling at each other.

i wound up getting yelled at on facebook.

you know what?

sometimes i just want to give up altogehter, saying anything.

it can be so exhausting, explaining yourself. worrying about being misunderstood. arguing. feeling like you'd be better off just saying nothing, posting nothing, looking at nothing. hiding. dying. giving up.

a half an hour after this post, i was like...why am i spending thanksgiving day argiung with a girl i've never met about trigger warnings? how'd this happen?

but, man. here we are. it's so important to find the way in.

i was about to say "we all have to live in this world together..." but i stopped and reconsidered. we all GET to live in this world together. it's insane - we are billions of unique mammals sharing this earth. it seems like it's getting harder every day to accept that it's a blessing, not a curse, that we all wound up here in the same place and the same time.

anyway, as i found myself (as i often do) defending myself and trying to explain myself (say "less" doesn't mean "say nothing", and all that)....i just found myself feeling incredible grateful that as twitter and facebook get taken over by the angry and angrier...i have this community, where people seem to want to actively be kind to one another, where we speak with love, where it isn't a fight to the top comment and it isn't a case of the angiest one winning the debate.

the internet itself and the way we communucate is changing every day...and i'm so glad i have this little haven to talk to my tribe (and i even like being wrong, and corrected.)

you guys are a wonderful family. a real one. i feel loved and understood here, and i appreciate it more every day. 

i give thanks to every last one of you...

i hope wherever you are, whether you're with family, or friends, or strangers or alone...somewhere in the woods of upstate new york, some dumb rock star truly loves you.


and here's what i posted earlier today on facebook . maybe it'll come in handy....


from the desk of WHY CANT WE ALL JUST GET ALONG. because it's thanksgiving in the states today, i'm seeing a lot of people on my feeds anxious about dealing with the politics of family and family differences in politics. a lot of people have to break bread today with people whose opinions drive them fucking crazy. 

it's a good time to remember that being *right* and *winning* isn't always preferable, and in the wise words of my beautiful and multitude-containing mentor, anthony: "say less." 

maybe make it a practice today not to interrupt somebody's rant (even if you think it's racist, misguided, harmful, trumpian speech). 

maybe make it a practice today not to argue or debate or win the point you know you can win, but instead to let your homophobic uncle (or whoever/whatever) fully express themselves, their anger, their fear, their hate...whatever. there can be an incredible poetry in saying less, especially when your opposition is getting their hackles up and is expecting you to interrupt at ever turn. 

silence is powerful.
not passive-aggressive, fuck-you, sit-there-rolling-your-eyes-with-your-arms-crossed silence. but real compassionate listening. everybody has their story. listen.

try it.

here is a helpful tool from our friend, the poet Rumi, who suggests that we use the three gates before saying anything. so before you're about to raise your voice with WTF over the potatoes, filter your speech through these three gates:

-is it true?

-is it necessary?

-is it kind?

if not...try not saying it. it'll at least be an interesting experiment.

the mantra. say less. hang up coat. say less. pour coffee. say less. go to bathroom. pee. say less. eat meal. cut pie. say less. listen more.

don't say nothing. but try saying less.

tell me how it goes. 



p.s. click through to comment. and if you need some goodnight moon, don't forget it's there for you:





Say your piece! Your die-hard fans are hard won & here to support you. If you start leaving politics out of it, what's next? Be you, & we love you for it <3


That you are of this world is one of things i love. Don't let the haters get you down.


As I get older, I realize that politics is incredibly important and is a part of life (and babies, et al) and we *should* speak about it! Polite company or not, I think we should all be able to talk about what's going on in the world today - in Canada, in the US, in Cuba, in Britain - everywhere, even if it's not the politics of the place you're living in. I'm Canadian, but care deeply about my friends and family in the US and the UK, particularly, right now, but also the rest of us living elsewhere. Even if you think what's going on in the world doesn't affect you (and I don't know how you can possibly think so, tbh) it does, even if it's indirectly, and also it affects *someone*. Do I know anyone affected by the Dakota Access Pipeline? No, but it affects the world we live in and the people we share this world with, which makes it important. We all need to care more about others and less about ourselves. We need to help and support each other, and speak out against the wrongs and injustices others face because as you quoted above, 'who will speak for me'? Anyway... me being long-winded here, but I am speaking out in support of your right to speak out about whatever you want to - there will always be someone who doesn't listen, and maybe, eventually we'll get through to them, but there are those of us who are listening and who will always want to listen, Amanda. Thank you. We love you. Keep being you and LET'S GET LOUD! All the love, Laura


I'm so SICK of these IDIOTS telling me to "Get Over It"! NO I WON'T "Get Over It"!! LIsten, I HATE politics, but this is WAY too fucked up to ignore!! I STILL haven't gotten over the 2000 so-called election! NO WAY am I going to "Get Over It"!!! Sheesh. Hillary WON the Popular Vote. Trump is a Megalomaniacal Misogynistic Festering Pile of Shit. Amanda, I adore you. THANK YOU for the Live Piano performance the other night! I enjoyed it on my phone in the car (my hubby was driving!) ♥♥♥♥

Amy Lillian Bone

It is impossible for art not to be influenced by one's thoughts and feelings, so how can you be a fan of an artist and not want to know how they feel and what they think? Dodgy politicians, and I'm not just talking about Trump, but politicians at every level, get away with the most outrageous stuff, by convincing people that politics is a bizarre and slightly dull aside to the real world that they need not connect with. Politics is life it's as simple as that. What we need to rebuild, however, is dialogue. That's why I love your post. You'll never convince anybody by shouting at them or calling them stupid. Listen to the other side, absolutely call them when they are out of order, but also look for ways to shift their opinions and don't disregard everything they say. And Amanda, keep sharing your thoughts we love 'em.

Laura Keenados

I love you. It's true, the holidays bring some serious monsters out of people... Just keep swimming. And breathing.

Michael Clark

Because you're not new to the compassionate empathy game, I imagine you've given yourself and (?Howell?) plenty of empathy. But a little more attempt at empathy in this world is a world with a bit more attempt at empathy, so sounds good to me. I wonder if this hurt to hear, or if you've been with people in this state so often that you immediately moved to curiosity for the commenter? I know voices of doubt amplified by others can get my adrenaline going, even when I'm feeling grounded. Just noticing the conflictedness that came up in others can be intense. I wonder if you'd enjoy hearing what came up for me hearing the circled comment? If yes, you or anyone, well here is some of it: To the commenter: I wonder if you feel overwhelmed by all the political talk, and you'd enjoy some ease, relaxation, and space where you can be at choice what kind of things you're exposed to? I am curious about your relationship to Amanda if you'd like to share. To you Amanda: I am so fucking glad you speak your heart and mind. Your voice is a breath of fresh air in this world, and my heart swells with gratitude for your vulnerability, honesty, and heart. And I agree, 'politics' matters. Life matters. What matters to you matters. And so does the commenter. And I love that you encourage people to speak up, even if that voice 'brings stuff up.' Love to you from me, my mom, Steph and Mia, and Andrew WK, and lots of others. (Today is his last day of his speaking tour, in Providence, Rhode Island.)


i'm late to this party (doing some catch-up on patreon, sitting down with my laptop, putting off writing my nanowrimo novel) but i spent thanksgiving alone with my partner. we made too much food, so we wrapped two plates to go, including home made apple pie and cool whip, and cutlery packs, and left them on the steps to the porch of a church in our neighborhood where a lot of folks sleep. it felt like an offering to the world to please be kind. i hope it works. i hope someone had dinner when they might not have. i hope they liked my cooking - it was my first time ever making a thanksgiving dinner by myself, instead of helping one of my grandmas, or aunts, or my mom, or my stepmom.


I too am thankful for the haven of good will and kindness that is Patreon, but ultimately you can’t please everyone, and as someone who believes that art can change minds and change the world, you have to know you’d be on the wrong track if everyone who enjoyed your art already agreed with everything you had to say with it. To change the world, you have to be willing to say things that not everyone agrees with, and even running the risk of occasionally doing that most dangerous of things these days: being wrong in public. Go Amanda! This is what doing meaningful work feels like. :)


I was reminded of this post while reading from the blog of John Scalzi. He has a couple additional points if you get a minute. <a href="http://whatever.scalzi.com/2016/12/01/hey-looks-like-its-time-once-again-for-me-to-talk-about-writing-on-politics/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://whatever.scalzi.com/2016/12/01/hey-looks-like-its-time-once-again-for-me-to-talk-about-writing-on-politics/</a>


Wow, that woman was a true piece of work. Just like she is free to express herself, so are you, especially as I think that was probably on your Official Patreon FB page. She obviously knows nothing about musicians and how political musicians and artists are. You go with your politics and fuck the haters. She can turn off notifications or choose not to read the post if she has issues with your politics.