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(patron-only post).

hello, my loves.

here's my little thanksgiving gift.

i recorded it last week in boulder, colorado, a few hours before the truck crash....with a little help from the people of twitter, who suggested all the "goodnights".

this isn't an official paid thing... it's just a present. some of the other songs from the session will be eventually thing'd. this one just...is.

listen with headphones for maximum feels.

here's a download link so you can keep it forever:  



if you want to share it on the internetz:

on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcH44P33Uzc&t=110s 

on soundcould: https://soundcloud.com/amandapalmer/goodnight-moon/s-d3Z7i 




i love you.




1. if you're a patron and reading this in EMAIL, click through to see/post comments. i'm always reading. and please press the heart button to indicate you've read a post. 

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon:http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things/

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland/

4. AFP-patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer:patronhelp@amandapalmer.net


goodnight moon diary: november 17th, 2016

thank you to all the people of twitter who suggested things to say goodnight to. i love you. join the patreon: https://www.patreon.com/amandapalmer



From now on Im going to bed with this on a loop. Thank you so much for the gift.


Oh, Amanda... When I started listening to this, lying in bed in the dark on Wednesday night, my first thought was AHHHH, I'm going to listen to this every night to help me fall asleep. And then you got to "Goodnight, Hillary" and my eyes welled with tears. And by "Goodnight, America" I was sobbing into my pillow. And I realized it was the first time I've cried since the election. I've ranted and raged, I've lived with gut-twisting anxiety all these 17 days (has it really only been 17 days???), but I hadn't cried... and I really needed to. So, thank you. This is the best gift I could possibly have received right now.




You are such a sweetheart! Goodmorning. X (life has been so busy & delightful & tender & sexy). How was Thanksgiving? I am preparing for Family over the holiday period, which lasts until February in the Southern Hemisphere. arrggh... Much Love, t


I made it to "a goodnight hug and a goodnight kiss" before I felt the familiar throat lump and the stinging around my bottom eye lids. Why did that line, of all of these beautiful combinations of words, hit me so hard? In any case, this was the perfect end to the weekend. Thank you and goodnight! X and goodnight O


Thank you, it is lovely.

Michael Clark

AFP Service Announcement: the Tweet you may still be holding onto was intended for Kait Moon. I think of her often whenever I think of the Moon. I think you met her(again?) at the Chicago gig. She is mother of four, with a heart that shines the light in the dark. Living in Milwaukee ("the good land"). I met her at the Coney Island gig beforehand and just hugged her so hard and cried with her and swelled with idiot joy and gratitude, wanting to shoot you with gratitude: "Do you see what you helped do Amanda!?" Apparently we're somewhere on the livecast dancing together. If I can gather my wits, I hope to go see her sometime this winter. p.s. If you ever want to make an all piano instrumental anything, I'd love that. p.p.s Cuba!


i moved to denver in august (first time entirely on my own) and i haven't gotten a goodnight hug or kiss from my mom since then. so thank you for giving me one with that song. i love you a lot amanda. i see you. thank you.


Listening to this at 10 in the morning because it's been a rough week and I didn't know what to expect, but this five-minute recording has me in tears because it's just so comforting. When I was smaller, before things in my little family unit went to hell, we used to do this - read goodnight moon and then say goodnight to everything. I'd missed that, and this recording brought it all back. Thank you, Amanda. You're amazing.


I teach preschool so sometimes I read Goodnight Moon to my students and now everytime it makes it want to cry a bit...


I love this so much! thank you!


Who are you and how do you always know? Gratitude. So much gratitude for you and your generous and wise heart that touches mine right where it needs it the most.