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i just talked on the phone
to a friend
who’s about to go have drinks
with a friend
whose wife just found out
she has a rare form
of incurable cancer
five months to live.

we weren’t on the phone
to talk about death.
we were on the phone
to talk about work
and touring
and who can
my band
in the states.

but then
the news of this stranger
and her dying

cut into the
placid lake
of my night


he told me
she will leave him with
their two small children.

and i see him

her husband
-my friends friend-
who my friend tells me
runs a company
that invents and manufactures
synthetic sponges
that clean up
oil spills.

and on the side
he saves and salvages
boats that are in danger
of sinking into the harbor.

he hasn’t stopped working
at all
my friend said.

he’s in shock
i said.

i think to myself
what a wonderful world
what a terrible world

they will
go to sleep somewhere
in a bed
with her tumor body
a ticking ship’s sinking clock

with the daily business rattling in his head
thinking about
his task of cleaning the perpetual mess of a death-fanged and careless world
as the kids sleep soundly in
the next room
(how am i going to take care of these children without her.
without her. without her)

lies beside him
like an accordion
like a sinking vessel
like an oil spill
like a whole pacific ocean
that nothing he can ever invent
will ever
be able
to salvage

p.s. you all inspire me to write

column tomorrow, althing on friday

i love you




I didn't need to cry this morning. Thank you anyway.

Abby Lee

Goddamn it. This world is hell. Why only for some and not others? That random shit scares me.

Wendy S. Katz

Heartbreakingly beautifully heartbreaking. And what an amazing photo.


I just recently started losing people, to truly feel the loss of people. I really appreciate this post.


This made my heart ache a familiar ache, yet unknown too. And I pray I shall never know it. Nor you. Nor any of the many kind, whole, full-hearted people in this sometimes cruel, cruel, ache-filled world. Sigh. Thank you, Amanda. 💔❤️‍🩹

Janet in Georgia

This brought tears to my eyes as I read it trying to rid myself of an ocular migraine. The colors are beautiful through those painful words I was reading. It made me weep. I love you ❤️

Grace Beaster

This is an amazing poem, and I felt like I could hear you singing it, the piano too. Remain open. The world needs more ears and attention. Sinking.


“The perpetual mess of a death-fanged and careless world” thank you, beauty 🖤🖤🖤

Issa Rodri

love you too, Amanda.


Catching up on posts, instant tears, in this death-fanged and careless world. Grateful that there are poetry-mouthed and caring humans in it.