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(public post)

hallo loves.

i first discovered antony & the johnsons in my mid-early twenties when she (then he) was playing tiny little venues. i got to see the whole original band play for about 100 people in boston and it was transcendant. antony is anohni now, and has risen like the shooting star we could all see coming miles ago. (if you're new to her music, oh my GOOD LORD you're in for a treat. start here and go forever. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qkfAc_6dv0. i heavily recommend the albums "the crying light" and "i am a bird now". both endlessly stunning and emotional. you're welcome. on that note: i once covered "hope there's someone" and a cursory search of the internet led me to the discovery of a mystery mp3 download of it... http://mp3pn.biz/song/53082942/Amanda_Palmer_-_Hope_There_s_Someone/ from where or when i have no idea.)


reading this interview is fucking depressing, but then again, also inspiring and really, highly recommended.

if you're a patron here, please read it.


and if you you skipped it...to summarize, anohni took the road to work with apple (where else, she asks in the article, are you going to get huge budgets to make huge arty videos?) and really regretted it. nobody got paid, the stranglehold and the trade just wasn't worth it. and now apple owns everything.

here's a quote from anohni if you skipped the link:

"Musicians have been stripped of the ability to effectively sell our music as an object. Now we are being herded into all these shady situations. So, now, say the focus of your music is social justice—social justice becomes a big part of your ‘brand.’ You do some TV shows and get lots of followers on Twitter. As soon as you have enough followers, the corporations come knocking to rent out your brand, which they then turn around and use as a pheromone to sell their products. You use that money to make a music video and pay your recording costs."

this is why i left my label.

and this is why i have this patreon.

this is why, for just a moment, we should pull away a few hundred miles or so from the planet and look at the bigger picture of the music industry right now: the fact that i've managed to amass almost 9,000 of you crazy fuckers and NEVER HAVE TO MAKE THAT DIFFICULT DECISION AGAIN is really, truly a miraculous thing. so pat yourselves lovingly on the back and hug me, and each other, and breathe a sigh of relief. 

THERE IS ANOTHER WAY, and for now, we've found it.

that being said...it is still so tempting when apple, or whoever (insert giant corporation X) comes by and says: but we will help you find people! we will help you find your tribe! sign here on the dotted line and give us your content and we will throw it to the universal wind like a million dandelion seeds!  

i used to be so much more tempted by that, and i still  find myself navigating the difficult tightrope walk between feeling like i'm working in a fan-cave to a group of converts and continuing to chip away at the life-long work of growing an audience, of finding the people out there who might love this strange music and art i make but just haven't come across it yet. 

it's a good time to remind you that even though it seems like i have a large media presence, not a lot of people hear my music unless it's passed from hand to hand. it's one thing i find astounding about being in vienna and berlin - i'm actually played on the radio in these parts all the time. it means that people know the music, the songs. they don't just know me as That TED Talk Internet Girl. and they come in greater numbers when i play live. i sold out a 1,400-seat venue in berlin with ease. by contrast, in toronto, i'm still struggling to get past the 600-ticket mark for my upcoming show (friday 11/11). radio airplay and mass media support do, indeed, make a difference. i wish they didn't, so much. i wish content just floated to the top.

that being said: you guys are my 9,000 bullhorns. you might not think it makes a difference when you share my content, but it really does. 9,000 people sending an email to a friend, or making a facebook post, or tweeting out a link to a video i've made winds up stacking up as tall as the radio transmission towers of old.

there are times when i come to you PLEADING to share things (tour dates, huge project releases) but if you really want to know what you can do to help...just make it habit to share the content you think is good. if a song comes out, or a video, or whatever, and it delights you, SHARE IT. share with with WHOEVER, HOWEVER. 

that sort of mentality is what will work and is also how we can lay the ground for other artists like Anohni to pluck up the courage to dismiss the apples of the world and reach out to the true art patrons of the world and go it alone.

i think i've finally convinced jherek bischoff to start a patreon, by the way, stay tuned.

and re: anohni....i'm going to write her an email, since we know each other (just barely) from back in the boston art days. if i can convince her, come rushing in and waving support. i've given up on morrissey. forget it.

OH and while we're on the subject of patreon-forward news...bryony kimmings just started up a patreon: 


especially if you're in the UK/london or part of fringe-y theater world, you know that bryony kimmings is one of the most balls-out and brave theater-makers of our time. she makes profound theater pieces about really relevant themes: violence, childhood, cancer, she's a real truth-digger.

when i saw her show "credible likeable superstar role model" at the soho theater i was floored and in tears and wanted to applaud for an hour. she's on patreon to help make ends meet (theater DOESN'T PAY THAT WELL, who knew).

i just signed up to support her, THEATER GEEKS UNITE and support her, too. she's just a beautiful human and art-maker. (and maaaaybe, we will make a THING together??). link again: https://www.patreon.com/bryonykimmings. the people in the best position to support other patreon-users is YOU, since you already have accounts. i know she'd be thrilled if even 5 or 10 people went over to support her, so go.

that's it for now....off to play in KÖLN. (and ALL THE PATRON GUESTLIST TICKETS GOT SNATCHED UP!!! go see that thread, hooray, see all you lucky grabbers tonight).



-----------THE NEVER-ENDING AS ALWAYS-----------

1. if you're a patron and reading this in EMAIL, click through to see/post comments! i'm always reading.

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things/

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland/

4. AFP-patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer:



Anohni Slams Streaming Services, Regrets Selling "Drone Bomb Me" to Apple Music

Anohni has slammed Apple and decried the necessity of artist partnerships with multinational corporations in a new interview with the Creative Independent (a new website headed by former Pitchfork editor Brandon Stosuy, who conducted the interview). "The income streams of musicians have all been upstreamed into the pockets of computer corporations," she said.



I just found you in May. I'm now a patron and a regular sharer of your work, online and in person. My friends all know how much I love you, and I share specific songs with them when they are going through stuff. I recently evangelized through song (Ukulele Anthem + a plug for The Art of Asking) to 60 colleagues at a work event. I'm bringing 5 people with me to your Chicago concert, and have even played your music for my therapist. I've been a busy little churchmouse. In other words, I was completely unaware of this fan-bubble mere months ago, and now I'm on the inside and bringing new people in! Growth is happening.

Deniz Bevan

I did it! Happy to support Bryony!


I would love to, if Bryony had a lower pledge level... I might throw in 1 or 2 dollars to see her stuff after Amanda's recommendation but 5 is just too much for someone I don't know. Just a thought :)


*wraps arms around all patreonauts*. Rest assured, we do recruit you know? Like Daryl and Aaron from The Walking Dead, when we leave the walls if we find another lost soul we offer them sanctuary here. Just sayin! ;) \I/


Hiya, first time commenter - long time lurker. Wanted to let you know I checked out Anohni - 'I grow back like a starfish' seems very apt here, and just patron-ed (!?) Bryony. Love and light and all the best vibes. xxx


You can absolutely click the 'no reward' and put in 1 dollar if you want to. AFAIK this will still at least give access to patreon only blog posts, and imo worth it.


you aren't really played much on radio in Australia, at least not as much anymore and definitely not on commercial radio, yet your Australian audience remains healthy. I don't think it even was the radio that did much for you. Yes radio definitely helped the dolls reach an audience, but you solo and with GTO, that was something else.


Thank you, Amanda, for the epic gig in Cologne last night ... after Edinburgh my second gig on this tour in 8 days and thanks to the missing curfew another step up. Loved the Delilah version with Whitney. What is her band called? This gig was so worth the travel from Frankfurt and a 3-hrs-sleep night.


Yup. Never heard of Anohni until this morning when I read your email. I've spent the entire day listening to her. This music is such a gift. Wow, and thanks!


We just picked up I Am A Bird Now after reading this upon seeing a copy of it in the wild. Didn't realize until it started playing that I already recognize Anohni from her guest vocal on one of my favorite CocoRosie songs, Beautiful Boyz: <a href="http://youtu.be/sVh3WQtx_pw" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://youtu.be/sVh3WQtx_pw</a>


Dear Amanda, It's been brought to my attention that perhaps the slow ticket sales in Toronto can be attributed to your past affiliation with Jian Ghomeshi. Please be patient with us. The trial is still fresh for many. Toronto loves you; we just heal slowly. Nicki Fucking Iskander www.nickirmt.com


I read the full article. Thx for posting despite the fact that it made me quite depressed. It makes what u do so much more sparkling, hopefully so bright that other artists overcome their fear of freedom, leave their seemingly cozy world of labels and sugarcoating behind to step towards a more direct form of communication.


I teach English and Social Studies to middle school aged kids in the inner city of Buffalo. Whenever I can, I base my curriculum around your songs to illustrate literary terms as well as Social Issues. Neil's work chronically disappears forever off my book shelf (including school class sets of Fortunately the Milk, The Graveyard Book, and The Sleeper and the Spindle). They love it and get so excited when they see your names on the agenda for the day. I just want you to know that there is a very loyal following of younger kids that eagerly await whatever you two put out (that I am able to share without getting phone calls). They aren't old enough to subscribe to a Patreon, but I have a feeling that they will when they come of age. They tend to go home and spread what they learned or talked about to parents and older siblings. I plan on being in Albany to see you in a few days, and I hope that I finally get to meet you in person! Until then, all of us here can't wait to see what comes next out of your family.