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(public post)

hallo loves, ich liebe euch.

i am trying to write this post while a manic baby is flushing various things from my suitcase down the toilet in my hotel room in cologne. so far he has achieved some really creative choices, including the flowers that i wear in my hair on stage.  my mother tells me that when i was his age i used to do this exact same thing in our apartment in new york and that once, having flushed a whole tennis ball down the toilet, she had to fetch the superintendent and the entire building got their water shut off while he fished it out. i'm glad the cycle of life is in order.

whitney, justine and i just hit the tour wall. it never fails. two weeks in, and your body and brain just give up and start giving you the finger. it didn't help that Air Berlin yesterday seemed to have a Hatred For Babies policy. at some point when i have time (which means probably never) i'll write a bit about what it's like to travel with a baby across various borders. not all countries are the same, and not all airlines are the same, it's really interesting. if you follow my twitter feed, you may have noticed that delta kicked us out of their new york lounge. they apologized. but still, having a baby in transit does make you a weird kind of second-class citizen, and it can be really hard. when it's already hard to begin with. and then some places just rock (like the amsterdam airport, where they let us to the front of the line because we had a child, or the vienna airport, which has an ENTIRE TWO-STORY PSYCHEDELIC AMUSEMENT PARK FOR CHILDREN.) the slog continues.

IN HAPPY NEWS.... the show  in berlin slayed. the post photo is a still from the show....1400 people, totally sold out, and i went on for three and a half fecking hours. take that, bruce.  i signed for a good while at the end of the night and was just melted in a puddle of happiness.

 one german reviewer said the show was amazing but also said i didn't seem to know when to stop. this is incorrect. i knew when to stop. it was time to stop after three and half hours. three and half hours was about the time it took to do what i wanted to do. 

it is clear to me: i like being on tour solo. i really like taking requests. i really like trying to play songs i've forgotten. i really like telling stories about the songs. there's usually not time to do that. 

i chatted about the patreon from stage and a good number of you were there, and i love you, AND i hope there are some new berliners on board, if you just came over, HALLO. i'm hoping to spend more time in berlin for various new projects...and you guys will make a wonderful family.


we put up a live broadcast of the berlin show on periscope with the help of our pal sven (some of you may remember sven saving the day way back when the icelandic ashcloud of doom erupted during the european evelyn evelyn tour. he's amazing.)

 for those of you who missed the live feed, you can watch the archive in four parts HERE: https://www.periscope.tv/amandapalmer/

---GEMA NEWS!!!!!---

in NERD NEWS, for ALL GERMANS TO CELEBRATE....do you know how i'm always posting vimeo links for the germans, since they can't watch things on youtube?

well, right before i hit the stage last night some big news came out from youtube announcing their agreement with the german rights organization GEMA to allow people in germany to watch videos on youtube that contain music..... INCLUDING MUSIC VIDEOS. this is big if you're in germany, as you know, because for the last several years GEMA has been blocking music. so hooray.... MUSIC< YOU ARE FREE. at least a little bit more. 


so to celebrate i share with you a very silly video (AUF DEUTSH) captured last night from the berlin show, filmed by david franklin on youtube FOR ALL.  genießen !!

it's also a nice look at the crowd in berlin.

watch here:




now, time for another patron guest list giveaway.....the cologne show is SOLD OUT and has been for ages....and we have sone guestlist spots!

so, IF YOU ARE IN KÖLN AND NEED TICKETS to tomorrow's show at kantine: i have about 4 tickets to give out  to PATRONS ONLY....all spots have a +1, which means you can bring a friend, a lover, your opa, your oma, whoever. here's how it will work.... i will post a comment below, the first five people who reply to my comment thread with their FULL REAL NAME (don't forget that) will be added to the list. use the comment thread to enter, reply clicking the left arrow under my comment. 

got it? JA. i'll check back and confirm the names by no later than 3:30 today. BUT obviously, using our spangly new system, if you comment in the thread first, you're guaranteed, so go ahead and plan your night/travel. once all the spots are claimed, they're gone. you'll be on the door list, show starts at 8pm. 

bring ID to will call!

as a reminder....this is a public post but only patrons can comment.


that's it....

i love you guys.



p.s. in protest to the fact that i made this entire post without paying him much attention, the baby just helpfully put a bunch of my bobby pins into his applesauce. a true work of dadaism. i'm admiring it.

---------AS ALWAYS....-----------

1. see All the Things i've made so far: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things/

2. join the official AFP patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland/

3. AFP-patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer:




Dear Amanda! Totally looking forward to your show tonight. Thanks for the report from Berlin (my old home town), that sounds so promising. You talked about taking requests. I got one! When I saw you in Edinburgh a while ago you played "Look Mummy, no hands" which was one of the most beautiful moments I ever experienced in a live show, especially with all that Spiegeltent magic. Also, I'm a big fan of Dillie Kean and this rendition of the song was just too perfect. It would be great to hear it tonight, when bringing my boyfriend to his first concert of yours. Thank you! :* All the best for tonight. Hannes


It's getting close to the Toronto gig. It's getting close to my first time meeting you. But I'm concerned. Concerned that ticket sales has left you feeling less motivated to preform. I don't know what's wrong with this place. I wish art still dominated. Not made to sell, radio garbage. I'm excited to watch you play your music. I'm just afraid of being disappointed because you may be disappointed in us.


The GEMA news is fantastic, for how ever long it lasts, It's been annoying and not just a little bit to have a video link, and just because it had maybe 20 seconds of music it was blocked. GEMA lives solidly in the Past and is having a hard time, even with things like Pandora or Spotify. This is brilliant news as an British Ex-Pat living in Germany. Und Danke für die kleine Kitch Schloß Lied, Ich hab es wirklich genossen :-D


One time I threw an entire bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken (as well as the mashed potatoes and biscuits) into the toilet because my mother was on the phone for too long and I felt ignored. 25 was a difficult year for me.


I'm sure you don't need any parenting tips, but just in case you do: when we traveled with our toddler, we discovered that having a roll of that blue 2 inch painter's tape was essential for all sorts of temporary child-proofing of hotel rooms and rental houses. And it also doubled as an indestructible toy.


Hullo Amanda! DANKE für das wunderbare Konzert in Berlin! I'm really , really looking forward to you Berlin plans with a all-german album or a Dresden Dolls reunion or both! We're here for you, always! Schöne Grüße aus München &lt;3


Hallo Hannes! Hast du jetzt ein Plus One für _den_ Georg Uecker bekommen?! Falls ja, sag ihm doch bitte schöne Grüße und ich hoffe, es geht ihm gut! (Und wie toll, dass er auch die Amanada mag!) Liebe Grüße aus München!


Danke! Thanks! Gracias!


I can't speak for Amanda but I doubt you have anything to fear. She cares. You care. If you show up, why would she be disappointed? x


I am too tired to say more at 5 a.m. but this article ties in perfectly with Ash's little art project and The Thing About [Nice] Things and I think you and Neil may enjoy reading it. <a href="http://www.slate.com/articles/life/low_concept/2016/11/why_your_kids_break_every_nice_thing_in_your_house_revealed.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.slate.com/articles/life/low_concept/2016/11/why_your_kids_break_every_nice_thing_in_your_house_revealed.html</a> P.S. I hope you found some new flowers or similar!


Thank you for the amazing show in Berlin. It was an amazing experience I was lucky to share with a bunch of random fans I connected with through (I know, I know..) FB. You rocked.


I wish I spoke German!


The memories of your show in Berlin still brightens up my day. Thank you, dear Amanda!