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(patron-only post)

hello my loves.....

back after 4 days of delicious offline babytimes in the woods. we visited the spot where ash was born and communed with our community down in tennesee and celebrated his 1st year of life in style. there was naked swimming and many walks in the woods, as it should be. 

i'm scrambling to catch up as usual but wanted to fill you in on some random juicy bits:

attached is the cover for Under The Radar's "protest issue", and yours truly graces the cover. (more stills are here, if you want to see me naked). on newsstands now, includes an interview about feminism and the music biz.

i also wanted to take a moment to steer you towards a new record made by a hero of mine, gaba kulka. she's a polish songwriter that i've admired for a great many years (she's opened for me in poland, but she's a big deal over there on her own) and her new album includes a song called "alright, amanda" that made be kvell. here's the whole album: http://music.gabakulka.com/releases. she's just so awesome. 

and if you love that, check out her album "Hat, Rabbit", http://music.gabakulka.com/album/hat-rabbit the one that sold me on her. she's got a better grasp of the english language than I DO and her songs are just phenomenally weird. your'e welcome. 

(and tell her i sent you). 


has anyone been to any of the legendary pink dots shows yet? i know the tour just started. anybody else going? tell me.


question: how do you guys feel about the same song being used for two separate music videos? because this may well be happening. arm me with opinions.


i'm going into the recording studio tomorrow for six days.

i'll tell you why in a moment.

there's more, always.

i'm lost.

i love you.



P.P.S. click through the comment. i'm reading. hi.

P.P.S. and a quickie note just for the $5+ patrons:....
just wanted to update you on the promised dresden-dolls-y download surprise: we want to send everyone full audio of the dresden dolls set from coney island. we had hoped to do this shortly after the webcast went live but ran into audio issues which have caused a delay. we want this to sound AMAZING so we appreciate your patience as we put the finishing touches on it. soon. if you're not a $5 patron, and you up yourself, you'll get this. bam.




Walk Off the Earth did the two videos, one song thing. I love them both.


A thing I would like... Would be a record called something like...Amanda Palmer & Friends, The Score. It would be a collection of songs stripped of the vocals so we can really hear the music. The clashing sound of chords in Straight and the dancing fun of Formidable Marinade are in my ear today but I have to strain to hear through your voice and mine as I sing loudly in the car!!! I would buy all of your albums over again, oh tone-less-amanda😀 your music truly captures the essence of deep feeling. ❤️🎶(yes I looove your voice also)


No one's ever lost forever ❤️


Thank you for introducing me to Gaba Kulka, I'm in love! And as always, much love to you. <3


nearly halfway through the first Gaba Kulka song and i already love her! thank you Amanda and happy late birthday to Ash!


Going to the Dots in BK!!! :D


so excited for the Dresden Dolls download and so many birthday wishes to Ash!!!!


super ok to same song being used for two separate music videos. i'm loving Gaba Kulka!




I think using the same thing for two different music videos is ok - but to be released as one thing perhaps, not as two seperate things, Even though they're two seperate pieces of art, they are birthed from the same idea...


Amanda, I love that you support other artists. I was sad to recently discover Jordan Reyne, a very talented musician, and then learn she appears to be quitting the music industry after 25 yrs due to difficulties of reaching live audiences, etc. I don't know enough of her story, but wish she had the kind of relative ease and support you have worked hard to create for yourself. She's playing her last few gigs in Germany, I believe, in October. If you don't know about her, though I'm guessing you might. You seem to know everybody!


Love you too.