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hey all

here's a little NYC-street voice-ramble, for all patrons. recorded on mott st in the village.

i tend to send these more to the $5+ folks, but this is....i dunno, feels like an everybody-moment if ever there was one.

god it's good to be home.

i'm exhausted, overwhelmed, but mostly insanely happy.

i can't get the grin off my face.

hello, manhattan island, beautiful messy island where i was born.

i’ve been seeing other islands, it’s true, but you’re still my first love.

it has been two years and tenth months since i stood on american soil.

(not that the soil of the lower east side particularly soil-y. but whatever.)

hello everyone in americaland.

we are back.

ash is totally fine with everything, wherever, as long as he has a book to read and lego to lego. but in all seriousness, he's thrilled to be back. i think we're both just sort of stunned and taking it all in. 

he's really into beano at the moment.

i can tell you this much as a first impression: i've seen more public arguments (like, people in the street, or in a shop, or at the airport, or wherever...) in america in the last few days than i witnessed the entire two years i was in new zealand. damn, it's aggro. but also, i don't think this is pandemic-only. i think it was always thus, just volume knobs twiddled a little more to the left and right.

dude, i went into a starbucks by the side of the highway on our drive home to get an iced coffee and two people - employees no less - were practically about to punch each other. it was ... weird and sad.

is it just me? or is this a Thing?

someone asked me about the smells. 

the smells are bigger than i imagined.

the smells are SO different. it was the first thing ash noticed about NYC. (i taught him about garbage strikes!). 

new zealand is remarkably clean compared to this joint.

but flipside, i walked into the house in woodstock and smelled the old wooden stairs and rugs and the perfumes of bursting summer oaks and maples and pines and the other various aromas that only come with a creaky old house in new england/upstate new york and practically died of happiness.

 new zealand had some old buildings, but not like this.

 god i’ve missed those smells.


welcome home, me.

i love you, all you.

how is everyone doing?

i still don't have covid (yet).

upstate new york: get ready for picnics. we gotta do some. serious.





Laura Morland

Thank you SO MUCH, Amanda, for this report on your culture shock: Loud people! TRASH in the alleys! Woo-hoo!

Laura Morland

P.S. NYC has that same effect on me, and I've never been able to spend more than a few weeks there. Manhattan is à magnificent, magical island.


Welcome back. I am looking forward to getting away this summer! As a complete side note. If Ash likes Legos, and wants them everywhere - these items might help: LEGO Gadgets (Klutz Science/STEM Activity Kit) https://smile.amazon.com/Klutz-Lego-Gadgets/dp/1338219634/ref=sr_1_2?keywords=lego+contraptions&qid=1654906806&sprefix=lego+contraptio%2Caps%2C438&sr=8-2 Lay-n-Go 2-in-1 Portable Drawstring Toys Storage Organizer and Play Mat https://smile.amazon.com/Lay-n-Go-LITE-Mini-Activity-18-Inch/dp/B007JT7GKW?ref_=ast_sto_dp&th=1&psc=1 I have traveled miles and miles with these two things with my son who loves Legos to this day (he is 13, almost 14 years old). Granted these days his iPad / cell phone provide some serious competition for the Legos.


You asked how we were. I'm a bit exhausted. I cleaned the house today, and I'm exhausted. I do this once a week, and it never stops 😔


I'm also happy. My daughter will fly to Egypt in two weeks, together with Dad. Her first flight, and her first holiday. The last years she was camping with dad at the Northern Sea, but never with plane and never very warm. I'm so excited for her ❤❤😍


I'm happy that you are happy ❤


I wish you a good time, back home ❤❤ with Ash and Neil ❤


I hope you're able to take it easier today. <3

Gabrielle Senza

Welcome back, love! It’s so good to have you home again. The Berkshire air has been magnificent these last couple of days - and the trees so verdant! Enjoy all the smells. And come visit my studio on Railroad Street if you ever get over to Great Barrington. 💋 I just gave a copy of your book to a friend - and am realizing right now as I’m writing this, that I must read it again, given I’m feeling so much anxiety about asking patrons to start supporting me at a higher level so I can actualize some really big new projects! 😻 As a Lakota Elder once said, “The timing is perfect because the timing belongs to the Universe.”


Thankyou for the ramble - the soundscape is so different!! It is great to hear the smile in your heart. So glad you made it back where you feel at home. You make so many people I know so happy, it is nice to think of you being embraced by your comfort place. ❤️❤️❤️


Hello you! Welcome home. We're buying a 102 year old house now. Life never ceases to be interesting.


Welcome back! So willing to drive to NY for some picnics, I'll make some bread (it's home made and its so good). Yeah, might be an hour and a half drive but FUCK ITTT


Not a current resident, but NYC is my love, and we missed you too, boo