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hey loves

drowning in emotion - mostly overwhelming happiness - finally making my way home-home after some detours, and lots to say, soon, but meanwhile …. aghhhhhhhhh

i got to hug brian.

oh. my. god.

(photo by katy)

four years separated, due to all the painful circumstances probably nobody would care to discuss. we are all so mangled and survived.

and now, reunited in love and friendship and the eternal bonds of the punk cabaret.

everybody say hi to Brian Viglione of The Dresden Dolls, my long lost drummer friend brother musician mate.

here we are.

the band is getting back together, dudes. we are gonna make electrically flaming new dolls music, record it, and tour…everywhere.

we have endured shit you would not believe, and therefore our band will be 10000x more powerful.

it’s gonna take time. i’m moderately traumatized - i don’t say that in jest - by things that have happened over the past few years. i need a lot of time to recover. than i can work from peak condition. gimme a goddamn sec. breeeeeeaaaatheeee!!!!

(photo: kelly davidson)

our eyes were always exactly the same color, and so were our souls. we are slightly more wrinkled, but like a velvet gown, it looks good on us. we are real. we are so real.

we have all the insight and patience and clarity of old people but we aren’t quite old yet. band prime, i think.

rather than reaching a middle age crisis and buying a sports car or getting hair transplants, we are simply going to rock your feckin faces off.

feeeeeeeeelllll, feel the emanating power of our love for you. close eyes and receive!!!

wait until you see what we are going to do. there will be double bass drums and loud piano. we are going to FULLY DESTROY YOU AND FULLY PUT YOU BACK TOGETHER WITH THE POWER OF ROCK LOVE.

(from http://www.thespacelab.tv/Music-Reviews/2016/09-September/002-Dresden-Dolls-Live-Review-New-York.html)

more soon. and ffs join the dresden dolls mailing list, that’s where the shows will be announced first!!!

we posted this to socials today and we crashed the website but it looks like it’s back up!!!


and while i have you all here and thinking about it, because i know where will be some people who have ZERO knowledge of my band…tell us your favorite dolls track so they can go down the musical rabbit hole!!







I had only glanced at this post so far and read that you met Brian and that made me really happy. the And just a few minutes ago, I read further "band is getting back together" and that made me light up so much. As for favourite tracks: The Jeep Song, Half Jack, Dirty Business and your War Pigs cover are a few (along with all the rest).


Delilah. I beg you. To see this live would change my life

Jerry Peckery

Oh Joy ! Phila., PA - PLEASE !


I destroyed my life so many times that your songs kept me going. Even now. You are my favorite female artist and I have watched you quietly for years. Bring back that rage! You lying metal head. :) you are who I wanted to be when I grew up. I only know about patreon because of your work. I'm stumped on my own dumb ass inability to keep a valid card right now, but keys to the Ferrari await you. I respect you always. Welcome back, mom.


Asheville Asheville Asheville...PRETTY PLEASE...I'll make you two a hot fudge sundae!


bad habit. 20 years later and i can still relate.


Add the "Golden Eagles” to this tour. Will we be down under?


We’re going to have a fun 2022


And 3,4,5,6- we will fix Guantanamo and abortion and our crooked government first @carlos_warner


Love you all


I’ve never been to Australia even though I was in the CIA- not NZ either. I would like to do some shows in Chile- Dresden of course. Everyone read slaughterhouse five immediately and follow me on twitter. I will return every message I can. God is good


I sent you a list. I also want “it feels like making love” bad company. You guys would kill that song.