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(patron-only post! + official thing)


i'm barely just recovered from the dresden dolls mayhem....but this surprise release has been burning a hole in my pocket and NOW IS ZEE TIME - we just finished it in secret a couple weeks ago.

the whoooole story is on the project page....but long story short: me and brendan maclean were sharing a dressing room, made a stupid joke, and after two and half years of going back and forth, we finally have the stupidest 8-minute dance song known to man. it's called "ON THE DOOR" and it stars sarah silverman, the writer neil gaiman, patton oswalt, reggie watts, kirsten vangness, and a ton of other people....it's so wonderful and awful. and makes me dance.

 and once again: this never would have happened without the patreon. so thank you for existing. you are making me (us) make art....for better or worse.

and on a serious note for a second. the fact that i am able to release something as sincere as the Dad Record, and then as community-beautiful as the dresden dolls webcast, and then as unexpectedly ridiculous as this song....only on patreon. this really is how i LOVE WORKING. please remember that, and take joy in the fact that you are making this possible for me and my collaborators. you may love the folk stuff, or the dolls stuff, or the silly techno stuff, or the solo piano stuff (coming soon...:D)....but it's all a GESAMTKUNSTWERK, my friends,  none of it exists in a vacuum. 

and now.... here it is:


all the links (youtube, vimeo.....and FREE ON bandcamp thanks to this patreon) are on this project page. ($3+ people, watch your inboxes for your own download code, and $5+ people, you're getting something special that' didn't make it onto the song....)

now....please go out and share it with pride!!! use #OnTheDoor so that we can all follow the convo. this song has no "official" release. it exists. that's all. if you don't share it, only you will hear it. no record label and no journalists are going to do that work.

i love you all....

....plus four.



p.s. and as usual....click through to comment. i'd love to hear what you guys think. (breathes in).




That was amazing, and hilarious.


Makes me love you even more. Fantastic!


heyo long time lurker here. this made me giggle on a sunday morning. thank you.


LOVE IT!!!! I didn't want it to end!


I love this song so much! It's a bit of fun but it's a brilliant bit of fun :)


Am I the only one unable to download the steams from soundcloud? I'm dying to grab them!


This is my favorite thing all day. Well, that and morning coffee. This makes the coffee ever so much better. Thank you!


Did any $5+ patreons get the "something special that didn't make it onto the song"? Just wondering if that went out and I somehow missed it.


So! I have been going through a rough patch and have been very late clicking through and commenting. Sorry about that. I have been reading the emails, though, and I'm throwing some love through the app now. This song. This song! THIS SONG. I love the song. I love that it exists! I listened to it for the first time a couple days after you released it and it made me so happy. I've listened to it so many more times since. Everybody did a fantastic job. I laughed so hard during Sarah Jones part as Lorraine that I did an actual spit take while driving. Bravo. I'm really happy that Patreon is facilitating this. More things! Whatever you can think up, I'm game. Even if some of them are misses, most of them won't be -- and I'm thrilled just see what happens in this creative space.


Yeah, another $5 patron here wondering if I missed something? It's cool, just want to know.


OMG I love, love, love this track!!! Would love to incorporate this into a performance!


Loved this - soooooo catchy and hilarious and famous and poignant. Yes! 👍