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….i just wrote a new song and it is very very good.

it’s been almost a year since i started to write one, much less finished one.

the last thing i sat down and wrote from start to finish was “the ballad of the new york times” (which has still been released only to patrons, and is here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/58011667). that was in…july. it’s april.

i figured i would take a moment to come here and tell you what that feels like.

it feels like taking a shower and eating a meal and drinking a galllon of water after a month of being stranded in the desert.

it feels like this picture.

sometimes i get so lost in other peoples problems that i forget what i am capable of doing.

i am also aware that if hina and lil hadn’t said yes last minute to ash going over for a three-hour play date with aya, this song would simply not exist. i had exactly three hours to write it. and so i did.

please cue Last Scene of Breakfast Club score. i’ll try to record it before i leave here.

it is a love song to this country. a complicated love song.

it had to be written.

i’ll try to play it at the upcoming goodbye shows and i’ll try to take a video. (the shows are SOLD OUT by the way! they sold out in less than 12 hours - but stay tuned, we are trying to add a third show on sunday because holy fuck).

god i love you all.

writing a good song fixes so much for me. it’s strange. writing a good song is like…a rope that i can throw to myself to get out of the dark churning waters and back into the boat.

having you all as patrons helps me write.

i know you are there, on the shore, waiting to listen.

i cannot thank you all enough for being in my life.

thank you.

thank you.





Leena Rose


Laura Morland

I am SO HAPPY for you, Amanda! A new song in three hours? BRAVO!!! Cannot WAIT to hear it!!! Also: I know I'm sounding like a broken record, but PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, AMANDA -- release "The Ballad of the New York Times to the general public! It drives me crazy that you have chosen not to publish your magnificent "Covid anthem" during Covid times. I am positive you have your reasons; maybe someday you'll share them with us. Or you could *never* tell us why you've held back -- simply flip the switch and share it with the world! For Patrons, here's the link https://youtu.be/0y7WOB07yrE?t=7022 -- the song is embedded in the entire "small hall crawl" Amanda performed in Waiheke last July, fortunately just before the 90+ day lockdown of the entire greater Auckland area. I've set the timer to start just as "The Ballad..." is about to begin.

Alessandor Earnest

Finger snaps! I hope things continue to roll for you. After responding to your white flag post, I was thinking about my own self-care needs and decided to hire a nanny! For myself. I’m 29. I mentioned my epiphany to a friend, and she pointed out that once you become an adult, the job is called “personal assistant.” 😂 I’ll let you know how that goes! Looking forward to hearing your song soon. Alessandor 💛🍌💛


That is truly great news! And I do understand the desert analogy. Having the creative tap open after a long dry spell feels wonderful. Congratulations!


I totally relate to the healing power of writing a new song. Go you!


Thank you for towing us along with you xx And for letting us in to tow you when needed xx


You're this little piece of jewel I love to support,with absolute faith that you will do all you can whenever you can. Go forth!



Pedro B. Gorman

Dear Amanda, Dear Siblings! How I know so deeply what you mean: the fresh, invigorating power of crystallizing meaning, fiddling the alchemical components, the tessituras of shared experience within a range that resonates: sister, what a victory! In the stolen hours of dawn before my mind-numbing job-chores begin to occupy my brain which would always rather be doing something creative but whose own crevasses and folds more often than not veer it clear of meaningful creation…. Been having a rough time, with feelings of overwhelming sadness—for many things, but mainly mournful for my present inability to create anything at all, whether song, poem, flash of fiction. Knowing full well the courage of trusting one’s voice and following through to Do The Work, here is a long, soppy sonorous smack of lips to thy cheek and the warm ends of trans-continental hugs all the way from Lisbon, Portugal. I miss you all, people. I wish I could be more loquacious, more elegant, but am too tired for reaching for the speech. To quote Nick Cave: “The Primary Bedevilments of Creativity are - Procrastination through fear Procrastination through Indecision Procrastination through perfectionism Procrastination through waiting for inspiration Procrastination through chaos and misadventure Procrastination through illness and tiredness Procrastination through raising a family Procrastination through superstition and religion Procrastination through madness and suicide Procrastination through therapy and self-help literature Procrastination trough apocalypse You know what I actually miss, though in no way demand of you? One of our communal conversational crowdcasts with The Gang. I love you. Embrace the transience. Veer on the precipice of the momentous challenge of change. Yours, always, Pedro B. Gorman

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-08 21:15:39 Saw this and thought of you Amanda. So glad we, that is you and your Patreon, have created time to rest and to create, not focusing only on outcome/delivery etc to remove ‘obligation’ so that you can Ruminate, collaborate and share. As always, with thanks https://nadia.xyz/creator-economy?utm_source=densediscovery&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=newsletter-issue-185
2022-04-26 08:19:59 Saw this and thought of you Amanda. So glad we, that is you and your Patreon, have created time to rest and to create, not focusing only on outcome/delivery etc to remove ‘obligation’ so that you can Ruminate, collaborate and share. As always, with thanks https://nadia.xyz/creator-economy?utm_source=densediscovery&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=newsletter-issue-185

Saw this and thought of you Amanda. So glad we, that is you and your Patreon, have created time to rest and to create, not focusing only on outcome/delivery etc to remove ‘obligation’ so that you can Ruminate, collaborate and share. As always, with thanks https://nadia.xyz/creator-economy?utm_source=densediscovery&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=newsletter-issue-185

Amanda Hunt

Such great news - well done!