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Hello my loves.


I'm doping a two-night fundraiser for Artworks Theatre on Waiheke Island
May 20 & 21, 7pm-11:30...lots of different acts/musicians/poets, a variety show of sorts, themed drinks, costume contest, surprises, cabaret, debauchery....

Tickets are $30 and there's also a $300 VIP ticket for those who really wanna support the theatre. HERE IS THE TICKET LINK, they are selling VERY VEY FAST SO GO GO GO:




Why is amanda doing so many things when she says she is destroyed? Is she destroyed because she is doing so many things? It is a chicken and egg question i have been pondering all my life, my friends, all my life.

ANYWAY. Yes - it's all happening, as they say.

The real question is....

Come....hear the music play.

This is how i wanted to say goodbye to Aotearoa: with a CABARET-THEMED PARTY.

This country needs more Cabaret. Trust me. It really does. 

I wanna go out on a high note. Not a long, three-hour morose and tearful Amanda Palmer concert that's all about me me me.....I WANNA PARTY, where I can sing dumb musical theater songs with my friends, sit at a little table and drink whiskey while people read silly old poety, give my new pals a spin up on the stage....this is my happy place. iI'll play 3-4 songs but mostly, I'm gonna just be the hostess with the mostest along with my new friend and legendary island drag queen Constance Maraj (we are co-hosting) and just....DO THE THING I LOVE. You may remember constance if you were AT or watched the stream of the Waiheke Small Hall tour. (You should watch that stream!! IT WAS AN AMZING SHOW, and the filming was paid for by patronage: 

(photo: Xander Charity)

Also: this theater needs some dough.

Artworks is a local blackbox that fits about 200 people. and it is a really little important cultural hub for the island - it brings in artists, thinkers, musicians and other performers that the folks - especially kids - here on this remote-ish island would never otherwise had access to. It’s a real gem. sadly, like many little venues/theaters around the world, Artworks took a huge hit during the past few years of lockdowns and lack of prediction. let’s raise some dough.

Again, TICKETS ARE HERE: https://www.artworkstheatre.org.nz/events/the-waiheke-cabaret

ALSO!!! THERE IS AVERY LIMITED NUMBER OF $300 VIP TICKETS to get primo seating, a gift bag, and it includes a little pre-show-party with me up at Mudbrick Vineyard (it's stunning, trust me) where we can schmooze and drink their champagne and ogle at the sunset, and mostly, hey, if you're rich, PLEASE BUY THIS TICKET and consider it a donation to a really good cause. You can buy the VIP ticket at the regular ticket checkout.

This is the sunset view from Mudbrick. It really is...amazing.


Don’t phone this one in people. show those people on fullers ferry what you’re made of. There will be songs, wine, accorions (?), whiskey, pianos, tears, tales and hopefully, we will all leave with a sense of wonder that we all get to live and die. This is what good cabaret can do.

 Stay the night on waiheke if you can! 

AND: i’m also going to try to a party either at my house or in a local rental hall (if the weathers too shitty) or on the beach/outside) on the morning/early afternoon of the 21st…watch patron updates for details as the day draws nigh. i want to thank and hug you all in person for everything you’ve done for me while i’ve been here in New Zealand.

obviously, you don't need to come to the show to make the patron party. that'll be free and for everybody. plan on noon-ish on the 21st. plan to bring ukuleles and dogs and kids and whatever. 

(also: don't bring me any big gifts or that lovely think you kiwis do brining like 7 jars of JAM - i am PACKING UP, YO. they'kll be re-gifted to people on the motu!).  

I'll put up a poll in a few days to see who can attend. if there's 50 of you that's one thing, if there's 300 that's another!

The gorgeous poster by local island artist Zephir Delamore. Hopefully we will have some at the show to sell....and if there's anyone here in the $100+ tiers who wants one, flag me down in messages or let Alex know, I'll grab and sign one and mail it to you for free :)

OH AND - I just made a THREAD on the shadowbox forum for anyone who's going to connect!! Find rides, share cars, share Air BNBS! MAKE FRIENDS!!!!! Here:


Lots of love to you all,

Whew it's a lot lately.



1. if you are a patron and new to my work, don’t forget your patronage allows you access to ALL of my patreon releases to date. HERE is the link to download my latest big solo record, “There Will Be No Intermission”, and HERE is a link to download the PDF of the art/essay book that goes with it.

2. if you’re a patron reading this post via an email notification, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol. that's always nice for me to see, so i know who's reading.

3. see All the Things (almost 200 of them) i've made so far on patreon:


4. JOIN THE SHADOWBOX COMMUNITY FORUM, find your people, and discuss everything: https://forum.theshadowbox.net/

5. are you new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff (at least up until a few years ago, this desperately needs updating) on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

6. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net




Only 3 hours after you posted early bird and general got sold out! So took the opportunity to buy my first ever VIP tickets for Saturday! I feel so special LOL. What time do we show up at Mudbrick and is there public transport or some easy way to the venue after? Also planning on attending the Patreon party 🤩 It's going to be a full on day!

Rebecca Ryan

How fantastic! 💜 Oh if only.. Melbourne so close so far away. end of an era and new beginnings..Restarts.. It’s gonna be awesome. Thanks for sharing the last 2 years with us and me.:seems like yesterday and a lifetime ago you left Melbourne for the last leg of your tour omg woman xxx LOVE love you




You know I love you, I do, I do, I do. And there's no but. I love you unconditionally. Because I do and I know you do too I want to tell you my daughter of 47 died of consequences drinking wine and whiskey. Her main problem with that was that she lost control over using her prescribed lithium pills. She lost that control more often until until this fatal Friday last March. I will never talk about alcohol again without a warning. So when I read this, I thought to help you with a warning for alcohol. With alcohol we can damage more than we love.


Amanda! How can patrons not on the island support the theater? Give us a donation link, pretty please! xoxo

Catherine Hannah

#LIGHTBULB: As a Patron, I would *love* to fund a #THING where there was a run of these posters so I could support this theater and be a part even tho I can't be there and sing "I Can't Say No" in my VeryRustyMezzo

Catherine Hannah

#LIGHTBULB Or, as a Patron, to fund a #THING of tshirts of the same art to support the theatre. 🥰♥️

Len Tower Jr.

I expect VIP ticket holders will get an email with details. You might check, if there are taxi's, Lyft, or Uber on the island. -Len


Love this. Wish I could go. I live in Texas where women are supposed to stay barefoot and pregnant. Funny/not funny.


Oops hit send before I was done. Seriously, how do you just pick up and play a show after a long time of being just a mom. i have recently been asked to play a show (first since pandemic) and i am so rusty. my mind is in a million different places. mostly with day to day mom/family things. do you have any advice on getting back into performing after a hiatus?


Yes, you definitely need to say goodbye to this island country on such a positive note! It will be an incredible show! Best of luck to you!

Skyeanna Malito

You quoting Cabaret sent me into a very interesting three or four or maybe five hour spiral of Cabaret songs and articles and I learned a lot. Wow!

Briana Cavanaugh

It's like a month away. Is it possible to buy tickets to visit that place and some from far away? Or should we support some other way? Because I probably could come if I could figure out things like flights.

Len Tower Jr.

She has played quite a few shows over her two years in NZ. Much of which was in single parent mode.


I wonder how she does it! It is hard to switch modes for me. I feel scattered.

Catherine Hannah

Just DO EET! Seriously, do it! Your friends are with you and will support you!!! 😊😁🥰♥️


Does anyone have an available spot in terms of accommodations for the 21st? I bought my ticket and would love to stay the night on Waiheke. Happy to share the cost, laughs and stories!