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hello loves

working quickly to get out Ask Amanda #4. it's a very very heavy one: two questions about rape. ALL of sarah beetson's original artwork for this one is astoundingly heartbreaking and beautiful and i'm torn between two images for the lead. 

instead of sitting here agonizing, just tell me, vote.

this isn't so much about which art you "prefer" and hang on your kitchen wall or tattoo on your arm as much as which one would catch your eye to read a heavy advice column on the internet. 

think like that.

which one brings up more emotion for you?

i love them both so much for different reasons.

1) Broken Figures

2) Cage/Heart

posting the column within the next 24 hours, then on to the Althing and a post about how to send money and other help to ukraine. fuck.

i'll post the final column link here when it's up.....but you can also just put your email into the substack if you haven't yet and you'll get it the second it comes out: https://amandapalmer.substack.com/



p.s. love from the kitchen in aotearoa new zealand. off to make some veg for some covid friends. more about that soon.



Broken Figures says it all so well!


Cage/heart is triggering for me, so if you use anatomy parts like that, please do it in a way that I can easily block it in some way so I can still read the text


Seems clear we mostly prefer the first

Catherine Hannah

Broken figures easier to read, very graphic, though both are beautiful and evocative! 😁🥰 Thank you for making food for people! 🥰♥️✨♥️🥰


Broken figures has the colours of blood and darkness and is quite striking. It also gives a sense of being united. Love it


Caged heart has deep potential but is in need of some help to get there. 1. The cage should be as organic as the heart, and indication of whether the heart is flying into or away from the cage.


Broken figures is emotionally predictable and contradicts itself. All the damaged people are together in one place, they do not take solace in their shared pain and heal, but seem to stare away from each other. Each of the group denying each other of comfort. But that's just my bite on the bit.


For this subject matter, Broken Figures is just more fitting. It captures feelings of fragmentation, despair, agony. It’s definitely more appropriate, I think.


hey everyone, wanted to mention that the email link to the substack post for this Ask Amanda didn't work for me, anyone else have this issue? to see the post I had to log into Substack via my browser. the post is there, but the link in the email didn't seem to work. by the way Sarah Beetson's artwork in the published version (and there is a lot of it) is great beyond words, just so incredible.


That's what I like about it though, because it represents the experience many of us have lived, being with other damaged people who aren't able to offer solace or heal us, and vice versa. You see people "denying each other" but I see people who don't know what to say/do, so they say/do nothing.


Thank you so much 🖤


Probably definitely too late, but my (statistical outlier-)two cents: first speaks to pain/reality* of sex abuse/trauma*, second speaks to strength and triumph of inner-peace and self-acceptance. I 100% voted with my gut+internal bias 🌈