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i took this photo last night and wanted to share it with you.

two days ago, sent jherek (bischoff, my longtime collaborator and bandmate and touring friends and arranger and more) the depeche mode cover, “enjoy the silence”. we needed it mastered and jherek usually does a great and quick job.

i told him to add anything simple on top of it was needed. maybe a tiny bit of bass. whatever. i trust you.

at around 10pm, jherek sent through the track.

he said he’d added some simple strings.

we are staying out in hawke’s bay at my old friend kya’s house, and i sat on boudicca-the-teenager’s bed in the dark with borrowed headphones to listen because i stupidly left my headphones back on waiheke.

the master sounded good for the first few minutes.


and then i heard the strings come in.

and i started to cry.

and i started to cry not because they sounded so beautiful and so sincere and so simple, but because i could imagine jherek playing the cello in his tiny apartment in LA, knowing exactly which places to fill, which bites to play, which fragile sound fingers to touch.

i miss making music in a room with people so much. i miss brian. i miss jherek.

but i heard those strings and i felt

so loved

so understood

so connected

so very not alone.


is magic. there’s no other way to say it.

why not take a picture of the moment.

it sounds so so good y’all. it should be out in the next 24 hours. i’m going to keep it patron only just in case we do a few more of these webcast-request-a-thons and i can collect them into a package for the public. or maybe we just give it a week or two and send it out to bandcamp. i’ve got to focus on “ask amanda” today and this week so it’s not a great time to publicly barrage the world with a song.

i love you all so deeply.

thank you for all of this.






The weirdest and most difficult realization of a while happened tonight for me watching Cyrano (which I highly recommend). The most loving and caregiving relationships of my life have been from my female friends. Even people I've loved. May we all be reunited with our friends eventually. Love you, Amanda. ❤ (Can't wait to hear the cover. I'm sure it will be epic.)


I am so excited I love your work with Jherek too


I am so excited to hear the final version - I completely understand tears for such a collaboration - such beauty and truth of connection should be honoured. And tears are a gift. X

Lynn Robinson

Loved the webcasts . Magical. Can’t wait to hear the finished track . What a wonderful feeling for you to be in this position despite everything xx

Janet in Georgia

Excited to feel the feels of this one. That song in and of itself is magical, can’t wait to hear the finished cover ❤️ I love music that makes me cry and/or give me goosebumps. Many of your songs do that so if YOURE crying, I’m sure I will. Also that picture made my eyes tear up. Seeing you cry also makes me cry.


"Amanda Palmer and her magical webcast collaborations" -I like the idea of collecting for a package / album for the public very much! (And of course I'm so looking forward to experiencing the master with Jherek's "simple" strings here so soon!


Can I just say I love everyone here right now? <3


I can't wait to hear it. I loved seeing you in the studio, Amanda, especially putting down your vocal tracks. Such pure passion. I could see all the parts of your brain firing up and working together! The artist, the technician, the searching human, the sound pioneer. Feeling the feels and driving the techniques. Sparkles.


Ahh here is your Apple Music version of the mid tempo playlist: https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/amandas-mid-tempo-blanket-of-stars-around-your-soul/pl.u-MDAWkg6TL3WE2


Imagine how awesome it will be when you are back making music with your people, it will be all the more special.


Thank YOU 🙏 Music is magic 💜 Music is medicine ❤️


I loved it. And I cried. And I loved it ♥️