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hello loves.

i just posted this to social media, because i think it’s important to share this sorta stuff:

this is me and neil yesterday with ash as he gets his first covid vaccination at ostend medical center on waiheke island, new zealand, the random (?) country in which we’ve stayed waylaid for almost two full years because of this pandemic.

none of us have seen our home in new york since i started the the tour in august 2019 that was supposed to wrap in new zealand. four final shows in mid-march 2020. i still can’t fucking believe it sometimes.

we wanted to both be there for ash, to each hold one of his hands. ash was so scared, and so good, and so brave, and the two sweet kiwis (one guy and one gal) who did the vaccinating took their time, they didn’t rush him, they let him be scared. one of them blew bubbles and offered him a lollipop.

this is a moment in my life i never want to forget.

i gave my phone to persephone (who is 9, and part of ash’s day camp carpool, so she came with us to offer him moral support). she took the photo. she also coached ash, because, as a vaccinated 9-year-old, she’s been around the block.

it didn’t even occur to me until i posted this and saw ash’s feet that i have gotten so used to being in new zealand that it doesn’t strike me as odd that it’s pretty acceptable for your kid to go barefoot into a medical center.

this life, people. my god.

to the parents out there who have struggled, and are struggling still, to my friends with kids in new york who don’t have any words anymore for how they feel…to every parent who has had to hold down a crying and protesting child to stick a covid test up their nose, to every parent who has soothed a hyperventilating child while they faced this vax needle in their arm, to every parent who has wondered how they can possibly cope with the heartbreak of explaining to a kid that no, this is just the way the world is right now, sorry, i’m sorry…..

and to every healthcare worker who has helped every parent and every child through these jagged and raw moments of life: i love you. oh my god, just…thank you. i see you all.

thank you.

we got this, humanity. we got this.



ps i’m about to take a road trip with neil and ash to our old neighborhood in NZ even though i should really be working this week. i have a song to release and a substack column to write. i’ll figure it out. the kid comes first. but send me good luck. it’s gonna be a lotta early mornings and late nights this week while i mother by day and become writer/artist amanda by night.



Angel Rosen

What are some of his favorite animals/colors /objects at the moment ? I know he's into setting traps, but what else has he been focused on? Wanna make sure I send him an ash specific card 🧡


Have a lovely holiday together ❤


hi Amanda, saw your IG live today and want to send you something. do you still have a PO Box in NZ?

Gabrielle Shearer

Good luck with the work and road tripping balance this week. Hope it's rejuvenating somehow, even if the hours are long. My 16 year old daughter was boosted a couple of weeks ago, huge relief. Omicron has been out of control here in the greater Seattle area, though seems to be dropping. It's quite a thing. Words, music, meals, love, little homely moments shared, these get me through. Grateful you're part of that. Take care


Thank you for sharing this. My daughter is only 2. I found her vaccinations to be very upsetting. I think we will have her vaccinated against covid when she is old enough.


I think that vaccinations are the single greatest breakthrough in medical history. They do say prevention is better than cure.


I wish you a good work-road tripping-mom's time. Wish you to have a lot of fun even if the hours are long. Wish you to have a week or 3 days to sleep after :) Same here it will be a big fucking week with a lot of work on my project and being alone with the kids! I'm excited and a little bit scared of this week! Wish you the best. Oh! and Ash You did it! I'm so proud of you! you have been so courageous! I was so scared too when I did my first shot and I'm 40 years old :) Have fun guys and take care of you !

Bethany Olson

We got my six year old her second shot last month and the relief I felt was indescribable.

James Cowie

Good morning afp .. it's 7am on a grey humid day in Melbourne. and I'm just getting my shit together (or as close as) and I wanted to write a quick comment/note about supporting you and others via Patreon because I've noticed your foray back into the world of facebook and some of the comment made to you and Neil about being "privileged and elitist" (him for coming and going twice to NZ) and you for producing for Patreon, I know because of the nature of some of these comments, that I far as I could work out were misinformed or just wrong. Anyhoo I thought I'd give you my tuppensworth here rather than there: Support for "the Arts" is woefully inadequate the vast majority of working/gigging musicians do not make enough to live from and most have dayjobs with which they pay rent and feed their families. Historically the music Industry has been corrupt, bands/artists making a lot of money and getting none or very little of it. Every penny that goes directly to an Artist rather than through "the industry" is the way to go. I thought about pointing this out on bookface but it's better not to feed the trolls ... Keep doing what works for you ..!


A bit unrelated but I'm curious - don't schoolkids get "normal" (aka not-CoVid) vaccines as well?


You are in Middle Earth (NZ) so I imagine lots of little hobbits run around without shoes. ❤️ I don’t think anyone had said this yet and I was shocked (apology if I missed it). Best wishes to a brave kid!


Thank you for this. I’m taking my autistic son to get his first jab on Wednesday, and we have to kee p it tsecret from my parents because of … reasons. I told him that it’s to protect him and Nonie and Nono, but we can’t tell them about it. We’ll see how long the secret lasts. His alternative homeschool/ ABA therapy Center has been closed for almost 3 weeks now because of COVID and he is their (my parents’) biggest source of potential contamination rn. This is so hard that so many are being so ridiculous about this.


I absolutely had the same experience when my son got his first shot. Even moreso than when I got my first shot.


Same. Still waiting on the second shot, but so relieved

Lindsey Lubow

Thank you for your courage in this. And thank you to your son for his courage in this. I hope it has been going well. Bravery is easy because everything happens quickly and without time to become fearful. Courage is acting in spite of anticipating not-strictly-agreeable-consequences. Love to both of you for your courage.