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(public, and PAID POST).

my dears.

aaaah. it is with a swelling heart and a nervous smile that i hand you this record. it's a simple offering, but it's charged with emotion for me. i really, really hope you like it. 

it took a lifetime to brew, and a decade to plan, and a month to make...and here it is. THE DAD RECORD (<-that's the project page link, to be repeated below).

it's me and my father, jack palmer, singing 12 carefully-chosen cover songs that we recorded together on guitar and piano (and a few other instruments).

the project page will take you to bandcamp, where you can stream for free (and all you $3+ patrons, you'll get an email in a second with your download code for the whole record.)

i wrote everything i wanted to write about it on the forever-project page, which is, again,  HERE: http://amandapalmer.net/you-got-me-singing/

this is such an emo moment for me, guys.

it's my first real record since theatre is evil in 2012.

it's my first real record since having a baby.

and it's my first real record since putting things out via patreon.

all 7,782 of you, right now....can i simply say that you've changed my life, my mind, my soul, and my artistic output with your incredible faith in my creativity.

your vote of confidence in my ability to take your funding and make good art...it's everything to me.

this is why i brought you here, so i could make things like this.

on my own dime, with my own community, on my own schedule...this is just so awesome. 

this is *exactly* the record i wanted to make, when i got the idea to make it back in 2008 or whenever. it's so wonderful when things like this actually manifest. 

i am so, so, so glad you guys are on this journey with me. i hope this record brings you as much joy to listen to as it brought us to make.

if nothing else....if you have tiny kids, it puts them to sleep. i swear.

i love you so much.



p.s. if you still want to order an old-skool CD or vinyl, you can HERE

and if you want to come see us on tour...we are about to hit DC, NYC, boston, and upstate new york: link to SHOWS

p.p.s. as usual, click through to comment... I'm so excited to see what you guys think of this one.




I only found this today because of the new video and I'm in tears for the last hour just reading about it, and listening to the songs, and watching the documentary. Just wow, I could spend a lifetime around here finding heartwarming wonders.


There is such love, both pure and a little bittersweet here. Thank you.


At the quiet time on ma night shift so msnaged to listen to the album; Fuck Me!!! That was brilliant; Thanks to you and yer wee Dad; absoloutly loved it, my drive home in the morning is going to a geat deal more pleasant as al give it another listen, love ye Amanda😆


So I've finally had a chance to listen to this today, and I'm listening and reading the project page with tears in my eyes. Beautiful. And what an honour to be part of what made it happen.


1952 Vincent Black Lightning is a song my father and I have listened to repeatedly and loved. This is perfect. Just perfect.


I really enjoyed listening to the album. It's really wonderful and... well... perfect. Thank you, love it!


Finally getting a chance to put on the earphones to listen and focus on these tunes. Loving it. Thank you jack and amanda!


I had a drawing to finish, I started working on it in the evening, and I put on this album. I ended up listening to it on a loop, it was so beautiful, it almost put me in a trance, it was just the perfect evening. Thank you so much for all your work!


I got to see you at the 9:30 club, I didn't want to waste your time in the signing line because I knew you must of been tired and there was a huge line behind me but I just wanted to say I cried a whole bunch like through 3 seperate songs. Absolutely beautiful. You, your father and Thor &amp; Friends are amazing performers. I'm glad I got to see you guys with my sweetheart in the same venue where I took him on our first date to see Miyavi and both times absolutely blown away by the artists we got to experience there. I love you so much. Thank you!


I'm really enjoying this album. Thanks! I also loved reading the forever-project page. Giving old songs a new life is wonderful, as is sending less well-known songs out to a wider audience.


Help?! I pre-ordered the CD and have not yet received it. Is there someone/something/a website that I should contact? I am a 60-year-old, brand-new, extremely proud PATREON! and am very excited to have your CD playing in my home! Thanks beyond words...


Are those download links for $3+ patrons already out? I got an email on 18 July to the bandcamp page, but no email with a download code.