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hallo loves.

i am working on a longer blog today about a lot of things that i'm thinking and feeling at the moment....and i'm a little behind in posting the new podcast (with wayne muller, it's technically already in the podcast feed), but it seems like a moment to focus on the present moment. because what a moment it is.

it's already the 20th here. inauguration day! it’s a beautiful day here in aotearoa new zealand.

so, i ask:
how is everybody over there doing? what is everybody there feeling like right now?

since the next 48 hours or so are going to feel very intense, espeically in america and especially near the capitol, where i know we have community, i thought it might be good to make an active thread on the shadowbox, as the comments section here isn't incredibly good for ongoing real-time conversations and check-ins. so please, as a community, head over there and be with me (and each other). of course, feel free to comment here, too. i'll be reading both.

but if you want a nice haven off facebook/etc to be with people going through things....here you are. the post isn't patron-only, it's public. feel free to shre it with anyone, we haven't had problems (so far) with spammers.

this is what i posted to kick things off:

here you go.


i love you all.






Tonight (in less than an hour) is the memorial service at the Lincoln Memorial for the 400,000 lost to Covid-19. Joe Biden is already bringing the country together despite the threats and hate continuing to boil in our national melting pot.


Its less than 24 hours until Joseph Biden is inaugurated as president. There are 15,000 National Guard troops in the nation's capitol. I will be beyond relieved when Donald Trump is no longer their commander in chief. I'm several thousand miles away from DC but I'm still fucking nervous about this.


I hope you have a nice day, Amanda! Here (in Catalonia) it's 11 pm and I'm feeling nervous about work issues so I don't know if I'll be able to sleep. Nice day to you all!

Amy Gleixner

<3 to you, Amanda, and everyone here! I have been lurking the politics subreddit and this morning they posted an opEd in WashPo titled "Get ready for reality-grounded White House press briefings" and I got chills... Like... The "hot for this piece of writing" kind. My body is so ready. I'm hoping we can both turn this pandemic around and patch all the holes where we just expected presidents and politicians to follow the norm. I saw a Beer Hall Putsch last week and we need to fix this before we go the same way.

Anna McCotter

Happy Inauguration Day ! I’m glad to know we have a tomorrow 😉 Thank you for gracing us with the wisdom of Wayne. Heaven knows we need it. 💚 ... I really hope our tomorrow turns out better than we are preparing for... it feels like the whole world is holding its breath... I cannot wait till the exhale... a nice Wayne Muller exhale.

Anna McCotter

It feels like the world is holding its breath. I can’t wait for the exhale

Len Tower Jr.

The hope I have had since Biden/Harris got elected in Nov. The Real Work starts tomorrow!


And lots of love 💕 back to you, Amanda, and everyone here! I, too, am so anxious for tomorrow to come, and for the fool in his last hours in the White House to be out of there, for good. We need all the good things President Biden and VP Harris will be bringing to our country, and not soon enough!


...grateful Sunday passed without so much as a whimper...I live in PA, blocks from our Capitol, so having that complex shut down & replete with National Guardspeople is weird, but beats hovering/circling helicopters like we'd had often over summer, by miles. Quiet. Unbothered by fringe extremists. Looking forward to reality governance, truth being addressed instead of the BS; tired of the $#!%show carnival, & so glad it's pulling up stakes & getting the hell outta DC. Hope the judicial system does not fail US & puts all the criminals behind bars, where they deserve to rot.

Ashlie Young

I saw this on a Facebook group and thought you would enjoy. A POEM FOR THE END by Sheila Dershowitz Good night loon, Good night goon, Good night nastiest man in the room. Good night lies, Good night spies, Good night rants and alibis. Good night twitter, Good night tweets. Good night all those crazy bleats. Good night red hats, Good night cruel chants, Good night sniveling syncophants. Good night wall, Good night cages, Good night endless midnight rages. Good night fine people on both sides, Good night losers, good night suckers, Good night evil nasty fuckers. Good night Ivanka Good night Jared, Good night Baron, we hardly knew ya. Good night thief, Good night grief, Good night cruel and callous chief. Good night fake news, And Fox and friends, This is how the nightmare ends. Good night at last. It's time to go, The American people told you so.


I might be an Aussie living in the UK, but I am still feeling a strange sense of anxiety and excitement about what today means... I can't even imagine how it must feel for you Amanda, or for all my US friends. I think there will be a global sigh of relief once today is done and we can finally have some much needed leadership and hope in the US.

Laura Wellner

Our day is just beginning here, and where you are, you're moving on to tomorrow. I'm so happy that this day is finally here, a new president will be sworn in and Trump will be out...I'm nervous about the potential violence, but I have hope that all will be well. Last night with the ceremony to mourn the COVID dead was a good start. This will be a different administration, one that has empathy. Kindness. Although I won't kid myself, the political machine that runs our democracy has its blind spots and there will be hard decisions to be made, sacrifice and compromise. It's not going to be perfect, especially after the mess Trump made in his pursuit of self aggrandizement. Clearly, not everyone is going to be happy, but I do hope that we as a nation can come together to agree that we are together in this. Hugs 'n Love


Bitter sweet day... Last night my wife's father excommunicated her after she asked him to stop posting Trump comments on her posts on fb. She said she would have to block him if he didn't stop... he didn't stop. So after some back and forth she reached out to ask again that he stop so he could be unblocked and let back into the window on our world that fb offers to family who are remote from us. He doubled down and said he was DONE with her and all the shit the Dems think. It is really strange knowing that for the past 30+ years we've managed to maintain a relationship that was so fragile. It just took one asshole to rally up racist narrow-minded men to the point where they would forgo their family in leu of politics. Our 8y/o has no idea that his papa is so narrow-minded and is going to miss out on their time together for no good reason at all.


Coming from a family of grudge-holders, I am sending you such a big virtual hug... I hope you all can find peace and healing most of all for you, your wife, and your kid.