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Hallo Loves.

Short version: here's the Official-Thinging of the super-fancy live-streamed full solo piano concert I did on Nov 14th at the Opera House in Hawke's Bay, Aotearoa New Zealand. It's here: https://youtu.be/5MMNno1XwyA.


Greetings from Havelock North, Aotearoa. I'm just finishing a day of phone calls and about to pick Ash up from school. 

The shot you see above here, wine and kiwifruit held aloft, was taken by Alex Hallig right before this now-archived streamed show (or was it during intermission? it's all a blur) backstage at the opera house in Hawke's Bay, Aotearoa New Zealand.

Even being in a Theater...even seeing the stages and backstages and knowing there are hundreds of people all sitting together:

I feel like I'm on another planet. Planet Show, Where The Shows Are Allowed to Go On.

I hope it doesn't hurt to watch, and if it does, don't watch. 

For those of you who are craving this kind of thing, even if it's virtual, I hope it brings some comfort.

The whole show was streamed globally with a six-camera crew and dedicated sound, and now it us UP FOR POSTERITY, funded completely by you patrons. 

It was a high-end production with a huge tech crew....and just would not have been possible without your dough. 

And the fact that people all over the world in various states of lockdown could watch it....well, it was bittersweet and special. 

So: thank you for your patronage, and thank you for making such impossible things possible. I never take it for granted.  

(I made a post to announce the show which was not a paid post...THIS is now the official Thing post.)


photo by Alex Hallig

This show was a hard one. I made mistakes. My voice was weary. There were some bumpy moments. But overall, it was a killer set in a fabulous venue. 

And nobody forgot for a moment how miraculous it is that we could even do a show at all.

There was one weird thing: many people in the audience weren't "fans". Many had never heard of my music until recently, and many had never heard me sing a note. I found myself thinking "Is this a Kiwi thing? They're so QUIET..." and then I realized...over half the audience was made of people who had no idea what to expect of the show. 

Why? Because they only knew me as "Amanda from the post office", "Amanda who is Judy's American Friend", "Amanda Ash's mum from playgroup" or "Amanda who is living at Nick's house by the stream".

It was not your normal, wild AFP crowd...it was more like, a neighborhood of curious and supportive nice people I've met over the last nine months. 

Nine months. Jesus.

Anyway....that's also why this show was so important to me. This was not just a "hometown" show, it was an "adopted hometown" show. Super emo, that.


If I may recommend, the highlights were definitely Boudicca Farquhar's dance to "Drowning in the Sound", which she choreographed herself. Bou is an emerging dance artist - she's 17, and the daughter of my university friend Kya - the reason I came to this town in the first place. 

It felt magical to watch Bou create this dance. I'm so proud of her.

The Lorde cove ("Liability") is very get-your-hanky, and "The Man Who Ate Too Much"...by then I was basically a tear-stained mess.

I fucked up "Runs in the Family". Doesn't matter how many times I play that song, sometimes I fuck it up. I fucked up the (New) New Zealand song too. Nobody's perfect, betches.




here's the set list and timemarkers, thanks to tristan on youtube:

46:22 - Creep (Radiohead cover)

52:40 - In My Mind

1:06:06 - Astronaut

1:15:54 - Mrs. O (Dresden Dolls)

1:25:30 - Drowning In The Sound (with a dance by Boudicca Farquhar)

1:33:10 - The Killing Type

1:38:20 - The Bed Song

1:46:40 - Vegemite (The Black Death)

1:54:10 - A Mother’s Confession

2:35:45 - Runs In The Family

2:41:20 - New Zealand 

2:45:16 - Hello Aotearoa

2:52:45 - The Man Who Ate Too Much

3:04:34 - Liability (Lorde cover)

3:08:35 - Coin Operated Boy

3:17:20 - The Ride 

3:33:15 - Ukelele Anthem

*Amanda Collapses*


We simulcasted this live stream on multiple channels. so if you prefer other platforms, here's those links, too: crowdcast and facebook live.

All photos below by Alexander Hallig (@themusicistalking) except where noted.

Me with Sophie (left) and Rosheen (right) the StreamQueens, splayed at intermission....

Here's Boudicca warming up backstage...

photo by olivia robertson

Bou...on stage....

Our hype and intermission hosts, Rosheen and Sophie...

photo by olivia robertson


The show started up in the rafters...

photo by olivia robertson

Signing, after....

photo by rachel poulain

These huge archival art posters are $250 (NZD, which is about $175 USD), btw, and signed by me and the artist, V. Hoy. The profit is all going to Hastings Women's Refuge...if you're interested in one, we have about 3 left if you'd like to order one. Email jamie@macphails.co.nz if you want one, and he'll arrange shipment and payment.

Thank you for funding this, so that people all over the world can watch it for free with no sponsors, and no paywall....thank you.

I love you all.




1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol. that's always nice for me to see, so i know who's reading.

2. see All the Things (over 100 of them) i've made so far on patreon:


3. JOIN THE SHADOWBOX COMMUNITY FORUM, find your people, and discuss everything: https://forum.theshadowbox.net/

4. new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff (at least up until a few years ago, this desperately needs updating) on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

5. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net




Thanks for sharing this! I'm so jonesing for live shows! <3


Hi Amanda, thank you for this 💕 I couldn't watch it live so I'm happy this option exists. I have a question: is it okay to share the YouTube link with non-patrons?

Terry Green

This concert was wonderful to see and hear. And I marvel at the fact that a lil' ol' Patreon can muster the resources to put together such a technically proficient production and make it possible for the whole damn planet (the internet-connected part anyway) to see it. It was not long ago at all that the only people who could produce a concert for a global audience were a tiny handful of entertainment moguls, who had to have *millions* in backing. For media oldsters like me, this is the revolution embodied.. And while I understand the objection to them talking over the intermission performer, can I just say I loved Rosheen and Sophie? They reminded me of all the strangers I've met in line to get into Amanda Palmer concerts and instantly bonded with. Watching from my covid shelter nest, I felt way less alone with them on my screen as the house was filling up. Please send them my fondest regards from California.


NZers are notoriously shy at concerts. Apparently the first time the Rolling Stones came to NZ they were shocked at how subdued the audiences were. No screaming or dancing. Just polite clapping at the end of each song lol. But by the time they returned, their fans had seen the overseas footage of Beatlemania, and thus they felt encouraged to scream and go a bit loopy themselves.


Thanks for the show, Amanda 🥰 it was one of the rare shreds of light for me in this fucked up year. I'm in a very heavy saddened winter mood since the days became very short here in Germany. Maybe it's harder this winter because the rest of the year lacks of the nice things which usually are the counterweight on my mind to get through the wintertime. I'm looking forward to the winter solstice at December 21, the days will become longer again. Next year there is probably a covid vaccine, and definitely no orange faced president evil terrorising the world any more. I'll hold on for this and your support makes this a little easier for me ☺️ PS also thanks for the YouTube link which is easy to share with friends

Laura Wellner

I can't wait to watch it! I expect this will be my Saturday afternoon matinee after a long week of work, work, work! Love you!


I loved this so very much. Work kept me from seeing you in chicago last year, being able to be there for this was inspiring, I can't even tell you how hard it was not to ugly cry in front of my husband while watching this. Just thank you so much, for being you, for allowing me to see you being you!


WOW!!! Just incredible


Apologies warning 2020 angry rant below. Amanda I love your work, but every time I see you in person it’s weird. I gave you the privilege of trying to share my two most special places in NZ that heal my soul. Won’t make that mistake again. You are the only person I support as I do love your work, I will continue to do so, it is awesome. It is really good for me. Maybe I will skip the meet and great from now on. Your work speaks to me, but you just wandered of when I was in the middle of my second sentence. I put up with way to much in my life - I make an effort to have less shit. Soo I spoke too much instead during the patron Wellington bash. Thanks- not thanks. This year has been a total shit show for me. They arrested the recidivist peadophile that subjected me to sexual slavery as a child but didn’t charge him due to the complexities of international extradition law and the statute of limitations in Other countries. So I really liked your Melbourne show, it was awesome. 7 months in lockdown. My teenager is supposed to have more investigations of her bowel disease as she has been bleeding for two years non stop now. My oldest daughter- the well one who only has endometriosis like me ( I have three other related diseases) looks like she has a degenerative eye disease that may send her blind over her life time. Yesterday morning as I was trying to take my oldest daughter to get her restricted license at 8.15 am a man in the street heckled me about my parking and the car I drive destroying the environment. He said I should catch public transportation. He said he could tell what kind of person I was. I tried public transportation again when liven in Melbourne recently we tried it for a while year. Running after my child with autism for three hrs got really old really fast. Having to call police to find her was really stressful. Soo did paying more than a my 2 wheel drive car was worth to fix it because once we got a car we drove on soo much dirt Rd it destroyed the 2x2 wheel drive car. I wonder if the guy that judged me has ever raised children that are not his? I have. I wonder if he has ever walked KM’s with there wet laundry Bec he didn’t have a car and the dryer was too expensive and he didn’t have a working fridge washing machine or or dryer. I have. Interesting how this adult male has not learned to mind his privilege. Would I love to drive an electric car sure. I don’t have that privilege, I have huge medical bills all the time. Interesting that he thought he had the right to tell me how to live. Some one should explain to the guy it is not safe to go around harassing random females with his moral high ground because it is bred of privilege. His mother should have taught him better how not to harass random females.


I am sorry to hear what a shit-show this year is being for you. It sounds fucking dreadful. But putting any blame on a busy and no doubt over-whelmed performer - who is being spread thin over many people during a patron-bash - is unfair. I bet if you had chosen a quieter time to talk to AP she would have loved to hear about your favourite places. Perhaps share them here? I for one would like to know! Best wishes for 2021.


Wishing you kindness and healing in 2021