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hello loves.

just a quickie poll, for those of you around the globe AND those of you in hawkes bay and auckland (thank go we stayed at level 1, eh?).

big show day. 

i woke up with a head full of questions and little stories from the long-ago coming to derail me. then i went through the lyrics of all the new material in my hand. i feel like tonight’s show - and the stream - is going to change something. connect something. move something. i don’t know what, exactly. i am still drowning in the odd reality that i get to perform on a real stage to hundreds of real people, and most of my friends do not get to do that. 

i’m trying to figure out how to feel that.....the right way. 

i’m trying to make sure my new community likes me and knows who i really am. i’ll be in an opera house from 1915 with all the local ghosts that i am just starting to understand. i will wake up, make ash breakfast, make mama coffee, read us some books, take him to the library and maybe we will use the net the stream and try to catch some fish, as promised. i have call time at the theater at noon for meetings and tech. noni is going to watch ash all day but he’ll be able to play at the theater since there’s so much space. the audience arrives at 6 pm. 

the stream goes live at 6:30....show starts at 7pm.....i hope you're all in there and chatting away with each other.

i suppose i’ll think all day about what i am going to say. everything feels so strange right now. this morning, i am most grateful to my patrons, who keep supporting me and my art through thick and thin. because of those 14k people and their contributions, i’m able to do a huge project like this and make it free to the world. i never take it for granted. well, that’s a lie. maybe i do take it for granted. but maybe sometimes that’s what they need me to do so that i can spend the day thinking about art instead of how this goddamn stream is going to capture viewers and make a profit. it doesn’t need to. 

it’s already in the black!!!!


so, in order of need.....


there are already 1,000 people RSVPd, and the chat is LIVE!!! GO RSVP and start chatting!!!!!

here's the info again: https://www.patreon.com/posts/43796588

this show is going to be EPIC HISTORIC AMAZING

and otherwise emo as fuck

you can watch it on crowdcast (recommended), but you can also watch on youtube and FB, and you can do me a solid by spreading the links around so people everywhere find out about this FREE event, thanks to patreon.

i cannot wait to see you all there online in a few hours.

a couple housekeeping notes: HAYLEY, who usually mans the audience side of the stream, is very likely going to be ASLEEP during the show, because new york atime change. my local pal RACHEL (aka @rahera_k on twitter and IG) is going to be manning the decks! if you want to help us spread the love, grab screenshots from the feed and tweet them at me, she'll be running @amandapalmer while i'm on stage. you can tag me in IG, too, and she'll see and spread anything that's good!!! GO NUTS!!! i really want to get the word out to the world about this show. it's going to be so magnificent.

the stream starts at 6:30 with ROSHEEN AND SOPHIE and they are going to entertain the fuck out of you!!!! 

everyone here locally is so excited. i cannot wait.

2) THEN......TOMORROW....well, if you're a patron in hawkes bay, YOU'RE ALL COMING TO MY HOUSE! 

the hawkes bay patron party is TOMORROW, SUNDAY 15th, CHEZ MOI!!!!!!  i updated in the hub post, but i'll also stick it here. don't forget how much i trust you all. this is not a p[ublic party, it's strictly for patrons, do not share this info, ever, with the public or put it on the public internetz. take care of me. thank you.

address, directions, times, info!!!


it's near the village at the end of a long, dead end road....if you're coming from the roundabout near town, hang a right on st. george's road and then it's your first right on miller.

follow until the road turns dirt, there's a big hedge on your left. hang a left at the end of the hedge (follow the sign's to "john's house".

stay to the left, stay to the left! i'll put some balloons and arrows up. park anywhere on the grass!!!!! i'll run out and direct the parking if people are confused.

PLEASE DON'T ARRIVE EARLIER THAN 1 OR AFTER 3 pm! don't show up at my fuckin house drunk at 6 pm and destroy my faith and trust in humanity.

PLEASE BRING....KIDS! FOOD! SNACKS! DRINKS! if you're brining lots of cold drinks or things that need to stay cool, i have almost no frigde space, so bring a coller and if of you can. dogs....are ok if they are very very well-behaved and on a lead. BRING BLANKETS TO SIT ON!!!! BRING GUITARS! BRING UKULELII!!! BRING THINGS FOR SHADE! TREAT THIS LIKE A DAY AT THE BEACH OR A PICNIC! BRING EVERYTHING YOU NEED!!!! 

i'll provide snacks and wine! WE WILL HANG AND PLAY MUSICS AND TALK.

please comment down below HOW MANY IN YOUR PARTY and what you are planning on bringing, if anything!!! this will help me figure out, at the very least, how much SNAX and coffee and tea to buy - and how much parking we will need to expect on our LAWN.


and if anyone wants to bring a pinata, ash will LOVE YOU.


ash got a free ride today....

3) lastly....AUCKLAND PATRON PARTY!! please RSVP

the AUCKLAND SHOW IS SOLD OUT!!! whoooohoooo! and thank the lord auckland didn't slip into level 2 or 3 yesterday. i was worried there for a second.

re: the AUCKLAND WAIHEKE ISLAND PARTY, which is on NOV 22nd....!!!!!! PLEASE JUST RSVP HERE! so we can get a headcount and send it along to the people at the eco-village!!! ALL the details for the party, directions, etc, are HERE: https://www.patreon.com/posts/42922551






This show!!! ... (OMG AFP!!!) ... Everything about you, Amanda ... Everything about this show ... was exactly what my heart needed. Such. good. medicine. We understand you’re tired ... A lot of us are weary to the bone ... Thank you for singing our weary bones alive again ... Music reminds us who we are ... restores our joy and our sense of kinship ... Music heals. LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!! Thank you so much. ✨🙌🏽✨🤩✨🤲🏽✨🌟✨


I'll be coming to your house with just myself, bringing some anzac biscuits :D


Just me coming to the house party. I road tripped up from welly so will try pop into a new world before and grab some nibbles 😊


I'm bringing a rainbow pinatas and kiwi candies to go in them, if ash already has a pinatas we can just eat the candies


That show was exactly what I didn't know I needed.


I apologise for having to leave so early but i wanted to thank you and Ash for inviting me into your home, it was a lovely afternoon. I look forward to enjoying your next show and seeing you again on Waiheke next week when I’m not under such a time restraint.


Bless you Amanda. I'm so sorry. I love you, too. ❤


Thank you for the wonderful afternoon, inviting me into your space, the beautiful venue in the sun. A great laid back Sunday in the Bay

Deniz Bevan

I couldn't log in to Patreon in time to vote, but caught as much of the live stream as I could! Can't wait to rewatch the whole thing!


I love Amanda and have been a patron on and off since the beginning. I’m in Auckland and saw her first show but can’t afford to come to the patron party - $50 for ferry tickets for me and my partner as well as $100 to bring our car over plus petrol for an hours’ drive there and an hour back. It’s making the patron party extremely exclusive to people who have a lot of money.


I agree the cost is potentially a barrier for a lot of people, and it's a shame although I understand the excitement of the Waiheke venue. As it happens, I'll be there with a car and some extra seats - so if you decide that just the cost of the ferry was manageable, you're welcome to jump in my car.


Thank you for a wonderful show at Toi Toi - I was planning to come on Sunday with my five year old granddaughter but life got in the way - sometimes the wheels fall off - I hope it was a great day X


This post finally got me to get organised for Waiheke. I'm taking the Fuller's ferry from central Auckland, which sails into Matiatia Wharf, then a taxi from there. If anyone's going that way, let me know :-)


Hello Elizabeth - what time are you catching the ferry? Do you know if you have to book in advance? I'll be keen to share the cost of a cab. Liz


Hi Liz, I just posted a reply and when I refreshed the page I can't see it anymore. Did you get it?


I'll assume not.....maybe it got filtered out because I included a link to a the shadowbox. I'm just waiting on a reply from Ca.t over there who is going over on the ferry and picking up a car, and has 3 spare seats. So maybe we can all go together For fullers you seem to be able to use the ticket on any sailing