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{public post}


here are all the direct links to watch across the platform of your choice. they are all PUBLIC so feel free to share. if you're a patron, unsure which one to tune in to, we recommend using crowdcast so patrons can chat together in one place.





hallo loves!


many of you patrons - and many on socal media - have requested that we stream one of the aotearoa new zealand theater/tour shows ... AND SO, YES, WE'RE DOING IT.

i will be pro-live-streaming the entire opera house show THIS SATURDAY NOV 14th @ 7pm NZDT - 100% FREE TO THE WORLD, FUNDED BY PATRONS!!!! HOORAAYYYYYY. the main link to watch is HERE, and it will also be across other platforms (youtube live, facebook live, and twitch).

THE WHOLE SHOW WILL THEN STAY ONLINE, SO DON'T WORRY IF YOU MISS THE LIVE STREAM! i know the time change is hard for those of you in USA/UK/europe.

there are still a handful of tickets for seats for the show itself HERE. the venue seats about 1,000 people.

a reminder: this free stream would NOT be possible without this patreon.

"monetizing" live-streams like this is goddam HARD - i am sure you have seen  musicians and performers trying all over the world trying to get people to pay for digital concerts -  and i really don't like paywalls if and when i can avoid them.

the fact that you are all here as patrons means that we can afford the hefty cost (it's well over $10k) to produce this pro-beautifully, without sponsors or ads or corporate partners - AND GIVE IT TO THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD. for free.

so patrons, pat yourselves on the backs. this one's....on you.


this is going to be a spectacular stream - EIGHT CAMERAS, a huge crew, a dedicated sound engineer just for the stream, and a big backstage tech team.

i'll be playing a set of about 2.5 hours including a 20 minute intermission (and the stream will stay entertaining, i promise)....playing old favorites, new album stuff, BRAND-new lockdown material, and hit you with a couple surprises....you know me. i'll just be on stage, killin' it.

i don't doubt this show will be very emotional, for many, many reasons...not least of which is the local-ness of this venue. it's ten minutes from the house i've been living in for the past six months, and the audience is goin g to be made up of my new community. words cannot express how weird this all feels, trying to connect my worlds together. so weird. and so good. and so necessary and beautiful that it's all possible.




why? because we are here in new zealand where there is almost no covid, and theaters and shows are still....a THING.

The Venue is the opera house in hastings, aotearoa NZ.  it was built in 1915 and is has been spanky-fresh newly-renovated and re-opened this past year (and it's supposedly now more EARTHQUAKE-PROOF....more about the venue HERE.)

like i mentioned, the venue is about a ten minute drive from where i've been living, and i'll have a lot of new-found friends and family in the audience.

my landlords, nick and judy, will be there.

many of the local people who've helped me land on my feet in this weird time will be out there, cheering me on...and seeing what i actually do for a living.

how weird.

so this show means....a lot to me.



here i am at show/stream rehearsal day before yesterday with my friend kya's daughter, boudicca farquhar. 

she's 17, an up-and-coming dancer, and and she's choreographed a dance to "drowning in the sound" inspired by coco karol's choreography from the "drowning in the sound" video.

and here i am a few weeks ago with the core tech team for the stream and theater. these shows take so much admin and planning .... but it’s worth it.

SO MUCH WORK GHOES INTO THESE STREAMS. hundreds of man-and-woman hours. i hope it is as amazing as it feels like it's gonna be.



the stream kicks off at around 6:30pm NZDT with a pre-show and the actual show should begin around 7:05/7:10pm local time.

my new local kiwi pal rachel poulain (@rahera_k on twitter and IG) will be running the stream-audience side of things, and checking the comments and socials while i am on stage.....

and the pre-show and intermission hosts will be my local pals rosheen 

and sophie 


they'll be on screen before the show and during intermission.


you can start RSVP'ing on crowdcast now, and you'll get an email reminder 10 mins before the stream goes live, you'll also see a countdown of when the stream is going live directly on the page if you want to check it with your local time:


please tune in and share the link wherever you can, and again, it is 100% FREE TO THE WORLD with NO ADVERTISEMENTS or SPONSORS, thanks to all of you, my patrons.

if you can't tune in live, we'll host the archive of the show at the same link above.

HERE ARE THE START TIMES for a few other timezones, and you can always use a timezone converter to find your start time!

the direct link to the webcast is embeded in this patreon post at the top, and it's also here:





the info on those various streams will be added to this post as we update links. the team is working on creating these multi-streams now.

this is the living info hub!


DON'T FORGET....i'm also hosting a PATRON-ONLY party at my house (!!!) the day after the show in hawke's bay....on sunday, around 1-4pm. pray for good weather! i'll post my actual address & directions in THIS LOCKED POST the day before the show.

i also have ONE MORE SHOW....NOV 20th in AUCKLAND, at st. matthews-in-the-city....tickets HERE.

.....and i'm doing a special patron party on waiheke island on the 22nd (two days after the show)....the info for the patron party is here!




1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol. that's always nice for me to see, so i know who's reading.

2. see All the Things (over 100 of them) i've made so far on patreon:


3. JOIN THE SHADOWBOX COMMUNITY FORUM, find your people, and discuss everything: https://forum.theshadowbox.net/

4. new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff (at least up until a few years ago, this desperately needs updating) on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

5. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net


Amanda Palmer live at Toitoi in Hawke's Bay, Aotearoa NZ - Crowdcast

Register now for Amanda Palmer's event on Crowdcast, scheduled to go live on Saturday November 14, 2020 at 12:15 am EST.



Yay, I have tickets 😘🤩 My daughter & I are delighted!


Being Hastings born & bred, it is such an honour to have you here Amanda & also for you to live broadcast from our amazing iconic theatre. I have been on that very stage as a child performing in Maori culture festivals & in choirs while at high school. Thank you for showcasing our historical venue with the world 😘🤩💜


Lol, just remembered a memory that I really should filter from my brain 36 years ago, I was 11 years old, although I have Maori chief blood through my veins, my skin takes on its pale European lineage. My mum, bless her, applied fake tan so I might blend in on the Opera House stage, haha, I was orange as a rejected Trump!


Unless I'm mistaken, this is the Twitch link: https://www.twitch.tv/amandapalmer

James Cowie

the you tube stream seems to work better (less buffering) than the Crowdcast

James Cowie

oh and I see the chat is being censored even for Patrons . not good ...

James Cowie

So AFP who is blocking and censoring the chat ?

James Cowie

meh no big deal

James Cowie

Fantastic show !


What a great show! Thank you so much for streaming it publicly - it made me become a patron 😉

Laura Morland

By the grâce of God I woke up at 6:15 am and hung out on the crowdcast chat -- such great people! -- until the show started, at which point I followed the suggestions to switch to YouTube (no lag). What a fabulous performance (actually plural)! I was so very happy to watch it live... I felt as if I were there in person with all those non-masked people! PS interesting comment below from the woman whose mother had to give her a fake tan to blend in with the other Maori children performing at that Opera House, because the audience was white, White, WHITE! Are there no people of African, Indian, other darker-skinned descent in the northern part of the North Island? Sorry to point it out, but coming from the San Francisco Bay Area and Paris, it was shocking. (And I'm a super pale person myself.) Amanda needs some Maori fans, at least!

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-08 22:30:29 Hey Laura, to aid in clarifying things, coming from a place of love, and by no means meant to disrespect your perspective and understanding: 1. Not all ethnic people have dark skin tones. 2. The author of the post that you mentioned, did not say anything about the audience being white, 36 years ago. 3. There were plenty of Māori people in attendance at last night's concert. 4. The Northern Island is 90% Māori, where Northland has about 60% Māori residing there. New Zealand is small, but it does have a lot of regions where a melting pot of ethnicities reside but are predominantly near and in the major cities for work and studies. Since immigrating here, I had learned that there are several Pasifika islands surrounding NZ, who's people have also immigrated here. We have protected these smaller islands fiercely since the Corona Virus hit our shores, which was a contributing factor to stand in solidarity when it came to adhering to the rules that Jacinda Ardern set out. I hope that this little bit of information has helped to better your understanding of the cultural attributes of this gorgeous country. ---<@
2020-11-15 05:08:26 Hey Laura, to aid in clarifying things, coming from a place of love, and by no means meant to disrespect your perspective and understanding: 1. Not all ethnic people have dark skin tones. 2. The author of the post that you mentioned, did not say anything about the audience being white, 36 years ago. 3. There were plenty of Māori people in attendance at last night's concert. 4. The Northern Island is 90% Māori, where Northland has about 60% Māori residing there. New Zealand is small, but it does have a lot of regions where a melting pot of ethnicities reside but are predominantly near and in the major cities for work and studies. Since immigrating here, I had learned that there are several Pasifika islands surrounding NZ, who's people have also immigrated here. We have protected these smaller islands fiercely since the Corona Virus hit our shores, which was a contributing factor to stand in solidarity when it came to adhering to the rules that Jacinda Ardern set out. I hope that this little bit of information has helped to better your understanding of the cultural attributes of this gorgeous country. ---<@

Hey Laura, to aid in clarifying things, coming from a place of love, and by no means meant to disrespect your perspective and understanding: 1. Not all ethnic people have dark skin tones. 2. The author of the post that you mentioned, did not say anything about the audience being white, 36 years ago. 3. There were plenty of Māori people in attendance at last night's concert. 4. The Northern Island is 90% Māori, where Northland has about 60% Māori residing there. New Zealand is small, but it does have a lot of regions where a melting pot of ethnicities reside but are predominantly near and in the major cities for work and studies. Since immigrating here, I had learned that there are several Pasifika islands surrounding NZ, who's people have also immigrated here. We have protected these smaller islands fiercely since the Corona Virus hit our shores, which was a contributing factor to stand in solidarity when it came to adhering to the rules that Jacinda Ardern set out. I hope that this little bit of information has helped to better your understanding of the cultural attributes of this gorgeous country. ---<@