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good lord.

i was going to try to post the althing tonight but i just can’t.

i’ll do it tomorrow.

america, i’ve already been in tears all week about the state of my country. now i fall to my knees. i found out about the death of ruth bader ginsburg as i was opening the door to the first guest for my child’s 5th birthday party today. i swallowed my weeping and out on a brave face for many children, but i wasn’t far from tears the entire day.

this is bad.

i spent the entire year of 2019 devoted to getting on stage every night to fight for abortion rights, and for the rights of women to tell their own stories without shame, retribution and fear. it is an uphill battle to say the least.

knowing that ruth was in that supreme court seat was a balm to my soul every night as i read more and more upsetting news about the degradation of those human rights across america. at least she’s there, i would think every time a horrific headline would deathscroll - another clinic shuttered, another woman muzzled, another backslide into the dark. at least at least.

now this hero has left us. it is now our job to fight like hell. it is dark. but we must honor this woman with all our might. we must pick up where she left off and fight, fight, fight for what is fucking right. we must. the grief is real. let it fuel your action. there is very little time to waste.

ruth bader ginsburg: thank you for your service to our country.

rest in power.

we will carry on your work.

everybody - especially my americans - i am feeling with you tonight. i love you. hold steady.






I've been crying since last night. So many texts from loved ones terrified that the rights so hard won will be washed away by the hate and division seeping into the very marrow of a nation I can no longer be proud of - how do we continue? Last night I mourned and let myself feel the despair and the hopelessness. Today I fight again, with more tenacity, knowing the burden RBG carried and desperately wanting to make it worth it.


Man, I'm not an American, but I can recognize the significance of this. Praying for the loss of one so damn good and that her seat is filled by one willing to continue the fight for equality and freedom. 💜

Christopher Werner

I'm a now non-observant convert to Judaism. But I will say for Ms. Ginsburg, Baruch Dayan Emes, may her memory be a blessing. The rabbis teach that the day of Rosh Hoshana we can set the tone of the year if we try. That RBG passed today is a reminder that if her memory is for a blessing, we have to be willing to be the blessing, we cannot sit and wait for it, doing nothing. And, no I don't know what I'm going to do yet. But, eyes open and forward. Be the blessing!


May her memory be a revolution!

Katrina Pavlovich

I am devastated. You said exactly what I feel, Amanda: "at least, at least..." and now there is so much less in our world without her. I cried. My mother cried. My brother cried. We will all step up to fill her shoes, I know it! We will, we will.

Katrina Pavlovich

I have always had great respect for Judaism. They earn it it seems ever time I turn around.


My friend Rowan said, "Remember when we could just feel sad when someone died, and not also terrified?" I've been keeping my shit together with duct tape and string, and it's just not working now.


I’ve been thinking all week about something you posted - a saying from your yoga teacher I think? - No one is coming to save you. And then it was the first thing I thought of when my husband told me the news of RGB passing. There was so much emotion blowing up my feed last night, and I was certainly feeling angry and sad and screwed. But one if the many amazing qualities RGB possessed was the ability to remain calm and think clearly. Find away. Make the point. Don’t give up. We’ve all acknowledged how we’d been hanging the hopes of the entire nation on this one tiny lady. But she’s gone, and indeed no one is coming to save us but ourselves. We can do this. Dems need four votes to block the nomination. It’s doable. Also, whenever you hear or read that this happened “close” to the election, or “46 days before” the election, please loudly remind folks that it happened DURING the election. In-person early voting started in four states on the very same day RGB died.

Amanda Eckert

I think it’s important to remember that she wasn’t the last hope...we are. And we owe it to her to fight like hell. ✊🏼🖤

Lynn Goodman

I'm just crushed. RBG was our greatest champion, and we'll not see her like again. For now, we're all going to have to be champions. Give of your time, talents, and money, people. Find others to work with -even if virtually - it makes the burden of trying to save the world much, much lighter. Love and light to all of you.


This is so incredibly important; thank you for highlighting this!!


As a father of three daughters, this scares me beyond words. As a Coach of a large High School Girls Soccer Program, it frightens me. Then, I talk to my daughters who are fighting back and talk to these wonderful teen athletes who already get it. We live in tumultuous times by I see the leadership that is emerging from the current generation. As Amanda Eckert said above, RBG was not the last hope. She planted so many seeds, just as AFP has, that are already growing which gives me hope and comfort for the long term future. Keep up the good fight!


The fact that you would eulogize a woman who was a racist monster is fucking disgusting Amanda. I'm unsubbing from this and I honestly now feel physically ill that I've ever supported you. Look up her voting record on anything but abortion rights. She was a monster and this is literally the most disgusting thing you could do at this point.


Amanda, Thank you... I was just shocked at first when I heard the news , then devastated, and heartbroken....cryyyiing😭😫💗✨ I’m praying hoping that our generation continues and the up and coming carry on... it’s a must!! @Allison King...TY! MAY HER MEMORY BE A REVOLUTION!! AND A BLESSING AS WELL💜


Just curious, what cases did she vote so poorly on? I tried a quick Google but didn't see what you were referring to. Not trying to argue, just trying to be better informed.


Justin, I found something here. I don't know anything about anything at all, but I found it informative. https://www.themarshallproject.org/2020/09/23/rbg-s-mixed-record-on-race-and-criminal-justice


Thank you Chiara, that was informative. I didn't read anything that would make me as angry as Gabriel seemed to be though. Oh well, at least I know more today than I did yesterday right?