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hello loves. 

just a short human note.

this was dawn yesterday.....the sky over aotearoa being very frozen and enigmatic. 

i wanted to say a word about all of the kid posts lately. 

as many of you know, and certainly know if you saw my last show, i was deeply and excruciatingly ambivalent about having a child for many years. 

i struggled hard, and i struggled mostly in private. 

my friends knew my struggles, but social media and stage did not, since those were not places i felt i could safely bring the topic...and there's nothing wrong with that. 

and i remember watching my friends, family and colleagues’ social media feeds filling with faces of children, ice-cream drool and toothy grins and it feeling so confronting and even annoying. i remember that it felt especially awful during months when i was going through abortions, which happened twice after i got married. 

i remember feeling shame about my own irritation. 

i still feel traces of those weird feelings when i see happy, smiling families with two and three and four and five and six kids, knowing that that will never be me. 

i know better than to feel that pang, but it still comes, that jealously, and my job is to lovingly recognize it and set it down again. 

i have been a person who did not want to have children. 

i have been a person who held interventions to protect my friends from abuse coming from those who demanded they procreate or face the inevitably unhappy consequences. (i thought that was insanity). 

i have been a person who had a grisly miscarriage all alone in a hotel room. 

i watched my parents lose a son, too young. 

i have been a person who birthed a child.

i just want to say this: i am still all those people. 

i can put myself in every skin...she: feet up in a clinic, she: holding a pregnancy stick with either happiness or horror at age 16 or 36, she: face down in a pile of dead blood in a bed. 

i can say that when i post these pictures of ash, all those she-people come along for the ride; those she-women who went through indecision, peace, birth, hell. 

and i guess this is my way of saying: don’t forget i see all of you. 

espeically with the pandemic raging...and everything getting very wonky (i am still aware of this having read your comments about life over the past few months, with some people deciding not to conceive, while others are saying "fuck it let's just go for it since the world is ending"....)

i see all of you. i see me in you, and you in me.

the accidental parents, those who wanted but couldn’t, those who did but lost, those who never wanted to. you’re all right. you’re alright, and you’re all right. here we are, in the fragile moment. 

we have this moment, it is all what it is, and the sky hasn’t fallen. 

i love you. ♥️



p.s. i'm cross-posting this to a thread on the shadowbox in case anyone wants to discuss with the community more deeply: https://forum.theshadowbox.net/t/about-all-those-triggering-images-of-children/5468




I am living vicariously through you. Me: abortions at 19 & 31, eptopic at 26, miscarriage at 33. Done and 'fixed' at 35 and happy with it. I never wanted to be a mother. But I love children and love cheering on my friends who love to be parents. I see that Love of Parenting in you. *cheers you on*


Thank you! Whatever we are, there are always 10 other options of what we are not or/and cannot be. All those paths matter.


I worked with teenagers for years, and that was about all I could take! Now, I'm old, and I just don't have energy. Much love to everybody...regardless of your maternal status!

Nicole Ives

I think you will always have regrets about the path not taken, whether you have children or not. I think the best thing is to commit to the choice and life you have, and to make it a great choice and a great life.


I am an only child, was adopted. For most of my life into my mid-to-later 20s I did not want to have kids. I ended up having 2 kids; 2 miscarriages also; and 2 abortions bookending it all. Some know my whole story, some know parts. I thank you for helping me get through to the *no apologies, this is who I am; I am emotional, deep, complex and I am a woman* stage of my life. I should have had the courage to be like this sooner, but I wasn't. I hope the legion of women you inspire will be supportive to other women to help them be courageous at as young an age as possible. (5 am writing for me is difficult, hoping that makes sense!)


I sincerely hope I don’t trigger anyone by explaining why I’m not triggered. Just a warning. You can’t trigger me with lots of talk about or pictures of children, simply because I am constantly in “Why don’t I have kids” mode. You can’t trigger me; I’m already there. I always assumed I’d have at least two children (hated being an only child) but my ex-husband had crazy ideas about wanting to be financially equipped to raise kids before we had them. So he and I are both 50 now. I wonder if he’s got enough money for them yet? (I don’t talk to him. His choice. I don’t even know what state he’s in, but my number hasn’t changed so he can call anytime he wants.) Hmm, do I sound a little bitter? No, really, do I? Or just hurt? Honestly if I saw him today I wouldn’t know if I wanted to hug him forever or stomp his face in.


I feel ...still, these personal harrowing events, they are always with me.i never forget them or “get over it, or move on” Those words do nothing. They stay in my heart, each little one, every Abortion and each Miscarriage. Everyone deals their own way. As always, thank you for your bare truth.! XOXO


For a very long time, I was adamant I did not want to have children. I said lots of things why, but really deep down it was this: I felt too fucked up to ever be a decent mother. That was before I was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder too. Now I've had that label a while, and I've had better medication and therapy and I've got older and wiser... I'm still afraid I would be a terrible mother, but I want to give it a go. The problem is that I do not want to give it a go solo. And I'm not confident about finding a decent partner around my neck of the woods... So I may not have children, and that's OK. It will also be OK if I have a child or children.


Thank you. Thank you so much


As a person who was ambivalent about children, and then was left literally holding the baby, its empowering and comforting to see another family like mine. A family that's just two people. A family that draws others in to not be alone, to find community because you aren't the traditional unit. It helps. Especially now, especially when single parenting is even more lonely. It helps


FFS Amanda! you did it again! I am sitting in my office hoping/praying nobody knocks on my door before, my tears are dried and my face a little less red and swollen. I am not crying because i'm sad, on the contrary (i think). I am crying because I feel "normal" when I read your posts. This unintelligible soup of emotions, feelings and thoughts, notebooks full of pros and cons lists (the cons are winning, they always do, pros just can't admit the defeat, if this makes any sense) I have, give me the feeling that I am loosing my mind, and then you help me realize, I'm not the only one dealing with all those emotions. I feel less guilty for not finding it an easy question to answer, less hopeless not knowing if I will be able to untangle it all before it's too late (I would hate for biology to make that decision for me). Most of all I feel understood!! Thank you!! Again...and until next time!


I don't think I will ever be a mother. Part of me thinks that is for the best but not because I don't have the desire to have a child. I don't know how to picture my future anymore. I don't think I have one that involves anything more than just existing. It's better than a lot of people get though