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hallo loves

good morning from havelock north, aotearoa. it's 7:30 am. i'm going to be posting the Monthly Althing soon, but im trying to get out of the habit of making those too long; they are supposed to be "digests", after all, and so i am getting my monthly emotional ya-yas out here instead. 

first of all: wherever you are, i love you. everybody i know, especially in the states, is dealing with a lot of pain and exhaustion right now. and especially, to my friends and community in melbourne, and the west coast back in the states....i am feeling you, hourly. we are all in this hell circle together and i just want you to know you are not alone and that your pain and your confusion is felt, by me, all the way over here. holy fuck, everybody, this world.

i just posted the above picture to instagram with the following text.

the photo is from yesterday in haumoana, and that's rosheen's daughter, sita, and ash.

just a little mental health update for your monday morning / sunday night. 

i’ve been shutting down my work shop as completely as i can on the weekends lately and try to just hang out with ash. i’m so fragile but so strangely calm inside. i feel like i’ve achieved whole new levels of okayness in the last few months. like: if i can be okay with this, then really i can be okay with anything. 

i know i am lucky to be here. the spring is coming and the birds are ecstatic in the mornings. they symphony hello every day and i feel a massive sense of peace when i hear them from my bed. the and the ultra vivid and spread-icing skies of this country have been soothing my mind as we drive around from friend to friend. having friends is amazing in itself. that ash can touch so many people is amazing. i take far fewer things for granted and i hope that will never change. i have now lived here in aotearoa for six months. 

i find that so hard to believe. sometimes i feel tempted to panic. 

mostly i don’t. my friends and community at home are suffering. i find myself confused about how to spend my time, so i often default to spending it with ash because i know that cannot be wrong. but i am also feeling the pull more strongly than ever to write. i wake up every morning filled with mental dots connected and words i want to commit to paper. 

it’s 6:30 am. i’m going to pay that ash sleeps til 7:30 and i’m going to head to my patreon and write a longer meta-post about who i have floating around in my head when i write, how certain people and dark imaginings trap and censor me from the inside, and how the way i’m even looking at writing has changed since covid, since getting here. and i’m only writing this on instagram because now there is a contract with my patrons, many of whom are on this feed, and this was my way of magicking a cosmic request that ash please for the love of the baby jesus sleep another hour so i can write.


so here i am, writing in my pajamas, and the amount that i write will be determined by what time this child wakes up. 

it's as random a set of constraints as any, i suppose.

what i was thinking about this morning was actually related...

i wanted to muse for a second about my edits and filters when i write these posts, and how that's changed over the years, and even over the past six months.

i've been listening to and reviewing the old podcast recordings and interviews i did (there were twenty interviews of about two hours each....there's a LOT to review) and i came across the moment where lenny henry and i are discussing how we have to filter what we memoir to protect our standing in our families.

this place i write now, this patreon, is very different from other things. ive been "blogging" for twenty years. do they even still call it that? why don't we just call it "writing for an internet audience" for now. i've been writing for an internet audience fore twenty years.

i used to write on the big, weird, wide ol' internet, straight onto my website. i never knew quite who was reading.

i still don't. 

and for a while in the mid-to-late aughts, social media and touring drained a lot of my ability to write a full sentence. 

i still find myself wondering if i haven't gotten it all wrong, when i tell people what i do.

there is no doubt, over the last twenty years: i have spent ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times more energy on writing put-together words to the internet than i have writing songs. i used to be ashamed of this. i'm not so much, anymore. not when i meet people at shows who say that a certain blog or post got them out of an abusive relationship, or ended their bulimia, or whatever. i'm like, eh. song. blog. tweet. it's all just words, and maybe it's art. when i die, i will have put some things into the universe. that's kind of it, isn't it. my ego is not what it was. i don't need an award. i don't need an official letter from the academy. i know that what i've done has had an impact, and that is all i need.

but there is also this: 

many of you use social media to stay connected to your closer friends and families.

i never really curated a sacred space on or in which to do that. i made and kept many of my touring friends through twitter. and sometimes my friends and family would read my blog. but mostly, i assumed that they didn't.

interestingly, the ones who followed my blogs or social media wound up having a very different relationship to me, and i to them.

but this detachment does feel very strange....and there's always a vague uncertainty around who is recieving what i am broadcasting.

after i put out the new song (the one for patrons only the other day), which is one of my proudest songwriting moments, i got a text a few hours later from someone in my family who told me it brought it her to tears. that brought me to tears, because i hadn't known she was paying attention. i'd never seen her in the comments. it brought me so much solace, and i think i need that solace so much more than usual given how separated i am right now from my clan.

back in the 2000s, when i was writing a lot about my deep and complicated feelings about.....everything....my family would occasionally reach out to me, but only with either anger or concern. i would rarely get an email saying that something i wrote had touched or moved them. i learned to be more careful with what i shared. they all stayed in my head, ghostly, as if they could be reading any or every word i wrote....even though i suspected that, for the most part, they never read anything at all.

i've also gone through interesting phases of what i've come to think of as emotional-revenge-blogging. i've gone through enough tough relationship moments with enough people over the past twenty years....boyfriends, girlfriends, exes, family, staff, journalists....all manner of people with whom i've gotten into heated, emotional tussles. 

everybody knows what it feels like to chew on a nagging relationship that is haunting you....and THEY often lurk around in my brain as i am writing, and as i try to find the words to put to my experiences: how will i seem? will i seem unhinged? angry? do i want to seem angry? do i want to seem happy and carefree? do i want to seem like i am living my hashtag best life even though they are trying to make my week hell? and so on...

as i've grown older, i've mostly just started to grow more aware of these tempting performances and just set them aside as i write. the more tempting the performance, the more i know i need to practice my self-control in the performing department.

but still, it's very tempting.

one of the things i have enjoyed about growing older, as a writer, as a sharer, is the loosening of these mental chains that bind. i've watched my other writer friends lately tangle with family "cancelations" or ghostings, or threatened cancelations or ghostings, over information shared in blogs and memoirs. its almost worth writing it's own book...and something that i became very aware of when reading other people's writings. having walked through the hell0-circle of editing for various audiences (the industry! my family! my exes! the critics! my community! my old bandmates!) while writing "the art of asking", i now find myself reading other peoples memoirs and paying particular attention to the careful politicking that authors have to enact: how divorces are explained, how blame can be subtle, how memoirs can be used for what my editor, jamy, and i used to call "score-settling". 

we deleted many a paragraph in my book - the art of asking - because we determined that i was just using my platform to get a jab in. it was really humbling. having the right editor was key. jamy got to know my weaknesses, the scores i was tempted to settle, and he would hold my hand and walk me away from the cliff of anger of suffering. it helped to have a friend literally in the room to whom i could rage: BUT I WAS THERE AND IT WAS ALL SO UNFAIR AND I WANT TO TELL THE WORLD HOW FUCKING UNFAIR IT WAS RAH RAH RAH WAH WAH WAH and he would say, no, amanda, you're score-settling, but you can tell ME. 

and we would go downstairs and eat pasta and this is how my editor became a best friend and accidental therapist. he got my deeper life story; the one i was smart enough not to tell in my book, because i wanted my book to be better than i was.

i wonder if jamy will read this post. maybe i'll send it to him.

jamy is actually one of my friends and colleagues who does regularly read my posts, and it makes me happy, because when i give him a random call, he knows me still. 

i tried, for a moment, to run a sort of "friends and family" facebook page, just for people close to me, but i found it incredibly dissatisfying that i use it a few times a year for christmas-card-like updates about my whereabouts and ash. i occasionally ask my friends and family over there to subscribe to my patroeon, but it feels tacky to ask my friends and family to pay for my blog-feed....even though i, as the author of the art of fucking asking, should know better. i've offered to send them $12 checks in the mail to cover the cost of the patreon. i just want them to be able to get my posts in their email. patreon still hasn't made it possible to "gift" patronage. 


ash woke up, i just did our gorgeous school walk, and i'm back to finish.

i called my friend maria popova the other day, and she asked me when i was going to put together a book-collection of my blog/internet-writings....and i heaved that long sigh as i told her that i've been dreaming about finding a magical wise unicorn-editor for that project for five years. it would take a few years of full-time work, i think, to read through the 7,000,000+ words i've written through the years and mine the gold, then thread it together. 

i also think i might have another book in me.

it is clearly formed in my head, and wants to come to life. 

i haven't wanted to write another book before, really. 

the last one killed me.

in fact, during the edit of "the art of asking", i made friends promise to remind me never to write a fucking book again, that the pain was not worth it.

but still, i write. what is writing, even?

i'm writing right now. i'm even getting paid for it. this is patreon, after all.


who the hell do i think you are?

you're part reader, part patron, part family, part friends, part community, part salary-payer, part safet-net....

all love, all the time.

i think i'm just starting to figure this out.

i say that every time, don't i.


one last note: your comments always heklp me to understans who you are, and that you're out there.

it is why i love it when you comment. 

it helps me know what i am, and what this is.

you don't always have to, but i'm always reading. so....if you comment, ever....thank you.

off to work.



p.s. i though i'd take a selfie of me in my pajamas at my little writing table in our air bnb. morning lewks. 



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1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol. that's always nice for me to see, so i know who's reading. 

2. see All the Things (over 100 of them) i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/things

3. JOIN THE SHADOWBOX COMMUNITY FORUM, find your people, and discuss everything: https://forum.theshadowbox.net/

4. new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff (at least up until a few years ago, this desperately needs updating) on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

5. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net





❤ thank you!


I so relate to the question of who you are writing for on the internet and how that shapes what you write and what you don't. I was on Live Journal in the Wild West days of the internet and it was so different. I had just a few good friends reading my writing and we took the "journal" part literally - writing as we would in a diary. It felt like a grand experiment in sharing our personal diaries with each other - it felt equal, as those that were reading were also writing just as openly. It felt safe from others that knew me IRL, as the chances of them stubling on it were vanishingly small, yet I loved the thrill that any random stranger might just happen to stumble upon it. I've always wrote with audience in mind - even in my private diary, I imagine future generations that might read it and be fascinated with my everyday life. But by 2010 there were so many people on Live Journal who I knew IRL and had "friended"me that I noticed I was sensoring what I wrote, narrowing it down to a tiny scope. I stopped writing it. I continued my very much "for all my friends and family" photo-blog with its mundane updates but I missed Live Journal. I still do. I have yet to figure out how to write with the bravery of a early 2000's Live Journal post, to feel that sense of connection, to write without fear and self-censorship, in this modern Internet landscape.


I am eminently curious to read the sequel to your first book, and I hope you will call it The Art of Fucking Asking, as mentioned in this post. Much love to you.


it resonated with me sooo much. The part about family/friends and assuming they are NOT interested in what we're doing when it comes to art/important stuff. I always wondered, is it an universal thing for all families? That they know us from the other side so the different side of us that we present on the internet/some other platform seems to them dishonest? I got only one appreciation word from my family for my art and it made me cry because I also expected them not to give a single flying fuck. Eh. Making art is hard. I always wonder about crossing that line where is the oversharing too much and if someone will judge me harshly from my private circle. Oh well...I'm waiting for a new book Amanda. I hope you have it in you because the first one, as you said that someone said earlier - made me cry and change my outlook on life. Your words, doesn't matter if in songs, blog posts or speeches, are SO powerful. And I think its because you try not to censor yourself too much and its beautiful. Kisses and hugs xoxo

Jas Bevan

i feel a lot of resonance in the idea of knowing people who dont follow your posts dont truly know you like other people do. my spouse follows my instagram, but finds my twitter account too abstract and messy, which means i get an outlet for my scattered thoughts that may not have much meaning to them, but also i have to relay any significant discoveries i made over there. it's strange, how you give different parts of yourself to different platforms.


I just started to read “The Art of Asking”. I’m staying at a friend’s house since last week. She had to go our for a family situation, so I moved to her apartment to take care of her cats and puppy, and she got the book on her shelf. I have been following you now for a year an a half, after another friend told me, “You have to follow Amanda”. I listened to “The Dresden Dolls” long ago, but didn’t keep track of your music or works, until I read “Neverwhere” and almost immediately got every other book written by Neil Gaiman; of course, not all at once, but over the years. Then I knew you got two married and I thought that it was going to be an interesting relationship, music and books. I was reading “The View From the Cheap Seats” when I joined this community, so I started to listen to your music again and getting to know you. When you shared the link to watch one of the concert of “There Will Be No Intermission”, I realised I was already inside the rabbit hole, and I was delighted. I watched your TED talk also, and now that I’m reading the book, I was thinking a lot about the world’s current situation: most of us are on the “safe” area, in the distance, not having any physical connection with our own neighbours or family or friends, but, as you have said, connection is all that it’s about. I wish I had see The Bride’s performance back then, but I see that we can still see her and feel her when she is offering the flower, all the time, and saying without words, “I see you. I care. Thank you”.


Sending love to all the patrons and you Amanda, the connector, instigator, artist. Love being in this tribe


That was one of the most inspirational things that I've read by you. Thank you for writing it. Writing is so complicated. I started a patreon a couple months ago because of you. I listen to The Art of Asking when I'm super stressed and attempting to seduce sleep to be my faithful lover. It helps. Feeling less like a freak. Especially with being able to see the community in constant action. Like over on the shadow box. I'm learning how to take up almost full residency in my skin because of the things I have learned from you and Brene Brown. Things seems to always have a way of circling back, I'm noticing that, and learning how to listen to my own intuition. It's scary stuff. But I'm done running and hiding. I also struggle with posting on here. Is it too much? Is it too little? Too often? Should I do it every fucking day? I probably do have enough to say but who's listening? Then of course the haters and wondering when the death threats will start showing up. I've put up two chapters of my memoir and I want to be so naked and honest but there's got to be a line. Will I see it before it's way aways in the rear view mirror or am I aware enough to see it approaching? How do I stay true to my truth? I know that just by existing and going forward that I will cross lines and that's just how it is. I just hope it's not too severe and that my community will hold me and hold me accountable.

Kirrabelle Lovell

Just catching up on your latest posts now Amanda. I signed up to your blog I think around 2008 and then your kickstarter and then Patreon. I think of you as my most consistent penpal, often I know more about what you are up to than my friends and family. But it’s really nice to feel connected and in communication with someone (though I get more from you maybe, which is why it’s good we can all be your patrons here $$). I got into listening to your music and it’s funny sometimes I’ve thought - do I read more Amanda than I listen too?! But I think it’s all ‘art’, your music/performing/book/internet writings it’s all your artistic energy and output and you have an audience for it who appreciates it. I have family and friends all over the world too and it’s hard to keep in touch, often I don’t really connect with them unless I see them in person or video chat. It must be a different thing though to be writing a lot here and them not getting it, could you just have an email group (bcc) where you copy the Patreon post over and say ‘Dear Friends and Family, here is my latest Patreon post if you’re interested in reading it.’? A bit of extra work, but I always think with emails people can keep it in their inbox and come back to it later, unlike social media posts. Love to you in lovely NZ. ❤️ P.S Don’t write another book 😜

Blake Chambers

I took an internet pilgrimage to this community after reading "The Art of Asking". I didn't realize that the art I would find most beautiful was your endless weaving of community. Since I'm commenting, here's a little of who I am...I'm not a great reader, and my brain gets tired as I read your posts. I can barely write comments by the end. That's a little of who I am, but I think it's also a little of who you are. Honestly, how many people have walked away after the first ten page of James Joyce's "Portrait of an Artist" with bruises and ever picked up a book of modern literature again. Art is art is art, and what reason dictates which experiences are true reflections of its identity or its power. To me, you appear as beauty surrendered. Every word I read is a new form of an every changing fabric; a landscape of brush strokes where each shade and tone is held fast by canvas. You are the artist whose words enrich my participation as a patron. You invite anyone and everyone to be empowered by your relentless vulnerability—weaving us together into an artistic force that is incompatible with the isolation of stardom—so that we might share and add to the beauty of it all. Much love and hugs.


Hi lovely, I don't get to read all of your posts, but I read quite a few, especially when life allows me the time. It helps me miss you less and feel like you're not so far away. I love your writing and your heart. I don't comment often, cuz I usually save it for when we actually get to talk, but I'm down to do so more often knowing what good it does for your heart. Love you.


I love the room, it's so light and airy. I think that is a nice foil for when we write dark things or talk about hard feelings. Personally since I don't have kids, pets, or a partner (wow that sounds depressing) I enjoy writing when the sky is dark in the early mornings and the energy of the city sleeps still. Honestly its my favorite time, a warm cup of coffee, and the quiet. Anyways I believe you have another book in you. I believe the last one made you a better person, if you write another I believe it will do the same. You have alot to say and I think it is worth saying and worth hearing. I hope you will decide to birth it. We all need more love and light in the universe! *hugs*