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hallo loves

greetings from a sleepless night here in aotearoa. everything feels like it’s covered in the film of the unreal. life here marches on but the headlines from the states just make me feel like the wheels are falling off the bus. my friends and family on the west coast have their heads in their hands.

and new york...man.

it was nineteen years ago today, 9/11.

i am sending so much love to my new yorkers today. my people.

it changed us forever, and we are being changed again. i’m over here - feeling scared and so disconnected from my source.

i miss home today in a way i haven’t before. i miss my community. i am homesick for my collective. i miss our shared grief. i miss feeling known intimately by those who’ve held me and been held by me for decades.

please know i’m thinking about everyone in new york today especially, even though i’m so far away.

and to all my americans...and to all my global brothers and sisters on this fragile planet...

i love you.

hang in there.

hug each other in the comments.

deep breaths.






Anja Beh

Love and hugs to every soul and heart on this planet! ❤️

Laura Wellner

It's weird, but I'm glad today is a cloudy day on this day because the day 9/11 happened it was such a pristine blue sky. This morning's fog is clearing off at last, it's another day. There is still hope for better things to come. Hug n' love to all.

Teresa Toro

Nineteen years and I am finally starting to be able to look at the footage and the photos without reliving the rawness. That is progress. Maybe because living through a pandemic is such a reality check. Or watching so much footage of white supremacist brutality against Black people, which had been happening all along. Here in NYC we had such a cozy bubble, especially if you belonged to a privileged class. It's harder and harder to live in denial, and that is a good thing in my opinion. It may hurt more, but it has also brought so many of us closer together, and brought out the best in people. I see so many more people offering help. Trying to effect change. Trauma is crippling sometimes, but helping is therapy. It was for me and it still is. Always. Love and hugs to all of you.

Len Tower Jr.

I knew people who worked in the Twin Towers, luckily they were all late to work that day. People I grew up with in NY and other friends did lose family & friends that day. In NY, PA, & VA. It remains hard to see the city of my birth, my family for generations, & one of my two favorite cities harmed by terrorists. Living my life the best I can is my therapy from this & all grief.


Love and strength to all who are grieving and finding their way through. I lost my home in the Santa Cruz wildfires. My life is in a bit if a spin cycle right now. My community is strong and the forest will regenerate. Within all that I lost in .y home where Dresden Dolls and Amanda Palmer posters, books some signed. They are just things, but they were mine and each had a story. Mourning the loss of things is so weird. But on some level the things define us, who we are. What gives me strength, is my community, my little mountain town. And this community as well. Everyone can feel each others hurt and ride it out together. Sending out Love in all directions. ❤


Checking in from the West coast. I haven't been able to go outside for more than short stretches in weeks. Today is the 25th day since the fires and the smoke started. I listened to It's a Fire last night. I can't breathe. I have towels at the bottom of my doors and an air purifier constantly running and my house is still filling with smoke and I can't breathe. Talking to a friend last night. What if the AIDS epidemic had started with college students? What if it had been young, straight people dying? I can't wrap my head around the dead. At least 9/11 was quick. This goes on and on, no finish line in sight, and the numbers tick up relentlessly. I'm doing my best to hold space for everyone in my life who needs it. Hold on to each other, friends.

Teresa Toro

I have an Amanda poster for your new home, when you have one. It doesn't make everything all better but I hope it's a start. ❤


Thank you for sharing. I did not get any further than Never Forget.


I remember where I was standing in my house when someone called and said turn on the tv. Then I couldn’t stop watching. Over and over. Hoping it was a hoax some weird American drama. It wasn’t. It was. I watched Lennox Hill last night. The covid episode. The brief images on socials did not tell us how it really was happening. The morgue trucks. The staff falling like flies. The lack of masks and goggles and gowns. The numbers. Oh god the numbers. I went to bed grateful for a premier who’s tough and strong to withstand horrendous pressure from our prime minister and business and people who don’t know better. Who don’t know how quickly 700 could have become 7000. I hear your hurting. I hope you sleep tonight ♥️

Natalie Gelman

Thanks for writing this. I'm a New Yorker now living in southern california. The particular smell of the wildfires today reminded me of the smell of downtown when I lived there in high school during the attacks. I miss our shared grief too. I miss us unifying and trying to bring each other up.


Sending love to you and NYC and all who need it.


Big hug! I feel you. I remember I was at home with a burnout. When I put the TV on, earlier than I was used to. I saw immediately the first burning tower. I couldn't believe this was live. My daughter called me to put the TV on. We watched together for a long time, hardly words. We saw the second plane flying in. The hurt. The devastation. The grief.


Thinking of you and sending love your way as well <3


Hi Teresa, I landed in my new home. So kind of you to offer this gift. A major spirit lift! 🌈❤ 211 Pearl St Santa Cruz, CA 95060

Kirrabelle Lovell

Sending love to everyone in the US from Australia. Take as much care of yourself as you can ❤️