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my four year old punched me in the eye so badly i doubled over and needed a bag of ice 

then told me it was actually okay because he was “just joking”

everything is a fucking metaphor today






Hopefully this will be a good lesson for him that even if he meant something as a joke, people can be hurt and their emotions are valid and need tending to. Please be kind to yourself <3


I liked Mike Tyson's quote ... "People were asking me [before a fight], 'What’s going to happen?,' " Tyson said. "They were talking about his style. 'He's going to give you a lot of lateral movement. He's going to move, he's going to dance. He's going to do this, do that.' I said, "Everybody has a plan until they get [punched in the face] " What I like so much about the quote is that its application stretches far beyond boxing. It really has meaning in any area of life, whether the blow comes from a health issue, losing your job, making a bad investment, a traffic jam, whatever. It's how you react to that adversity that defines you, not the adversity itself.


Amanda? How bad is it? Can you see out of it? Are you ok?


I'm so sorry Amanda. My son is three and half now and while he doesn't hit me these days he was hitting me (and anyone else within reach but mostly me) almost every day a few months ago. He often did it with a smile on his face and really didn't seem to understand what he was doing. We've since been on a difficult journey to understand his health, his unique brain, and the stress he was feeling and couldn't articulate. They are still so small and they don't know what to do with the huge waves of emotion that roll through them. But of course you know that. I hope you also know that he loves you very much and you are doing a good job. I hope you can go gently through this time. This parenting thing is not easy and when you add in a world disaster everything is magnified. Sending you a hug from another mama who has been through it with her little guy.


Oh no :(


Most kids go through this phases of cause and effect. Testing boundaries and gaining social competency skills through this method is hard work. My kidlet has kicked me in the mouth, cue swollen lip, and has also said that she was joking, so it's fine. It’s not funny when it hurts! Little Poop!


What i tell my kindergarteners is this: a) it is only funny if all people involved think it is. if it's not, it's just mean. when i was a kid, people would tickle e and i hated it but that was always brushed off with "but it's funny", making me feel like a bad sport. But kids AND adults deserve their boundaries respected.


and b) it's good to know if something you did was not on purpose, and you can say sorry - but that doesn't make the pain go away. The wounds need time to heal and the incident causes emotions.


heal well and a lot of patience and stregth to you for raising a kid in trying times.


Seriously Though. Would You Let You Stand For That? So A Box With No Toys And Only Your Guilt Sir. There is nothing in there to do that with. So mind your protesting as a waste of your Mother's Time.


Oh my dear love, im hugging you ever so tightly right now. You are tired and homesick, and heartsick with all that’s happening; and everyone is on edge, including Ash. Wish i could give you hugs (bit weird because i dont know you, nor you i), but know we are thinking of you and love you for what you give even when you are empty.


From the teen end of the spectrum of motherhood: I hear you and I love you. You are doing your best, and it is enough. You are enough. On this end it doesn’t get easier, it gets more nerve wracking, and heart bruising. Especially when, instead of the punch in the eye, you get a withering look of “you are the least of what I need in my life now” and you have nowhere to go, because you are stuck together in these 4 walls. He doesn’t really mean it, yes he does now, but not in the final count. Yes, he is missing his friends, and someone to discuss the virtues and qualities of baby Yoda, and you can’t understand because why would you (with all the years of suggesting the Asimov, and LeGuin and Herbert to read)? You just don’t understand now, you don’t understand how difficult it is to be stuck between 4 walls, and can’t reach out because you are you and your friends are not reaching out. And why would mom understand? You are you and you are not me... It gets better though. He turns and says: “why are humans human? What happened in prehistory that they changed their way and started drawing those pictures in South Africa? What made them make Art?” And you pounce on the opportunity and have the best conversation you had in a month. And all those moments will be lost like tears in rain. Yet, we will persist and be there for them again, and again, and again.