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hallo loves

greetings from melbourne where i just landed from darwin, and am still collapsed and have plenty to share but i'm out of gas. darwin, oh man. what a ... place. i have thing to share.

this one is sensitive, so...just a quick spitball. 

i’m working on a NAME for our patron-only camp/retreat this may and i’m stuck. i started with “camp AFP” and i liked the sound of it and now i’m thinking of changing it. 

camp freefall? 

camp endlessness?

camp fuck everything?

jason (webley, my bestie) used to do a gathering in seattle called “camp tomato”. i am obsessed with gazpacho. maybe in honor of jason, we call it “camp gazpacho”. and then we have to make gazpacho, which would make me incredibly happy because it is one of the only things i can make. we will just need a lot of blenders. or a lot of time and one blender. 

anything but “camp sloth”. that calls to kind of bunch of people lying around looking dead together. 

hit me in comments. 

it also doesn’t have to have camp in the title. it could be “weekend x” or “escape to x” or something or other like that. you guys are smart. help me. 

also a reminder that its may 22-25 in the woods of upstate new york and it'll go on sale soon, save the weekend.






campersand and campassion - both mentioned above, not my ideas, but so worth doubling down on


Campersand has my vote!


Escape to Palmer Island is great. Reminds me of the monkey island series 😻


Campersand is a good one. Otherwise I’d just go with Camp AFP. It’s clear and most inviting.


Whoever came up with Campersand nailed it!


I agree. Campersand.


Like tomatoes? Like vodka? How about Camp Bloody Mary AFP.


In Our Mind run


Is this meant to be like a bigger shorter retreat you did last summer? Or more like a day camp?


That's the goal 🤞🤞🤞