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{patron only}

hallo loves

before anything, a reminder to all you aussies to SPREAD THE WORD TO ANYONE YOU KNOW IN SYDNEY! the show is this thursday at the enmore, and it's ALMOST SOLD OUT, help me take it over the top. tell people. tell them. text them. tell them. here's the ticket link: https://premier.ticketek.com.au/shows/show.aspx?sh=AMANDAEN20

this just a quickie, b/c ash has come to town and i'm mom-juggling my post-show exhaustion with a lot of circus shows and hill-rolling (we went to see "petit circus" and "brass monkeys" today, both beautiful, and a little magic show in the gluttony gardens....and ICE CREAM....and ash did his first actual job, as a theater critic for the festival magazine....it's been a DAY.)

night 2 at bonython hall in adelaide was seriously off the hook. 

i feel like i am growing a lot on this tour. emotionally. politically. all-roundly.

this this photo by chloe elizabeth...eeee. the lighting (done by our new touring oz lighting op, michelle thorne) was just stunning.....

night one was Good, night two was On FUCKING Fire. thank you ALL again - esp those of you who came last minute. it was an incredibly emotional two nights and really....if you were there you know the deal.....i thank you all for going all the way with me.

here's the group photo from night two, on the borrow camera of chloe elizabeth, taken by volunteer Guy Oomens (that's not his pen name. it's real).

hayley was needed out in the lobby, so i just yelled WHO HAS A CAMERA. luckily, chloe, who's a patron, was also there with a real-ass camera, because she's a festival photgrapher. WHO KNEW. guy was just a real nice guy (ba-doom) standing by the wall. i asked him to point and shoot with chloe's camera.

i love the trust. he nailed it.

chloe also got these photos of me signing for the patrons at the end of the night.....so gorgeous. i love when a real camera captures this magic. 

this is just love.

and here's me with chloe. she's a bad-ass. fellow photgrapher hayley rosenblum took this. photographers unite!!!

nice belly amanda!!! 


and ADELAIDE: last minute but....that's the best way, always:


at ARTHUR: 66 Currie Street. https://m.facebook.com/innovationADL/

some of you may remember one of the most epic ninja gigs OF ALL TIME, which was many years ago (8? 9?) at tuxedo cat...here's me with mikelangelo, the legend.... 

well....cassandra from tuxedo cat has a new venue called ARTHUR and it fits 200 folks AND THEY HAVE A PIANO. 


start getting there around 9/9:30 and i'll show up shortly after....whole thing will go til at least 11. probably later. depends on....who knows. BRING YOUR WHOLE SELVES.

spread the word but not too far, please, i don't want people to have to be turned away. if everybody tells one or two people, we should be able to fill up the room to perfect capacity....








1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol.

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland

4. new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff (at least up until a few years ago, this desperately needs updating) on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

5. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net




Urm - could you downscale the pictures on these pages, pretty please? Currently the pictures combine to >50MB (one has a whopping 10MB) and not everybody has GBit connections yet. The result is a page that loads very slow.


The show was fantastic and thank you for the tix ❤️❤️❤️❤️ and your vulnerability as always


This is so cool!!!! Thank you so much for coming to Adelaide! Your shows are truly incredible I just wanted to confirm sorry, are the one or two people we can bring allowed to be non-patrons?


Thank you again for an amazing evening ! I'm hoping I'll be able to make it to the ninja gig at Arthur as I've yet to attend a ninja gig ever! I'm also wondering if I am allowed to bring along a plus one that is a non-patron?


Amanda, my partner couldn't come to Fridays nights gig due to illness, she is not a patron yet, may she come tonight ?


ah so that's what it is! I thought I'd gone back to the 90s there for a minute! ha ha! it was kinda fun watching the pics load line by line like in the old days...


This was an amazing, emotional roller coaster, very powerful and deals with many unspoken truths for that touch everyone in our lives. 4 hours of highs and lows and you come out exhilarated. And I am really disappointed I won't be able to come tonight.

Kirrabelle Lovell

Ninja gigs are awesome! I’m bringing a plus one who’s not a Patreon, I think it’s fine.


The Tuxedo Cat Ninja Gig was February 25th 2017, cos my son was born on May 10th later that year and my girlfriend was on stage while he danced in her womb.


Hey Amanda, is the secret gig tonight downstairs at Arthur? Just want to make sure I can access it with my walker, thanks!


Hi Amanda, what an amazing show it was <3 I saw you 3 years ago at Her Majesty's and have been waiting patiently for you to come back so I could take my husband, Guy (he of the weird last name who took the patron group photo on Saturday night). I hope this isn't too much and I've not shared like this before, but you and your community feel so safe and strong and loving...so much of your show touched me so deeply. Three weeks ago i was told that my breast cancer from 15 years ago, which we all believed cured, had returned in metastases in my bones (my sternum, of all places!). There is good news - it's localised and not present anywhere else, but I still know what this diagnoses means ultimately. I am not ill nor feeling hopeless, but when you talked about 'burden' on stage, I felt my heart connect with yours. It is SO HARD to tell people. I have four incredible children, all grown, an indescribably amazing husband, and beautiful friends and family. I feel like i'm breaking their hearts. It's SO HARD. They would be appalled and upset that I think like this. My kids were young when i went through this the first time, my youngest, Noah, was just starting school. In a way, this time is easier for me because they are adults, I got to see them grow up and be wonderful. But it can't possibly be that way for them. They have full understanding now. Ok, I think i should stop because Im not sure what Im trying to say other than this: Thank you. You were so right when you said that when you do open up to people, they aren't 'burdened'. Invariably, the response is 'what can i do?', 'how can i help', 'I'm here for you' and/or they share their own stories. I needed to hear that. I have loved your music from your Dresden Dolls days and I love it even more now. So much of what you write resonates so deeply with me as it does with all of the wonderful people in this community. You truly do touch people's lives in profoundly meaningful ways. Your incredible talent, your seemingly tireless work ethic (!!!), and your vulnerability, bravery and humanity make you my favourite person that I don't actually 'know' :))) I hope you'll forgive this ramble...and wild horses couldn't keep me away tonight!! Cant wait to see you again. Love and hugs.


They always look like so much fun from all the photos I've seen! I'm really excited about this! Thank you for replying, I'm feeling less anxious about bringing a non-patron plus one now :)


My friend and I will be there with bells on tonight ... well actually no bells, they might distract from the piano and uke. Thank you Amanda. Friday was glorious, and I am feeling really inspired artistically as a result.


ah sorry !!! that’s the way the photograher sent them to me and i didn’t think they were so huge....

Hayley Rosenblum

I went into the post and resized the images to make them smaller - they should load faster now


oh man i love you, and everything you wrote here. thank you, thank you thank you. xxxx


heya! just called the venue - there's one tiny step to get in (about an inch or so) but the bathroom are unfortunately upstairs....however, they say there's pretty accessible places to hit the bathroom in the hood.


Hi Michelle, I've been to the venue before, if it helps to know the stairs to the toilets are very wide and have a banister, whilst not knowing you I figured it may help :)


Edit: Venue licence says yes! 🖤...So excited for this evenings nija gig! We missed the last one in ADL... I should have checked earlier, but was just wondering if my daughter can come... She'll be 18 in Nov!!! :) Totally didn't think of it till now!


My only regret is I’m not where you are!! I just joined Patreon today! I love what you do so much; I don’t ever want it to stop so I started contributing. I hope one day to be even half the human being you’ve seemingly always been. ❤️