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{patron only)


comment away, i’m here and reading. 

greetings from a couchsurf bed near the venue at a patron named jessica’s house (thanks, jessica. i’m in bed downstairs if you’re reading this). michael is a fucking gentleman and took the actual couch. all hail my noble assistant. 

hardcore emo show in the mountains ...done and dusted. we drove today through scorched landscape and i got on stage and did the thing. the show is finally getting tight as a drum. of course. just in time for a year of touring to be over. yes. perfect. 

it was a great show. 

a real show. it went over four hours and i added a few songs and dropped a few songs ... but everything felt just right. 

i got to talk to and hug a lot of you. i am glad. 

and the rain, the rain rains came down all night and is still coming down. everything is wet and everyone is so relieved.....

we are going to try to see the falls in the morning. 

also happy to take coffee shop recommendations between here and sydney .... we like coffee :)

the landscape. the fire. the rain. it feels like australia is changing before my very eyes but i’m also now more a part of it than i ever felt before. funny how that goes. 

thank you all for coming out, mountain people. don’t forget to word up sydney about the town hall tomorrow (3:30 @ pitt st uniting church) and tell them to forget everything they know and come to the sydney show at the enmore (feb 20). it’s going to be a historic one, this i know. 







This was my first time seeing you play live, and I want to thank you for just blowing my mind when it comes to what a concert can be. Thank you for an emotional, musical, human, connecting experience 💚


As a sidenote my friend mentioned a song with an 'ashes' joke when we met you afterwards - here is the link in case you ever have time again https://hannahwritesmusic.tumblr.com/post/190097708116#notes


You were amazing, but I knew you would be. You always are. Never a disappointment. When we hugged and I thanked you for making me cry and you responded with that’s what the show is meant to do, I forgot to mention that I didn’t cry for me, I cried for you. Thanks for always being true and for being especially raw this time round. I love you.


Thank you for a wonderful, thoughtful and provocative performance. Good luck with the falls today, please don’t drown in this weather. If you’re still in Springwood, The Bunker makes great coffee and food, and was just up the road from the show 😊


Thank you Amanda, I needed that cry ❤️ I don’t know how you’ve managed to do that show so many times, but thank you for doing it. Talking about death and abortion and miscarriage shouldn’t be the big taboo it is, and I feel like everyone who walks out of your shows at the moment walks out realising that it’s ok and in fact imperative that we talk about these things. I don’t know how many in the room noticed it but there were a few points during Voicemail for Jill where the song gets quiet and you could hear the rain on the roof of the theatre. That song that always makes me tear up, and that sound of solid soaking rain that’s been so rare for us here felt like a huge sigh of relief to me. Like a renewal and a sign that things can be better than they are right now. I really needed that. Thank you Amanda. I’ll see you at the Enmore. By then I may have processed my feelings about Frozen


I kept waking up during the night with "at least the baby didn't die" running through my head. Thank you so much for that song. I have had my children alienated from me. Two of them are mostly okay now and I see them regularly but the eldest still won't visit or talk to me. A lot of times my mantra has been "at least they're still alive. They are safe and fed and sheltered and I will see them again". My daughter may not talk to me again for years, but at least she's not dead. I don't often feel safe enough to say things like that. THANK YOU.


Loved the show Amanda - I've seen you live a number of times, & last night's performance was my favourite. My top gig of the year so far :-D


Sounds like it was an amazing show! The rain has been amazing here too, and a lot of drought-affected places have seen it, but still not enough out west. It is a relief for the bush fires to be doused somewhat but we have to stay vigilant when things get dry again - I feel that we will have to always be somewhat on a 'state of alert' as far as that is concerned. I hope you are feeling well and have the energy to see the next shows through. As an introvert I would find it draining to be around so many people all of the time. You are truly amazing and what we call in Australia 'True Blue', even if you were not born here :)


Was a great show Amanda! Thank you so much. I brought a friend who also loved it and another friend brought along a Swedish couch surfer (we weren’t sure how it would go down but he loved it)! Thanks for your energy and your commitment x


Thank you for the show last night. It was incredibly cathartic, providing an opportunity to process and release so much in a safe environment. If only we could expand that environment beyond the theatre, maybe the world will finally commence their healing. When i left, i was drained. Emotionally and psychologically. When i woke up this morning, I was still drained. This rain has slowly been washing away what was left of my guilt and shame. Time to start filling my tank back up with love and positivity. Thank you again. The Baby's Mumma. Side note - i hope my baby wasn't too distracting last night. She thoroughly enjoyed herself. Had a good little cry when it was finally time to leave. Just watching her little face light up at you with such bright amazement and awe gives me so much happiness.


Your baby was wonderful xx and very welcome


hello, I wrote a comment earlier and it seems to have disappeared. If anyone dropped their bookmark that came in the book with the download on it, lemme know and I'll send you a picture, I picked it up without realising what it was! xx


I've been locked out of my Patreon account, but just got back on! Thanks for a fab show! Loved it. What a marathon effort. On a side note, it is absolutely hilarious that my husband tried his best to stay out of the Patreon photo but still got in it. (That's him in the white shirt and glasses off to the side holding my handbag.)


Hi Lisa, I heard your question about balancing parenthood and being an artist and wanted to catch you before you left as I am also a parent and artist. Happy to chat if you want to about this.