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hallo loves 

greetings from the kitchen floor literally. 

art is hard. 

everybody forgets or doesn’t really know how hard and weird it is to actually be in the studio making the thing and doing the same vocal take 16 times to get it right and then still you listen back and you got it wrong. there are some days at my job where i barely understand what i do while simultaneously knowing that my job is just really fuckin weird and whatever the weird things are, i am good at them. 

taking feelings and synthesizing them and doing them into a microphone while people twiddle dials. i got home from the end of today and went out to a late bite with neil after 8 straight hours of recording and i cried at the restaurant. i told him i had never made a sad song that made me so sad that it gave me the heebie jeebies. i asked him if that had ever happened to him. if he had ever written anything so dark that it came out and he looked at it and went “holy fuck that came out of me”. 

he told me yes,

that’s happened. 

that was nice and made me feel less alone. i am glad i am with someone who understands how weird my weird job is. my day was amazing. i worked really hard. my studio crew were also unbelievably supportive while i went through the dark of recording my tasmania song in real time. thank you to xanthea o’connor for assisting and taking this photo and to anna laverty behind the sound desk and on main engineering duties. i fled back to my four year old and she back to her four and one year old. we can’t believe our lives. 

some moments like recording this tasmania song feel like black magic. who knows what’s good or bad. it feels like living in a haunted house that you made. i also recorded the song that xanthea posted late last night because it worked it’s way into my head and felt like the right one to do first. i learned it this morning and stared tracking it 20 minutes after i learned it. why not. 

back at it tomorrow morning. stay with me. 

i wanted to get to 7 songs today. i got to 2. i added an extra recording day tomorrow. i was supposed to catch up on email. fuck it. if i get at least 2 more songs done tomorrow we have a patreon bushfire EP. 

we will go fast.

 fast is good. fast is real. 

i love you all and also i spent every free studio break listening to SMOKO by the chats so whoever sent that you are my new hero




you’re welcome

i hope it also stays in your fucking head all week 






Smoko is hilarious.


Oh great, was just about getting The Adams Family out of my head and now you've put I'm on Smoko in to replace it! Could be a good mash-up, mind you...xxx


Good day for recording 'beds are burning' .... todays gonna be a scorcher! xx


How have I never heard Smoko before?

Laura Wellner

yes. I've written things so dark that I'm afraid of it. I've painted dark things too. Can't have light without the dark. All is good. I'll have to catch up with Smoko later. Love n' hugs!


Is this Chrissy Hine with you?


Deep, dark and sad is very fitting for the world right now - we all need to recognise this in ourselves and tell the world that things need to be better than they are.


Reading this lying on the floor in my bedroom wondering why we lay on the floor when shit gets to much and why it feels more satisfying to be on the floor. Now im remembering your thing a few days ago "maybe too much why is fucking us up" too fucking true mate! And i knew it at the time because i wrote it down knowing i would need to reminder most days, and i have.

Kirrabelle Lovell

Smoko! Pub Feed, another great song by the same band The Chats: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1LGM82uPuvA


I love SMOKO


The Chats gave me the giggles! 😏


My mom is German and mostly lost her accent, but it always comes out full force when she says “Hallo Schätze” (Schätze, Schätzen, Schatzilein = Darling, sweetheart, treasure)