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hallo loves. 

greetings from literally bed in london. i scraped myself out of bed this morning after a few hours of lounging and reading to ash and  debriefing with neil about the show last night and just barely had enough energy to make it through a non-day of nothingness. working through the show and the content of the show with neil in the audience is like an entire extra full time job on top of everything. i’d forgotten. it wasn’t fun. it wasn’t what i expected. i suppose i will try to write about it later. there’s something to be said, something useful and beautiful to be said, about what he and i are both making right now, and how different and yet the same we are. and how our superpowers grate against one another. and how that keeps things interesting. i was so happy he was there. and it was also hard. 

today neils fancy and nice british film friend invited us to his house for brunch and we went and i just sat there spinning like a little electric top. i am so so so tired. also nothing feels quite real when i’m in this show head space. i’m all squeezed out like the toothpaste top. 

now i am lying here feeling kind of dead and kind of happy. 33 shows. done. soon we leave for australia. 

this morning before heading out, i wrote this and posted it up on instragram and facebook. i’m still too fragile to head back over to twitter. i think i may stay off until australia. 

but here...this is the group patron photo from the last union chapel london show last night (dec 14). holy. fuck. 

(photo: gabrielle motola)

man....if i could have seen this photo when i was 17, writing songs all alone in my bedroom, wondering if i would ever find an audience for the weird, dark, personal piano songs i was writing in the darkness of my own head. 

what a ride, indeed. 

this is JUST the patrons after the london show last night. fecking hell, mate, it’s like practically a third of the entire audience!!! we also added 400 new patrons over the course of the last few days of live-streaming. and if you’re one of them, welcome. this community is my life-art-blood and i cannot put into words what it means to me to know that over 15,000 people have my artistic back. in this photo, literally. they’re holding me up. this is the final point. we hold each other up, we try. that’s what we do. last night i delivered london show #4 - the final show at union chapel and the final european show of tour - and i left it all on stage. it’s hard to describe how this feels, getting on stage every night and talking for four hours (with occasional breaks for songs) about abortion, sexual assault, miscarriage, loss, birth...i mean, what the fuck was i thinking. i know what i was thinking. in just not sure i really had a plan. did i have a plan? er. i just knew i wanted to do it. 

if you can, you must. 

and i know that i never would have been able to do it without the emotional and financial security that my patrons give me. yes...there’s money. there’s thousands of dollars there every month so i can pay my staff and have predictability and  know the rent is always covered. 

but also: it changes the art. i can risk without thinking about the market. i can risk and know that the fall will always be into this net of smart and real human beings, even if what i want to do is absolutely outside of the bounds of what is considered “acceptable”.

 i don’t need to be “acceptable” anymore. i just need to be able to work, deliver my offering, and know that there is so much more to making art than having to get it approved by a board room of men and a bunch of radio pluggers. to my patrons: you have made this all possible. 

thank you, thank you, thank you. 

you have no idea. 🎡♥️🔥



if you want to go peek at the stream for either night, they’re still up. i probably won’t keep them up forever, so go see. feedback welcome. 

here's the stream link for friday, december 13th: https://www.crowdcast.io/e/afp-20191213

here's the stream link for saturday, december 14th: https://www.crowdcast.io/e/afp-20191214

i love you all. 

thank you for being here. 




1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol.

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland

4. new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff (at least up until a few years ago, this desperately needs updating) on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

5. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net




Last Saturday I flew 3.664 kilometers to see the show. It was AMAZING, AMAZING, AMAZING !!! After the show, i wanted to say hello but there were so many people and i couldn’t. Ohhhhhhhhh😌!! Maybe next time🤞🏼😊 (sorry for my bad english writing)what a voiceeeee🤩!!!!!😘😘


What an amazing evening. It was the second time I'd seen the show and - even though I knew what was coming so to speak - it still got me. The fact that Neil was in the audience must have made it even harder for you somehow because some of it is HIS story too. People often forget it takes two to make a baby (usually) and that, if that baby is lost for whatever reason, it's not just the one who was carrying it who's affected. I speak from experience. The only time I saw my husband cry in 20 years of marriage was after I'd miscarried twins... I wish I could say I did it as you did but I didn't. I was howling like a dog in a cubicle in A&E and afterwards, when I'd flushed what should have been my baby down the loo, they put me on a maternity ward surrounded by women who'd just given birth! Those women took care of me and cried with me and told the doctors off for putting a woman who'd just had a miscarriage on a ward with mothers and their newborns. There IS a happy ending to this story though. Like you, I was never sure I wanted to be a mother but this experience and the sense of grief and loss I felt afterwards helped in a strange way. If I could feel so much grief for the loss of something I wasn't even sure I'd wanted, then perhaps I wanted it after all. I was just scared to commit. So, I committed, wholeheartedly, and was rewarded (?) with a beautiful son. He's 18 now and I love him more than I thought possible. Mothers and sons, eh? Stay strong and never surrender! xx




Thank you for doing this show. I can only imagine how hard it must have been. But I could also see it and hear it in perfect ways when your voice or eyes betrayed just how much of yourself you were giving us. Now go rest. Do it. Rest. However you need. Put yourself first for a bit. You've earned it. And we've got your back. Honestly Amanda, even though I've known you and your music, and what you're capable of for more than ten years, you surprised me so much with this show, and you keep surprising me. I can honestly say it was one of the best shows I've ever seen. And I am so happy that I was able to bring along a few new friends, share this with them, and convert them to your cause! Thank you for being you. Thank you for being magical, for being human, for being honest, for being fragile, and for being so so lovable. Time and time again,you remind me what it means to be human, to be woman, to be authentic. Thank you. I love you.

Wendy S. Katz

What a patron photo! Thank you for your inspiring strength and courage and resilience. I hope you keep the streams up till Christmas at least. I so want to experience at least one, and Christmas week I'll be off work and will have big enough blocks of free time for the first time in ages.


Amanda, I love you. I've never seen a show before. That was not a show, that was a rollercoaster marathon of love. I watched the live stream Friday with over a thousand other people loving you in the chat window. And everyone was nice, and funny, and sad. And then again Saturday. And the chatlings were nice, and funny, and sad. Cal was terrific as HypeQueen, and Hayley kept checking in with us. It was amazing. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. You deserve several days in bed, and you need it. The think I noticed different with Neil in the audience was you cried earlier and more. I don't know how you manage to sing and cry at the same time, but you did beautifully. Now, seeing that, I decided that those poems and stories I write that make me cry to much to perform? Fuck it, I'm going to perform them. They really are some of my best work and deserve to see the spotlight. I love you.


1st time at Union Chapel. 1st time at an Amanda Palmer gig. Was not disappointed! You are amazing! So glad that I got to meet you and give your a hug after the show. Can't wait to see you again!

Terry Green

What you've written, especially lately, about this Patreon as a path to artistic independence is really a source of moral support for me, now. Keep going for it.


Amanda, I love you. Thank you so much for this show. It was beautiful and painful and so great. I wasn’t sure who to take but in the end I decided to ask my boyfriend to join me. We went through a rough journey just few months into the relationship when we had to make a very difficult decision. I only told a few people (people who absolutely needed to know what’s actually going on - mainly in case of a medical emergency) because I felt like a failure. I felt like I failed at being a woman, like I should know what is the right thing to do from the get go. I still feel that way. I’m ashamed and afraid to talk about it because I feel like I should have never gotten into that position in the first place. I’m scared to speak about it with people who are the closest to me because I’m worried my burden will be too much for them. I’m worried they will leave. But on Saturday in the Union Chapel I raised my hand when you asked. It took me a split second but I did it and it was liberating. I would never ever think I’ll be able to do something like that. But I felt that it’s a safe space. I felt loved and cared for and safe. You made it possible for me to feel that way. And I’ll be forever grateful because I will always remember how I felt that evening. Your show will forever be a moment that made a difference in my life ❤️


It's All In There.


Please keep the live stream up for a while... it would be great to be able to dip into it over the holiday period.

Andy Luke

Thanks, Amanda for what you're doing. I signed up when lovely friend Aoibhinn brought me to the Belfast show. Your No Intermission inspired me to write a few days about something difficult in my life that isn't talked about. It was tough and I got there, so thanks for renewing my perspective on writing to people.