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(public post).

hallo loves.

TL;DR!!!: everybody in the UK should vote tomorrow, the world is strangely circular, and i made a political polka song by accident with brian eno on sunday, which you can listen to here: https://youtu.be/tKNMzjE7L7E


long story.

neil came back from a long writing retreat trip today and i took this snapshot of him opening the mail that was waiting for him.

tomorrow is VOTING DAY in the UK and the politics here are are as messy, divided, frustrating and as - dare i say - bleak as they are in the US of A.  

since neil has had an american greencard since the 90s, he mostly hasn't been able to vote in his adopted country or his homeland. you can't vote in the US if you're not a citizen (and he's not a citizen, and he's never wanted to be one) ... but his ability to vote in the UK was also eventually taken away (because after living in the states for fifteen years, because he wasn't a resident of the UK and they take away your right to vote, which seems bananas to me, but there we go).

but this year, because he's been back in the UK for long enough (and paying UK taxes again), something switched the flick and he's able to vote here tomorrow.  the polling station is, poetically, at the local synagogue near our london joint, and neil is so excited to go vote tomorrow... 

i understand this feeling. every time i stand at the polls in america, or cast a postal vote because i'm touring overseas, i feel a kind of connectedness to the universe - to my little community and to the whole world - that is hard to explain but incredibly powerful. it means we're Doing the Thing Together. it means i have a voice, even if that voice is a tiny fraction of a whole, one of millions.


meanwhile....i was invited over to brian eno's house for lunch on sunday. 

BRIAN ENO IS MY HERO. his album "taking tiger mountain" was one of my most played cassettes of 1991. (go listen to it, it stands up).

now i know that brian eno is also, in addition to being a great polymath writer producer artist weirdo, a really nice guy. he's just really....nice. and he cares a lot about the world. 

there are so many brian enos: the glam guy from roxy music, the producer of the joshua tree, the producer of fucking eight million other amazing things, the composer of "music for airports", the creator of the oblique strategies cards, the subject of a 33 1/3 book written by my old cloud club housemate geeta (who's on patreon)....and most recently, one of the musicians/creators who is deeply invested in figuring out how musicians can use their powers for good to combat climate change. i met brian for the first time a few weeks ago at a little meeting he held in london for musicians who were interesting in helping him with that sort of work.

then, boom, this sunday he invited me voer for lunch, and i brough jason webley who was just in town for a godfather/fun visit, and jherek bischoff, ewho's in town to make music for neil's ocean at the end of the lane play, and brian was like: 

"i need to record this song today. it's gotta get out before the vote on thursday. want to do it with me?"

and i was like: you are a man after my own fucking heart.

and we were all like RANDOM SONG TIME? HELL YES. 

and we cleared the lunch dishes and went into his little studio and learned, arranged, rehearsed and recorded the song in less than 3 hours.

it's a POLKA.

$3 patrons....i'm going to send you the mp3 as a download. watch for it




it's on neil's channel because....we thought that would be funny. because, y'know...he's british and all that.

espeically if you're in the UK, share, share, SHARE the video link!


here we are....lunch weirdos.

here i am, playing the kazoo. i nailed it!



Everything’s on the UP with the Tories  
the gap between the richies and the poories  
the porky pies and fabricated stories
Yes, everything’s on the up with the Tories  

Everything’s up the creek with the Blue Boys
They’re selling off the NHS to cowboys  
They’re cutting back on nurses (but investing it in hearses)   
the nitwits and the we-don’t-have-a-clue boys       

Everything’s on the UP with the Tories  
With unemployed across all categories   
There's Johnson, Gove, Patel, it’s a government from Hell!
And a few more years of Brexit purgatory  

Everything’s on the up with the Righties
Who worship at the feet of Trump Almighty
There’s people in the street without a bloody crust to eat
But everything’s on the up for the Tories  
If you’re Eton, Winchester or Harrow  
The road to the future, though narrow  
leads, like a well aimed arrow,   
right to the bottom of the barrel  

We’re scraping the bottom of the barrel!!   
Everything’s on the UP with the Tories   
their red-tops farting out more made-up stories,   
they’re proudly on the wrong side of history  

But everything’s on the UP,   
everything’s on the UP,   
everything’s on the UP  
with the Tories!!!!


now everybody in the UK, i know you can hear me.

GO !!!!! 




don't take your voice for granted.

(left to right: me, brian, jherek, jason)

we love you.



p.s. don't forget i am STREAMING BOTH LONDON SHOWS this weekend! 6:30 london time for patrons only. all info is here

p.p.s. don't forget JHEREK IS ON PATREON! he's up to 400 people, his work is going so beautifully and i'm so proud of him. join here: https://www.patreon.com/jherekbischoff/posts



1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol.

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland

4. new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff (at least up until a few years ago, this desperately needs updating) on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

5. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net




I will be voting for the first time tomorrow. Been growing roots in the UK for 24 years, man, kids, magpies, house..... felt utterly devastated after the referendum, panicked, followed the long winded, expensive process of Uk citizenship application, wasted a fair bit of money filling in the wrong forms along the way, got upset about rejected applications, hated the post man for delivering the bad news and kept trying. It took 1 year and 2 months. Now I am voting for the first time tomorrow. Yay! Thank you for this. Always feel at home in this group!


No one does humorously biting socio-politcal commentary like the Brits. Also, in my mind Brian Eno is a mythical creature like a centaur or a griffen and yet...there he is! Love.


Wonderful on all counts. Great to see you, Jason and Jherek together again. And that Eno guy. I first learned of him through Fripp. My kid thinks this song sounds like "I Have a Dream" from Tangled and I can see the music hall similarities. I hope that the song catches on in the UK. Off to listen to some King Crimson!


Lucky Neil - I'm in the same boat! I'm a British citizen, but I live in the States (& have a green card). I can't vote here because I'm not a citizen, but I can't vote in England because I've lived in the States too long. I've *NEVER* been able to vote, it's such a bummer. So I just do my best to encourage others to vote. DO US PROUD, FOLKS! #justfuckingvote


I'm so happy for you. I'm British but can't vote, as I've lived in the States too long. Do us proud! <3


I moved to California (from England) in '99 and became a citizen specifically so I could vote -- and I've voted in every election since '05. It hadn't occurred to me that I've been away from England for too long to be eligible to vote by mail there... With this Thursday's election, I was sorely tempted to figure out how to postal vote but it sounds like it would have been a wasted effort. Oh well. Please, everyone, get out and vote tomorrow! My origin country needs you!


OMG BRIAN ENO OMG YASSSSSSSS! The political thing is great, but.... B r i a n E n o !!!!!!!!!!!!


Eno = legend. Spider and I is the dreamscape of my youth.


Thanks for the reminder about Brian Eno's music. He's all my Spotify will be playing today 😍


What a great song! It will live on in my mind for at least a week!


I am voting by proxy from Australia (the only real way to vote from so far away as postal votes don't arrive in time). I hope they won't take that right away from me once I've been in Aus 15 years - which actually isn't that far away...! I had a ton of trouble this time, I have to vote in the constituency I was last registered and my parents and brother have moved far away - so I need a family friend as a proxy. It isn't easy to do but I feel it is so important to vote! My maternal great grandmother, who raised 4 children 'out of wedlock' in a Yorkshire workhouse, was part of the votes for women movement, so I feel I owe it to her struggle to always place my vote xxxxxx

Laura Wellner

That song is a stitch n' a half, and it sounds like fun was had by all making it! Brian Eno...holy fuck! Awesome.