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hello loves. 

greetings from east london. it's cold and raining (surprise!!). i *just* put tickets on sale to the public for an intimate little conversation and Q&A i'm doing tomorrow in east london, ticket info is way down at the bottom. 


back in the states, i’m sure many of you are reading this from unusual locations, since so many people switch spots for the thanksgiving holiday. you may be in in the most wonderful, comforting place in the world, or in the most uncomfortable circles of purgatory. 

it's thanksgiving! it goes like that. 

anthony used to repeat this old quote all the time: 

"humans are the only mammals who can make heaven out of hell, and hell out of heaven."

holidays with family can be heaven-hell and hell-heaven, sometimes from minute to minute. 

and since i'm over here in the UK, with nothing to do tonight but watch some peppa pig with ash (neil is off on a writing retreat), i thought i'd toss in a little reflection, since i have the time to do so and i'm not with my own family.

this post can hopefully be a warm little reminder-blanket you can share with yourself or whoever you think may need it (i kept the post public) if this weekend gets hard.

i know several folks right now who have cut off contact with difficult family relations and who are dealing with various estrangements and emotional collapses at the moment. i am writing this post with them in mind and heart.

so, here goes:

clink clink.

for all of you who are preparing to face family, sites of old trauma, fears of new trauma, difficult relations, difficult friends, difficult exes, difficult anything...this one's for you.

thanksgiving is always ALWAYS a really stressful and super-emotional time for everybody. 

so first of all, remember that you're not alone. 

i’ve been through a difficult week myself over here, and it’s led me into into remembering a lot of the basic building blocks of emotions .... and why we do what we do.

a reminder: your true friends and most valuable relationships are the ones who support you even when your ego shows its sharp teeth and your vulnerabilities bite you in the ass and you react. 

as neil and i are always reminding one another when we hit a stalemate: if you want to make a container for a healthy relationship: you have to allow the other person to change. change or die. 

family can be stubborn: they often don't want you to change. they can insist that you keep running your life using the same script or program that you were working off five, ten and twenty years ago. 

but don;'t forget: you can also be stubborn. 

your ego lashes out and grasps. 

it wants. 

when people insist you don't change and try to keep you in your old box, it can drive you nuts, and it can also drive you backwards. it can force you into your less mature self ... even when you know you've changed and grown AWAY from the person who used to insist on their approval. you want their approval for changing.

it's a painful paradox, isn't it. 

i had a particular achilles heel come up last week which reminded me i still have plenty of work to do in this department, 

the reminder: the rest of the world cannot work on your emotional schedule. 

if someone is not ready to hear you, love you, accept you, you cannot make them.

you cannot force open an emotional door that is locked tightly shut. 

if you try to force it, you may break the doorknob. 


i want to tell you a little story about a break-up i once went through, many, many years ago. 

it was one of those interminable off-again on-again break-ups, where we would tearfully re-unite in the nighttime, pledging undying love, only to find ourselves deciding to end it all in the morning. again and again. we were totally exhausted. 

one morning, we decided to REALLY end it. the end. END. we are never ever ever getting back together. DONE.

we were out in the countryside at my ex’s parents house. 

we’d had this lovely ongoing ritual of going to the same cute farmhouse cafe and getting a muffin. (this farmhouse had great muffins. huge muffins. muffins the size of your head).  

on the morning of our final, epic break-up, we stood there in his driveway, staring at one another, knowing it was over. really over. 

the conversation went something like this. 

ex: “so....this is the end. i think i need some time to myself now”

me: “yes, this is the end. you know what i would like? to skip the that whole 'taking space' part and just fast-track to being friends. can we just be friends right now? let’s go get a muffin together. come get a muffin with me”

him: "i do not want to get a muffin with you amanda”

me: “that is cruel, i want to get a muffin with you”

him: “that’s very nice for you, but that is not what i want, i want to be alone”



.....and on it continued, into a special spiral of hell. 

we did not get a muffin. 

in fact, we did not speak for three years after that argument.  

i think that was mostly my fault.

i broke the doorknob.


my dear friend, the author wayne muller, has a great phrase regarding what was driving me to yell about that muffin. 

he refers to this phenomenon as an "enduring vulnerability".

everybody has them. 

i have a closure addiction. i just cannot leave things be until they are FIXED, and everybody loves me again. 

i will let my grasping ego and hunger for closure kick around like a bull in a china shop if someone does not provide me the FULL MUFFIN-PARTY that i want, breaking every doorknob in the shop and totally upending my own agenda. 

i know this about myself. my friends know it. it can be a problem. it never really goes away.

and this is the thing about enduring vulnerabilities: they don't go away. you can't erase them. you can only accept them and manage them, and hopefully identify them when you see them popping up.


back to your thanksgiving table. there you are! sitting next to all the people who bring up your most enduring vulnerabilities. 

if you're like me, you may crave closure - you want to bury the hatchet, to make amends, to break bread, to make peace, whatever - so badly that you can barely physically cope with it. 

it does not matter, sometimes.

sometimes you just have to accept that you can't suck water from a muffin.

(sorry, i had to).

and it can be hard to remember this, especially when you're drunk on food, wine, broken routine, and tofurkey pie, and sitting betwixt anxiety-inducing in-laws. 

you can lose your head and become convinced that their approval  is the most important thing on the planet.

let it go, if you can. you cannot force people to see what they truly do not want to see. and if you try too hard, it can backfire badly. 

try not to grasp too hard. 

don't break the doorknob, okay?


if all else fails, remember that i love you. i am so, so thankful for so many things: my friends, my family, this patreon. thank you all for being on this zig-zaggy and beautiful journey with me, and with each other. 

happy thanksgiving. 


if you're feeling lonely, write us a story in the comments and check in. i'll be reading all night, and thinking of you all.

love and love.




p.s. quick note to my london people!

 i JUST put tickets on sale to the public for the little conversation and Q&A - led by andrew trendell from the NME - i am doing tomorrow (fiorday, nov 29th) at mirth, marvel and maud in east london. doors are at 6:30, it'll strart around 7:30) and we'll be discussing life, creativity and how to use art for survival. come chat and ask me anything.

tickets here, there's only a few dozen, the place is tiny. hope to see many of you tomorrow for hugs in person.

p.p.s. the etching you see above my head is by judith clute, it's called "blood simple". 


1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol.

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland

4. new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff (at least up until a few years ago, this desperately needs updating) on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

5. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net


Thu Dec 5 – UK – London – Union Chapel (SOLD OUT)

Fri Dec 6 – UK – London – Union Chapel (SOLD OUT)

Fri Dec 13th - UK - London - Union Chapel (SOLD OUT)

Sat Dec 14th - UK - London - Union Chapel (SOLD OUT)

Mon Dec 30 - Jan 1 - WOODFORD, QLD - Woodford Folk Festival

Thu Jan 16 - 18 - LAUNCESTON, TAS - Mona Foma Confessional

Mon Jan 20 - LAUNCESTON, TAS - Princess Theatre, Mona Foma

Wed Jan 22 - MELBOURNE, VIC - Hamer Hall

Fri Jan 31 - BRISBANE, QLD - Brisbane Powerhouse

Sat Feb 1 - BRISBANE, QLD - Brisbane Powerhouse

Fri Feb 7 - CANBERRA, ACT - Canberra Theatre

Sat Feb 8 - SPRINGWOOD NSW - Blue Mountains Theatre

Fri Feb 14 & 15 - ADELAIDE, SA - Bonython Hall, Adelaide Fringe 

Thu Feb 20 - SYDNEY, NSW - Enmore Theatre

Sat Feb 22 - PERTH, WA - Perth Festival Hall

Sat Feb 29 - DARWIN, NT - Darwin Entertainment Centre

Thurs March 12th: Auckland Festival: Hollywood Avondale

Fri March 13th: Auckland Festival: Hollywood Avondale

Sat March 14th: The Piano, Christchurch

Mon 16th: Wellington Fringe - St Peters Church

all info:





I was at a bat for lashes concert last night in st bartholomews church in Brighton and the setting and sound was so powerful and emotive.. I had an incredible moment of self awareness where I saw myself as a subjective whole delicately placed within an intricate web of complex emotions, because our emotional content is all we really amount to eventually..reading this post today was the perfect follow up. I have had recent emotional traumas and must learn. It was a bloody good show btw. Much love x


I think I needed to hear something like this right now. I may not have broken off the doorknob, but I have bruised my shoulder badly trying to force the door open. It's easy to expect your vulnerability and connection to be automatically reciprocated. But a closed door needs to be respected.


I insisted this year on my turn to pick Thanksgiving plans. we always go to my husband's family since my family bonds are all mostly, and mutually, tattered or broken. This year we hosted and played games with our friends and our kids and laughed so much. And watched arlo Guthries Alice's restaurant video.


I f*cking love this post and want a muffin. But really, love the analogy and see myself in the mirror with this one

Julia Mason

I hope you had a lovely evening with Ash. I'm proud of myself for staying away from stores (although truly, I volunteered to stay home with the puking cousin because I had a stack of charts to finish). I'm worried we're going to try for too much tomorrow, but mostly I feel fortunate to have mostly sane relatives.


Reminds me of a line from one of my favorite records by The Settlers (a breakup record of sorts between the couple in the band) “this cant be the way we end/the mind craves symmetry my friend” .


This quote from Huxley came to mind. “It’s dark because you are trying too hard. Lightly child, lightly. Learn to do everything lightly. Yes, feel lightly even though you’re feeling deeply. Just lightly let things happen and lightly cope with them. I was so preposterously serious in those days, such a humorless little prig. Lightly, lightly – it’s the best advice ever given me. When it comes to dying even. Nothing ponderous, or portentous, or emphatic. No rhetoric, no tremolos, no self conscious persona putting on its celebrated imitation of Christ or Little Nell. And of course, no theology, no metaphysics. Just the fact of dying and the fact of the clear light. So throw away your baggage and go forward. There are quicksands all about you, sucking at your feet, trying to suck you down into fear and self-pity and despair. That’s why you must walk so lightly. Lightly my darling, on tiptoes and no luggage, not even a sponge bag, completely unencumbered.” ― Aldous Huxley , Island


i don't know what happened to my email i was reading today with a post showing all the post-gig photos. one minute i was reading it and trying to have a closer look at the photos and next the email had vanished. has it been deleted? have i done something on my gmail that i don't understand? its not in spam or deleted folders and its not on here. anyone help?


goddammit amanda, if only you knew how much i needed this? im sitting here in my post-thanksgiving cloud, trying to break-up the fight inside of me between caring too much what my family thinks vs. the strong independent woman that i've grown to be. Driving into work yesterday i had an emotional breakdown. right before i had to go inside. i'm a nurse. I tried to pull it together but i couldn't.. i was so mad how much of a mess i was. i didn't want my patients to see me like this. i didn't know why it happened all of a sudden. why? why is this happening now i said? why the fuck can't i just come to work and do my job?! Reading this post illuminated a shadowed corner of my mind that i didn't know needed to be observed. I don't know how or where i'll get the strength to get through this but seeing this is a start. Keep going you beautiful being and know that there are young women like me who see you and smile at all that you're doing and what you stand for. I send you all my love. Thank you.


I’m late to the party with this post, but it’s perfect and just what I needed to read. Thank you!


Love your hair in this photo!


Thank you, Amanda. Perfectly timed with the holidays. I'm a knob breaking peaceful closure addict. I also hardly talk to my family because of how they pigeonhole me and how my anxiety is triggered around them. I hate it and want everyone to really see me, love me, and accept me. I have to really, truly accept that that will never happen.