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hey antwerpen!!!! -

omg i've had a day, photos from the climate strike march and rally incoming. IT WAS AMAZING....

greetings from DE ROMA, which is seriously one of the most beautiful venues i've seen on this tour. i just love it. it's GOT CREAKY FLOORBOARDS ON STAGE!!!!

for now, really quick:


***NOTE THAT THE VENUE DOES NOT HAVE ASSIGNED SEATING!!! get here EARLY at save a good seat!!!!!!***


I WILL DO A PATRON PHOTO DIRECTLY after the show. STAY IN THE VENUE and we will gather by the stage!!


i'm also taking song requests!!! don't make them here on this post....i ain't reading. i'm going to be AT THE MERCH TABLE WITH ALEX from about 7:15-:745. come there. give them to me in person.

here's alex & the merch table, look, we have lovely stained glass lighting!!

(photo by gabrielle)

it's right in the lobby. while you're there, get a patron pin, or a hanky, you're gonna need it.

SONG REQUESTS: be kind to me. it needs to be something i can play easily. do not request metallica songs, no matter how much you love them.i know you love metallica. that's great. i don;t know any metallica songs. really. i swear,

the requests last night were incredible. i wound up still sort of doing the show without meaning to....i have the same feeling the same thing will happen tonight.


SIGNING....i signed a ton of vinyl, CDs art books, and posters...and i'll sign tonight after the show if we have time (i think we will, but it'll have to be FAST, so no stopping for long talks or photos)




and in good news....tonight i get to cuddle with my son and husband, we're staying in antwerp tonight HOORAY A BED!!!





1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol.

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland

4. new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff (at least up until a few years ago, this desperately needs updating) on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

5. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net




It was simply amazing.


I had a blast. I cried, I laughed, and I cried and laughed some more. Thank you.


It was wonderful, I enjoyed it so much. I’ve got to admit that I was a tad disappointed at first when i learned we weren’t going to get THE show of the tour. Sorry, I know that’s very selfish. But you gave us a beautiful evening with laughter, tears, and light. It was an experience I will not forget. I’m also glad you picked the Roma and hope that Antwerp is treating you well. If you have the chance, go see the pedestrian tunnel with your family. Take the old wooden escalators and check out the elevator that was built to transport an ambulance (1950’s size). Enjoy a stroll under the river and look back on to the city from the Linkeroever river bank. It’s my fave place to bring visitors to the city and it’s always a hit. Thanks for being you.




Yes, what a wonderful show. Although complicated and sometimes difficult to hear, more truthful than ever. Even in your chaos and impro power it was still spot on, urgent. You'll never forget an AFP-show, if only for the sheer energy of it, and for sure not this one. Truthful and in the stomach, whether you like it or not! Brave.


Thank you Amanda for a wonderful show yesterday! And thank you to all the wonderful patreons I got to meet yesterday, thanks for all the hugs and the lovely conversations we all had. This was my first show as a patreon and it was a whole other experience <3


I get quite overwhelmed in crowds. Sensory overload, so the words I wanted to tell you slipped away from me as my anxiety took up space. That's okay, though, I had a close friend with me who I could hug and squeeze and tell how filled to the brim with emotion the songs made me. Your music matters greatly to me. Last night’s gig showed me to stop letting my fear halt my creativity, to not give in to nay-sayers (my own inner voice often being the loudest), and to just create, and be raw and open. That it’s okay to be fearful, but not to let it silence you. Thank you xo


Thank you for a great evening. So happy i discovered your music last year. Top performance.


Thank you for a wonderful evening in Antwerp. Somehow listening to your music at home or live, I always feel safe. And hopeful. And we were glad to be your fucking break from the show. I will cherish the evening. I hope you enjoyed the qualitiy time with husband and son this weekend.


Thank you Amanda for the amazing, deep, touching show in Antwerpen. I flown from Italy with my best friend, who is as crazy as I am and when in April I told her, let's take a flight to Belgium to see Amanda, she just told me "ok, let's book the tickets". Thank you for your music, your words, your thoughts and thank you for sharing with us. We met at the lobby where I made my song request, I was so happy to see you and to speak to you! I wish I told you that you inspired my life in such many ways that I cannot even express. I cannot be grateful enough to the person that (back in 2009) introduced me to your world.


YES! Please please please do a recording of Schrei nach Liebe (including the Like a Prayer bit). I found a translation online but I think it needs some work: https://lyricstranslate.com/en/schrei-nach-liebe-cry-love.html


I'm a bit late to the virtual signing line but I was still processing your Antwerp show, the last few days. Within the first few months of our relationship, my boyfriend introduced me to the Dresden Dolls. In 2006 we went to AB in Brussels, a concert I still have very fond memories about. We don't go on dates very often, 'cause you know, life is so busy already, but when I saw that you were coming to 'de Roma', literally 200 meters from our home, I had to buy us tickets. And i'm so glad I did. It's just a ride, and i needed that reminder so desperately last week. 13 years of life later (including a hospital birth, a miscarriage at home and a home birth and other stuff) it seems that your songs and words (my gosh, the interview you did in the library about birth rights!) resonate with me even more. A couple of days before the Antwerp show i finally went ahead, filled in my credit card numbers and became a patron. Your stories. Our stories. They are so frickin' important. Thank you for sharing them.