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{patrons only)

5:50pm edit:

***SEE YOU ALL AT THE TOWER*****!!!!!!!

i'll be there between 6:30-6:45, then we skeedadle over to the venue!!!!!


quick post from the venue...i need help picking a patron photo spot, SO VOTE!!!!

i want to take a patron photo today around 6:30/6:40 BUT THIS NEIGHBORHOOD IS BLEAK MY FRIENDS. 

IF WE WANNA we can either meet at this AMAZING TOWER/CAROUSEL 



its about fifteen minutes walk away from the venue ...

....or we can just meet somewhere secret outside the venue if it’s easier for you. not as much of an adventure - but yeah. 

VOTE. either way we will meet around 6:30/6:40. the doors at theaterhaus are at 7pm, show is 8pm sharp!!!

ill update you at around 5pm by editing this post: but i won’t bug all 15,000 patrons with a “this post has been updated email” so just check back!!! 

itll also probably be obvious. if you vote for the venue i’ll find a spot and upload info at around 5!

also !!!

if any of you are BROKE and needing tickets, the guest list is pretty much full but i can sneak you on. state your case and ill let you know by 5 pm at the very latest (but i’ll be checking this post through the day.)

include full name & sob story & number of tickets you need. 





Well you know I'm following :) This is one of the shows I was planning on buying a ticket at the door, since lots of friends are coming (yay!), but if I'll get sneaked in I'll just buy a ticket for another show that otherwise I was planning to skip. So I'm not first priority, but would always love for another show ♥️


That's going to be one hell of a post-work dash to Stuttgart and I may not even make it in time. But I'll be damned if I don't try. ETA. I'm out of breath and ON THE TRAIN. I'LL MAKE IT!


i miss stuttgart! as one of the other 15,000, i vote you keep updating via email! i'm in malibu and can't be there but your groovy email updates let me feel a bit as though i'm following the tour! happy happy!!


I want to see that TOWER.


I’m not voting since I don’t go to the show since i’m In another country but the tower is intriguing


Won't be able to make it early enough for the photoshoot, but looking forward to the show at Theaterhaus!


Few min late.. Bad traffic...


Wow. That tower looks like a Torture Device.


I have an unrelated question. My 14 year old daughter is a fan. She was raped by our new neighbor about a month ago. He confessed and is out on bond right now, we're hoping to have him convicted and out of the neighborhood soon. I had to out my daughter in a mental hospital for her safety and sanity. Is it possible that you could write a letter or a card I could give to her? Just something to brighten her day a bit. I'm desperately trying to find anything for her to have some hope. I know that you're busy, but she is my only child and I would move the heavens and earth for her.


Samantha28 know that we are beaming all love to her. and you.


Jule, thank you


Oh wow, how cool! Btw it was Raphaela Gschwantner who donated the Dirndl! Well done ;)


Super bummed I missed the photo, my phone wouldn't let me log on to patreon to check for the voting results and was waiting at the venue. Once i decided to run over to the tower you just had left. Love you lots! Anyway, thanks for being the awesome inspiring self you are! Your music really helped me overcome some pretty dark times. Hope to see you in the area again soon! :)