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dear ones 

well that was a FULL DAY wasnt it. i will try to put up a full post tomorrow of the graz ninja gig /dirndl-defiling ... there are too many good shots to try to do it at 1am after one of the most epically and deliciously confusing days of tour.... so many good moments to share from AUFSTEIRERN. 

it was truly bizarre. 

ok OK ok ill give you one:

yes. you read right:

that says FUCK NAZIS. 

i was decorated by the people of graz. 

the show was good...the audience felt unsure of things, which made me feel unsure, which made everything a little weirder than Vienna. but sometimes it’s hard to tell what’s uncertainty and what just respect. i sometimes can’t tall. 

one thing for sure: the hall was gorgeous. 

here‘s the photo we took at intermission ...

all these photos by gabrielle motola. 

graz - if you were at the show, please leave a note. i love hearing from you always. 



i am going to sleep in my little tour bus because i have to wake up early to fly home from tour for a day. 

four years ago today i gave birth to my little son, who is growing into a gigantic child before my very eyes. 

tomorrow is birthday day home in london. ill only be home for 18 hours before turning around and getting back on a plane, but it’s worth it to be there for the birthday party. 

mom feelings are difficult right now. i’m very away. its hard. 

i love you..all

love from the bunk




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4. new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff (at least up until a few years ago, this desperately needs updating) on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

5. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net







the show yesterday was incredible. sadly i had to leave 1 1/2h into it already bc i had to catch the last bus somewhere but dear god i wish i could've seen all of it. you touched me deeply and after a day of emotional rollercoaster b4 that seeing you and especially hearing you speak with so much love and honesty , just eye to eye, pushed me on a better path. thank you for that and for everything. you are an inspiration. you rly are the queen of weirdos <3


Dear Amanda, thank you for the last night's show. The three of us came from Zagreb and we got everything we hoped for and MORE! It was dark, it was painful, it was sad, it was beautiful, and inspiring. Still processing... :) My firends remarked of this huge contrast - we found ourselves in this huge party outside, bombarded with songs and cheers and happy drunk people dancing in the streets; and then the goths came into this breathtaking venue and we listened, and cried, and hugged and went deep... I loved the way you weaved the stores together, you build the tension and then released it through songs. We cried, we were touch and went home changed. Thank you. I crave more... Thank you for you. I'm so glad to be existing in this world at the same time with you. You help me grow and be a better human. Thank you <3 <3 <3


To me you seemd to be a bit stressed at the ninja. I think the crowd at the show was more deeply impressed than unsure. Also I think there where alot of people who where not familliar with your work. And its Graz, its a small city. To me it was breathtaking and I loved the Rollins-reference! Thank you very much.


I loved her book so i think its amazing you brought gabrielle. I really appreciate you sharing both the upside to ash turning 4 and the mom feelings and difficulty, both sides of the coin. I hope we never take your honesty (perhaps candor is a better word choice?) for granted because we have been blessed with it for so long.


Hi Amanda! The show was absolutely amazing. I hope you don't take it the wrong way that the audience was more quiet than Vienna. I've lived in both cities and Vienna is definitely different to, well the rest of Austria really and Graz is such a small town. But I also think that there where a lot of people who came to see you for the first time. The two friends I invited thanks to your guest list spots for example didn't really know you. I tried to explain as best I could with what I knew about the show without having seen it myself yet, but they were still quite surprised. However they did like it a lot and were very impressed and so was I. It must be so hard to share these personal stories publicly over and over again but I think what you are doing is really important. Thank you! PS: Any chance there will ever be a recording of your german version of 'Let it go'? I always felt pretty indifferent about that song but the way you played it and with your accent it sounded so fucking fierce, it was awesome! Also RE Disney: I wanna be were the people are is not a super well known song here in Austria, especially the english version. I think maybe that's why some people didn't react that much.


Now that I'm finally home, I hope I can express myself more eloquently. Not sure if you remember me, but I'm that tiny human who assaulted you with a passionate hug at the very end of the ninja gig. I was extremely anxious due to the crowd, and you looked like you projected confidence more than actually felt it, and to some extent just wanted to share what I couldn't put into words, as well as a bit of empathy, with you. If I missed the mark, I am honestly sorry. My father is a poet, the kind that ends up in textbooks (which he did). I started writing poetry at a very early age, and have since fallen silent. Your show, your experiences, your ruminations resonated deeply with me. I might have not been the most ecstatic member of the audience, but I wasn't there to see my favorite rockstar. I was there to feel and to empathize. I did cry, I did laugh (you're my favorite Disney cover artist to date), but that's not what I took away from the evening. I went to my crappy airbnb with my marvelous partner (the first one who deserves to be called that in my 30 or so years of life) meditating about absolute compassion and making light of my inner darkness. I have never been tied to a table in a hellishly cold basement, but I was tied to a tree and was not nearly as lucky in the end. Nor for many more years, as my taste in men used to be horrendous. I lost my voice over the years and it's about time I found it again, be it angry or somber or as disjointed as to seem dadaist. Thank you.


Hannah Gadsby.. I just looked her up - she's indeed amazing!!


Love to the tired mom who's momming!


Btw your hair, looks fucking awesome!


Dear Amanda! I came to read other comments and realised that mine has somehow got lost. I just want to say thank you for many things that happened on Sunday. For free tickets, for your hugs, your voice, the sound you get out of grand royal, yourself. Thank you! The first time I saw this show was in Joes Pub in New York. I think what was in common is the living room atmosphere that was more obvious in the intimeate space of the Pub, but that I also felt at some moment in Stefaniensaal. The living room full of people connected and thinking about Big Life Issues. I also feel this gap between speaking about the things and realising their reality, experiencing them. Thank you for reminding me, that it is possible to put the unspeakable into words. the next day I had a conversation with my colleague (I am a theologian working at the university) about talking on abuse in the church. She was really ambivalent if we should talk about this, which gave me a lot of food for thought. But, coming back to your show, I feel more courage and strength now not to give back on this. And in general to be a punk and a weirdo in my field and in this world)) Personally I felt I can let things in me go and I am also thankful for this. I wish you a great tour to come and feel deeply connected, love from Graz, Valeria p.s. here is a little article I wrote about two years ago about getting to know your art https://www.feinschwarz.net/die-kunst-der-sensiblen-provokation-ein-kennenlernen-von-amanda-palmer/

Jerry Peckery

Is Amanda feeling the Bern - or just in a fiery mood.?


Dear Amanda, I still have the feeling that the audience in Graz was immensely impressed. I can speak for myself: I have enjoyed all your concerts and shows so far. I listen to your music/art so often it feels like you are a very close friend of mine. I was crying my eyes out at the ninja gig and the concert and I want/ed to tell you so many things: that you are great, that you saved my life more than once. Thank you. And I can never muster the courage to voice what I want to say because I have the deepest respect for your bravery (sharing so many things with so many persons) and it feels like I am just going to say something stupid. I am always the woman crying not managing to say a single that makes sense. Sorry about that. I am even fucking tearing up while writing this. I am in a bad place. You make things bearable. Thank you. Please do not let all these weird experiences you are making in Graz keep you away. We need you. All the small towns, small people, the weird venues: we need you. You make a difference. You help me understand/bear/cope with this shitty world. Thank you for being there. The darkness is so fucking dark and loud. You make it more quiet. And you know what, I am a teacher and I really try hard to teach all those teenagers the stuff you/me/we wanted and needed to learn. I am trying. PS: I am glad you got all the marker messages of your body. <3 I hope it didn't hurt too much rubbing them off.


Thank you for a very special evening, Amanda. I can only speak for myself, but I wasn't unsure at all. Just taking in everything you said, laughing, feeling sad too, and wondering why "Lass jetzt los" sounded vaguely familiar (actually I thought Wow, AFP wrote a song in German, especially for us!... obviously I don't have kids). I bought the concert tickets on a whim because Maria Popova mentioned your European tour on her Instagram. (I love, love, love Maria's blog and her book Figuring is one of the most beautiful things I've read in years.) So I wasn't super prepared and even missed the ninja gig {because of reasons}, and I'd give Aufsteirern a wide berth at any rate; it is not as harmless as it sounds (Peter on the other thread has the right measure of it: at the very least it's anti-urban and anti-modern). In the meantime, however, I've read your book (courtesy of the university library) and have been listening to There will be no intermission on repeat (courtesy of the public library). And then I joined your patreon and possibly went a bit overboard on bandcamp 🖤 I hope to make it to another one of your European shows. Maybe I will muster up the courage to say hi.