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2 am 


vienna - all i can say is : best show of the tour so far. you brought it. here is our group shot from after the show 

it also wins some kind of prize 

we look like synchronized swimmer!!!!

all these photos by gabrielle motola 

leave comments here 

really - the show was incredible for me. thank you

what a day

 say what. 

i am reading 

and see many of you tomorrow in graz






as everyone else here does, and I wouldn't have imagined there are so many of us in Vienna, thanks for the 2 shows!!! I was so looking forward to this day since I missed u in Seattle where I bought tickets but had to cancel vacation because lack of the money! 2 get 2 gigs on one day is more I can ask for, especially the daylight sing a long which worked so fine! Viennese are kinda reserved people I was so happy it worked cause it gave me chills! The evening show... don't know how u did it but u did it. so well nuanced! Just the stage felt a lil bit cold. Maybe some Graz people can bring some furniture! I am on my way to Graz now with a lil surprise for the ninja gig(hopefully)! Time to goth up a little bit, see ya and hopefully a lot of other patreons soon!


Amanda, thank you. Both shows made me cry, connect, and understand. I needed this. I needed to see I am not alone with my anxieties and that so many people out there see me, and understand and value the same things I do. I have been bringing myself down again lately for a lot of life choices (turned down a fancy school to study literature instead) but you reminded me why I did it in the first place. I am not wasting my life, but living it. People who look down on art and humanities take these things for granted. Thank you for sharing so much of yourself with us, and thank you for letting us have your back. I grew up in Austria but live in Norway now - it was really special to see you here in this space and set so much of my own journey into perspective. I cried under Drowning in the Sound, Voicemail for Jill, Creep, and Sing at Karlsplatz. You played bigger on the inside literally a metre away from me and I broke down. It has always struck a cord within me and everytime I am truly terrible it helps me to not feel alone. What you’re doing is special. And oh so fucking important. ❤️ We see you.


Thank you for this Amanda Palmer day! I was at both shows and it was incredible. None of my friends had time to join me at either of the shows, but in the end I'm happy I didn't let that stop me. You really have a way of writing songs that touch me so profoundly! The Ride has helped me deal with the death of a loved one and I can't thank you enough. You really do make light of the dark. And I do agree with a lot of others who already said that art makes life worth living (Autocorrect made this into loving and that fits as well). Until next time in Vienna! ❤️


Thank you for last night (and afternoon in the park), Amanda. You made me weep, laugh, hope, sing.. It was an emotional rollercoaster. And yeah.. WHAT A RIDE ❤️ Life is beautiful, but there’s also so much darkness all around us. Sometimes it’s too hard to take, but as soon as there is - even a tiny - light, darkness isn‘t scary anymore at all 🖤

Reinhold Ottner

It was an incredible strong show... Thank you for sharing all this really personal stories with us.


Oh.. i missed the photo after the show but my little daughter was tired anyway.


Thanks a lot for this fantastic show, so deep, so real, so much love! Such a great day with this sunny afternoon gig and this incredible evening!


Thank you for sharing your energy in the way you do. When you do your art and music thing something gets transported that deeply resonates with me. Some kind of wisdom. This readiness to face the world, this readiness to be touched by the world. Thanks for being brave and telling all these deeply personal stories. I can only start to imagine the work that went into being able to tell them in the way that you do, both in terms of songwriting & performance practice as well as the emotional work and reflection. Thanks for being vulnerable in this world. Thanks for putting together this show. Thanks for doing this. I wish you lots of strength for the rest of this tour and hope to see you again soon!


Wow, just, wow! The Show(s) in Vienna were sooo perfect! I saw you in Berlin, Munich and Vienna - and the last one was definitely the best (speaking strictly for the concept of the show and the rhythm of the stories - not of it's emotional inpact on me, that was always HIGH AF!)! And judging from that it'll get even better as you get more confident in your storytelling/the pacing. You also mentioned the shows and concerts that influenced you and this tour. Hannah Gadsby, Nic Cave, Bruce... So, my idea and STRONG SUGGESTION: PLEASE FILM ONE OF YOUR SHOWS (maybe the London ones?) AND RELEASE IT SOMEWHERE! (Patreon, YouTube, Netflix - as long as it can reach more people who can't see/don't know you) THE SHOW IS SO STRONG, EMPOWERING AND MUCH, MUCH NEEDED! (...if you can...) 💜💜💜 See you next time around (with or without a Baby, idk, I'm still not sure, but at least not alone with it!)


I loved yesterday's show, it was very powerful and perfectly timed (it took me some time to notice how the stories were all tied into each other). I'm glad I was able to give you the marmalade afterwards and I hope you'll like it, but if Seville orange marmalade is not your cup of tea (so to speak), I'm totally OK if you pass it on to someone who is more into that. (Anyway, the oranges are from the imperial citrus gardens at Schloß Schönbrunn, I didn't do a batch this year, so it's already a bit on the dark side - unfortunately, the beautiful color get's lost with time. I've some pictures on my blog, though - see https://mundschenk.at/pomeranzen-marmelade/ for the recipe and glass houses, and https://mundschenk.at/meyer-lemon-marmelade/ for the arrangements at the annual citrus exhibition at Schönbrunn.) I hope we will see you again in Vienna soon(ish)!


Thank you so much Amanda for sharing your stories and your music with us. I had the feeling that I understood the songs better now. I could connect to the songs and they've touched me more than ever before. The live experience of your music has always left me in awe, but this time it made me speechless. Thank you for continuing to do art in such a beautiful way and for shining light where nobody dares to look.


Dear Amanda! Thank you for the perfect day in Vienna! The two concerts were such a great experience for me. Such a shame that I haven't discovered your music much earlier... Unfortunately I couldn't make it to Graz (thanks for putting me on the guest list anyway...), I would have loved to... Especially after reading your post so comment, it would have been interesting to have seen the difference between the two Austrian shows... Is Graz really so different from Vienna?? I hope to meet you again soon, your presence and your music is so strong... I felt sad during whole Sunday just because I knew I have to miss your shows for quite a time now... Greetings from Michael (the guy who lent you his phone at Karlsplatz for fixing the music sheet on the piano, and who gave you a high 5 at Falco's where you had coffee just before the show at Konzerthaus 😉)