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greetings from literally just collapsing in bed at 1:45 am after playing in munich...

it was an incredible show and feel free to use this post as a place to leave a comment if you were there. i’m reading..

but i could not let this day go by without wishing a massive heartfelt happy fucking birthday to my art-brother and fellow-patreon-voyager, jherek bischoff. 

he has been a friend, bass player, companion, arranger, conductor, traveler, co-conspirator extraordinaire in this existence and i owe so much to him. 

i first met jherek because he was jason webley‘s collaborator, and i told jason i was hunting for a bassist. that was back in 2010. it all tumbled from there. it’a fucking almost 2am and i’m exhausted but maybe you guys can help me fill in the links of epic projects we have done since...jherek arranged strings for theatre is evil (the kickstarter record in 2012), arranged, conducted and recorded the david bowie tribute, the leonard cohen tribute, the cranberries tribute, and on and on and on. we have played countless shows together. 

here is the main thing ...

jherek is one of the artists in the world who keeps me inspired. 

his approach is a joy approach. we never argue or fight even when we disagree, we find pleasure in every moment of collaboration. would that every relationship of any kind would be so sweet. 

this photo was taken by allan amaoy during the THERE WILL BE NO INTERMISSION recording sessions a year ago. 

i don’t know if i can articulate how important jhereks contribution to this record was. but it was huge. his gentle approach to making the songs their fullest selves was exactly what i needed. there aren’t that many people i trust to be in the studio with me with material this raw and personal. jherek is one of the only ones. he’s a soul brother. he knows why music and how music and when to do what. he’s a magician of sound-making and heart-feeling. 

i feel like this photo. jherek is the kind of musician you can lean into and feel safe. 

so please, any jherek appreciation, BRING IT ON. 

and if you want to get him a present 

well, i’ll be damned 

he has a patreon. he currently has 365 supporters. gO FUCK IT UP!!!


if even 10 or 12 of you join his patreon, it will make my day. 

or go search his gorgeous music on bandcamp. i would post links but i am literally collapsing. 

by they way speaking of collapsing 


the show was amazing. i am fucking exhausted. 

i love you all and love patreon and love my life and love jherek. 






And love to that snail!


I was there last night, I cried and laughed and cried and laughed and got a hanky for my daughter. She loves it! As a mother, so many things resonated deeply within my soul. Thank you for doing your show, like you're doing it. Thank you for lighting the dark. Thank you for being the artist you're being. Thank you for being you. Sending hugs


Jherek is wonderful and so is the soundscape he creates! I’ll never forget that tiny venue in London (forget the name) where we were all literally sweating our skins off, and in solidarity with us, he kept his jacket on! What a dude 💜


Amanda, thank you so much for last night. By reading your posts here about the US tour I thought I kind of knew what I was getting into. I didn't. I wasn't ready to feel all these feelings, but it was so so good. Like,someone else said, I also never had an abortion or miscarriage & I don't want children. I never even experienced the death of a loved on (& I'm so scared of the moment it'll happen), but it didn't matter. This was the sixth or seventh time I saw you live & I loved all the shows but this one is truly special. Please keep doing what you're doing, bringing light into the darkness. Also (I find it almost embarassing) I never thought I'd have tears in my eyes because of a song from a disney movie, I don't even like. Ich lass jetzt los.


The show yesterday was a perfect storm of conflicting emotions, choking on my laughter, and laughing through my tears. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. As you said, your job as an artist is not (only) to make pretty things and make us feel good. It is to make your audience feel (anything!) and think, to connect, to share. And you did that brilliantly. This was intense, and I am deeply grateful for this experience. Also, thank you for reminding me how powerful vulnerability can be. We are taught that strength means carrying our pain around stoically, never showing anything perceived as weakness. But you showed that making yourself vulnerable and sharing your pain and uncertainties is so much more powerful, and it is a strength that connects you with others instead of putting up walls all around you. Thank you, sincerely, for taking this risk and sharing it with us. Also, happy (belated) birthday, Jherek! Loved your work with Amanda, and this reminded me to check out your other work!

Isabel Vogt

Jherek is amazing. I've been supporting his Patreon from day one. Thank you so much for introducing me to his music.


A European friend of ours was one of the (PAID!) fan-musicians on the Kickstarter album tour and said Jherek was a very kind, decent wrangler of the stringsters, which she never takes for granted having experienced the opposite. We enjoyed seeing him play your show at (haunted) Turner Hall in Milwaukee and really like his "Cistern" soundscape album.

Jerry Peckery

A True Professional, Happy Birthday JB.


i've seen you perform with jherek twice, and he is so incredible. happy ding-dang belated birthday to him! <3


I was there. Thank you for making me think and feel and cry. All at once.