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GODDAMIT THAT SHOW WAS AMAZING. berlin - you outdid yourselves. that was, ach. mein got. kinda overwhelming. jesus 

i have never felt quite like that in my life. a ten minute encore...holy shit. thats just never happened 

heres our pictures ... selfie !

and the one by the nice lady who we harassed.:

im so sorry  we had to cut the ride ....curfew...evil....and the encore song. i got ahead of myself. it was fine. it worked. i love you. 

road trip to leipzig and stutrgartt obviously. or graz. 

i fucking love you. 

i have to be up in 4,5 hours to make a plane to edinburgh for a wedding. 


please comment i’m reading . 

xxx a 




I know this was long, but just to add: It's my birthday today, and the unplanned-ness went on after the concert. Talked to a few other women who were at the show (and were less thrilled, because they shared the "too much talk, too little music"-sentiment –– I think what I (and maybe you) underestimate is that for quite a number of Germans, listening to someone speak in English for a while is work. I am a translator, lived abroad, I live half my life in English, but most people here understand it really well, having learned it in school from either 5th or 1st grade, depending on their age ... but really listening, engaging, processing the things you're talking about may feel like work, like a chore, demanding, exhausting to some. Maybe that explains why it's not for everybody, and why it's harder to sell it here. That would be less of an issue in the Netherlands or Sweden, because afaik, they are so much more immersed in English, no dubbing on TV and in cineam, etc etc) ... BUT, these ladies let me tag along to have a drink and toast me at midnight for my birthday ... and we ended up dancing in Kreuzberg until 4 a.m. So yes, it's a damn ride and you never know what happens and I'm grateful for all of it and I love you! See you in Vienna <3

Stefanie Oepen

OK, I will try again, hoping the comment will stay where it is this time. Dear Amanda, thank you for this beautiful show. It was everything I had hoped for and so much more than I expected or imagined beforehand. One day later I am still trying to wrap my head around it and can feel your words and your music still resonating within me. It made me sad, so sad I cried and at the same time i felt extremely happy to be part of it, to witness something so mesmerizing I forgot everything else around me. I could have listened for another hour or so and would not even have noticed how time passed. In fact, I didn't need an intermission and didn't even notice I had to pee until it was over. My mind was too occupied with watching and listening. The way you tell your story works for me. How you tie everything in with one big story, then get seemingly sidetracked, but always come back to the main one. It is your story and you are telling it your way and despite having had completely different experiences in my life and walking down a completely different road i felt I could relate, I felt understood, felt part of something larger than myself. Many time is was crying and moments later I chuckled at the absurdity of it all as much as about the funny moments. Most of all though I felt all the love in the room and I felt safe, welcome and accepted. Thank you for all of that. Since you mentioned "Springsteen on Broadway" I have to say that this show very much felt like "Amanda on Broadway" for me. I don't know if that is what you were aiming for, but even if you didn't you nailed it. I say this as a longtime Springsteen fan, who has seen his Broadway show. It was the best Bruce show I have ever seen and in well over 20 years of touring with him I have seen 71. I love storytellers and storytelling in any shape or form and if there is an Olymp for storytellers somewhere, you should be queen! :) Thank you, I love you, it was truly beautiful and I am deeply grateful I got to be there. I will see you again in Essen, hoping you won't have such a tight curfew there. One last thing: When the show was over I wanted to run up those stairs to the stage and hug you. Since I didn't, I am sending a virtual hug here.


Dear, Amanda! It was my sixteen years old son, who shouted out yesterday, sitting next to me in the concert hall: „Amanda, I am too sad“, accepting your offer to get to listen to the first beats of „Coin operated boy“. He knows the song since he was five years old. Instead of watching Fellini or Disney film, I put him in front of a screen, watching the video from „The Dresden Dolls“ on YouTube. And as you see – everything turned out fine in the end. He is grown up and knows what he wants – now Tickets for Leipzig! I’m very happy to share my passion for you and your amazing Music, Amanda, with my son. By the way, you called him ‘little bitch’ – what I appreciate, too. Thank you!


I'm sad to hear you had to cut The Ride Amanda. Please, please, please, please, please do not cut that song from your Newcastle show! I'll cry if you don't play that song! I mean I'll probably cry if you do play that song so it's a lose/lose either way.


I didn't mean to say that language is everyone's problem here, I just think it might be part of the issue for a bunch of people. I thought this show was really good and special, but I can totally see that it doesn't "work" for everybody, and wanting more music is an absolutely legit concern.


I loooved the show. Yes, it was cut short (which is a pity, I really like The Ride), but it was amazing nevertheless. To me, hearing the stories around your songs added another layer of depth to them. It felt very intimate, raw, and deeply personal. And even though it's also a sad show with some really heavy themes, it made me feel incredibly happy. So THANK YOU, it was magical!


Thank you dear Amanda, for being who you are and for reminding me yesterday that radical compassion is not a crazy thing at all. I was flooded with waves of oxytocin and got softer and softer with every story you shared with us. I physically remember it's intensity. This evening was real medicine! ...just fuck the seats in the back of the balcony where I could see nothing (not just due to the constant flow of fresh tears in my eyes). I am so glad that I did - I could and so I had to - stand close to the stage during the second part and this gigantic encore which you deserved soo much! Thank you for taking time even if it's 5 minutes for gathering with the patrons - it all means so much! 


I may be weird, but I consider crying over something like art or other emotionally touching things a win...


Awww, everyone could have sang Ride as they filed out, it would have been epic.


I literally cannot WAIT for the last London show! I’ve been playing the new record non stop to my husband and he is totally blown away as he should be. I have everything crossed for Machete but would understand if not. Forever a supporter of your work and you. Amy xxxx


loved the show <3

Stefanie Oepen

If anyone is interested, I wrote a blog post about the show. In case you have not seen it and don't want to see spoilers, you probably should not read it: http://passioncolorseverything.com/blog/?p=11184 Sorry, I cannot figure out how to actually turn this into a link, you I guess you'll hav eto copy and past it.


thanks, interesting and detailed blog - good to get an idea of what to expect in Stockholm <3