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hallo loves. 

i gave myself a gift which i am glad i gave myself. instead of heading from london tomorrow straight to the show in amsterdam, i have myself the night off from having to think about a home or a husband or a child or the stressors that come along with all three and i hailed my ass to amsterdam early so i could think about my show. 

i meant to work on it more over the summer. but i’m sorry. i just fucking didn’t. i put it in a drawer of my brain to turn into something subconscious and here i am the night before the tour kicks off in europe and i’m no further ahead with clever solutions for how to make this fucker shorter. 

ive cut two songs. i’m going to try to make the stories shorter. it’s hard. the curfews in europe are punishing. the show sometimes went 4-5 hours in the states. tomorrow i have 3 hours and 15 minutes before they pull the plug. i won’t know what happens til i get up there. 

so i am asking you 

as i sit in this cafe with my wine and my candle and my blank fucking page ...

feedback, please. if you saw the show in the states (not that any two nights were exactly the same, but they were close)...give me gentle feedback. 

warning: spoiler alert. if you haven’t seen the show and want it to feel new, don’t read this thread. 

ok saying “i wish you’d played my favorite song“ wont help me. 

saying “just cut some stuff“ won’t help me. 

saying “this part really touched me / this part really dragged on and i got bored“ will help me. 


is always appreciated. 

i had to cut machete. i had to cut the thing about things. it hurt me. 

also, if there’s anything else you wanna say to me because i’m going to see you tomorrow in amsterdam or friday in berlin, hit me. 

alex just hit the road with a new merch duck and is ready to sell you eight million things. 

you should give him a follow on twitter if youre there.  @aaalex555. 



let it go. 

bring it on. 

i’m in a bar, reading. 






Not reading the thread! 🙈 But flip yeh, YOU CAN DO THE THING! Good luck & Edit without mercy!! 😉


I am so fucking proud of you.


Please don't cut Bigger on the Inside. I saw you for the first time ever in KC and hearing it live wrecked me so hard that people around me were trying to help. I understood intellectually the abortion stuff, but I've struggled in maybe a more complicated way with motherhood and the ideas around it (even as a kid, because goddamn this world tries to program us to be mothers FUCKING EARLY), so that didn't hit me in quite the same way as all the stuff around Anthony. And definitely leave in the miscarriage, because it really gets to the complex issues around abortion and motherhood and... Came much closer for me on a personal level. Your back and forth... I'm still there, and it appears Mother Nature may be giving us the great big middle finger re: Parenthood anyway and I really wish I had a way or a place or.... Fuck. I wish I knew how to process it all.


I think Machete should stay. I would consider chopping Judy Blume, The Killing Type, or Drowning in the Sound. I love all 3 of those songs but they don't fit into the narrative of the show as much as Machete.


(and, reluctantly) I would also add The Ride to the chopping block, because it's also more universal/less personal, and the show is deeply personal


I saw the show in Denver and I liked your intimate commentary in between sets, but they can be scaled back a bit due to time if that's the issue. Machete is very poignant so I don't think you should cut that one, the story behind that song deep and personal so keep it. Just keep the stories brief yet to the point in relation to the songs. Don't play Coin-Operated Boy. I know it's a fan fave but it takes away from your newest album. I would focus on the newer pieces and play limited older ones.


AFP you wield that machete on the album cover like a Dakini wields a sword to cut the heads off of egomaniacs then dances away laughing. Keep machete in the setlist along with the great story. The stories make the show. In St. Louis you had us imagine different types of women singing a song from the Little Mermaid is was sad and hilarious but it can be trimmed.


sing faster


You can do all the things!

Jerry Peckery

You already did my suggestion, cut the longest? song. Also, most songs are more important too me than any story is, as important as they are to be heard. You'll do fine, cause we all love you. Also as Len said rotation is always good cause us die-hards can find the missing pieces from other venues.