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(patrons only)

hello my loves.

this is the latest Althing ever....and i don't apologize for it. i mean, i know most of you aren't waking up on the first of every month anyway to CHECK YOUR EMAIL TO SEE IF AMANDA AND HAYLEY HAVE PUBLISHED THE ALTHING. but hey, a girl can dream.

for those of you who have just joined the patreon:

WELCOME! WELCOME! this is our wonderfully compassionate and seriously fucking kind and intelligent corner of Ye Olde Internette, where everybody is basically pretty nice to each other. people DO read the comments, i certainly do, even if i don't always mark everything as read, and i don't often have time to answer everybody's messages and comments (especially when i'm on tour like this and barely taking breaks for food and to pee).

 but i'm here, i'm glad you're here, everybody is glad you're here....and, well, WELCOME.

before the show i did a great interview with NBHAP, these really fabulous people in berlin.  

my god i want all interviews to be this good and real. 

i dont always ask you guys to read my press - but this one is different. READ THIS ONE. 

its about this revolution of patronage - and therefore, you know, about YOU. like actual YOU. 

it should be said: what we are creating here, and what you are helping me and my collaborators create - is nothing short of miraculous. 


"The Joy Of Joint Forces: Why Amanda Palmer Puts Community First"

photos below by jana legler


okay. now that you’re all crying and inspired. 

back to basics. 

you may be asking, if you are new: we, THIS POST? you say. ALTHING? what, pray tell, is that?

well, when i launched my patron four years ago, i didn't charge per month. i decided to risk it and charge per project. then i found out that our operating costs - just to keep the lights on, keep the staff paid, and keep me moving - was equal to about what i was earning for each piece of content on the patreon. every month was turning into a deeply stressful rush to get "something" out no matter what, and it was starting to eat the art and the team alive. so i went to the community and asked permission to basically game the system and make each MONTH an official thing, along with all the art, podcasts and suchlike. and to sweeten the deal (and to keep us organized, actually, and make life easier for the people who would prefer to read a monthly digest than a gazillion posts), we decided to create this monthly sweep of EVERYTHING THAT'S HAPPENED and everything that's coming up.

these posts are always patron-only and often contain stats and facts and figures that aren't waved around on public social media. 

hayley, in my NYC office, usually spends a good two days helping me put together the photos, credits, info and links for these posts. she's a godsend.

if you ever have feedback about the Monthly Althing, whether you're an old-school patron or a brand spanking new one, you can always hit us in the comments (or email hayley with suggestions: hayley@amandapalmer.net).


AHEM. THIS IS BORING but IMPORTANT SO READ IT.  this is your monthly reminder to set a monthly pledge maximum. you can cap your pledge to only be charged for 1 Thing per month if you wish, or 2 Things, or 3 Things. i usually post 2-3 Things a month, but the podcast is coming out soon so i want to make sure this is loud and clear: cap your pledge!!!!!! DO IT!

that way i NEVER have to feel guilty about making too much art or putting out too many offerings. it only works if i know you're staying within the bounds of your own personal budget. i would rather you give me ONE DOLLAR A MONTH that you can afford than $20 that you CAN'T. i don't want your support if you have to really struggle to help - that's the whole magic of the patreon. other people will have your back. and on that note, if you're a rich person with a ton of disposable income, consider upping your pledge. here's how you can set a monthly pledge maximum or a pledge cap.


OK THEN, let's get this party started.

greetings from london.

it's september 10th and i've knocked off the first two european tour shows, came back to spend a few days with neil and ash in our new london flat, and am headed to the airport to fly to munich for the show tomorrow. then i've got a day off, then i head to offenbach.

i'm already exhausted and this tour has just started....but i also have no regrets.

both amsterdam and berlin last week were OFF THE HOOK (i saw many of you there) and i got a ten minute standing ovation in berlin. that's never happened to me in twenty years of live performing. as long as the shows feel like that, i can keep leaving my family and getting on an airplane or a train or a tour bus every day.

the live "THERE WILL BE INTERMISSION" show, which is what i'm touring right now if you missed the memo, is also, well...changing.

every night affords me an opportunity to refine, reflect, cut, add, snip, alter.

i've never done a tour show that demanded this much constant care and feeding. usually i just need to learn the songs and arrangements, and then make it to the stage every night in one piece. this is different, this show is going to keep changing and changing and hopefully getting better and better as it chugs along.

it also feels like it grows more powerful with every outing. the more people who see it and grab me and say HOLY SHIT the more energy i take to the stage the following night. otherwise it would just be too hard to do this.

there's other avenues i'm vampirically drawing energy from.

i went to see phoebe waller bridge's one-woman show, "fleabag" (upon which the series was based) a few nights ago in london with neil...

...and her stage presence was so stunning and her give-no-fucks honesty reminded me to try harder. honest-er. 

a full kick in the art ass. 

and last night neil and i attended the epic book launch for margaret atwood's sequel to the handmaid's tale - the testaments. you can order it here: http://margaretatwood.ca/the-testaments/

i hadn't read the handmaid's tale until this summer, and it blew my mind and enraged me in all the right ways. 

the event was a sprawling celebration of margaret and her work, and the guilty feminist podcast set up camp. i was a special guest. i played naked. here's the uncensored picture.

i don't HAVE to play the ukulele naked, you know. 

but sometimes, especially when you're talking about near-future feminist dystopias where women are completely hidden from view in long red robes and funny white hats...you gotta.

neil got to congratulate margaret and look, they made cupcakes.

if you haven't read the handmaid's tale yet, i suggest getting on it.

i don't usually read SF, but this book. is. amazing. and painfully pithy for these times.

and then you can go read the sequel without having to wait :)

and watching margaret doing her thing was another swift kick in the art ass. 


speaking of art

the main image for the Altjing, by the by, is a painting of judith beheading holofernes by franz stuck.

and look, here i am in germany with the ACTUAL judith holofernes.

she was in a band forever in germany called Wir Sind Helden, and i crashed at her place in berlin and we had long catch-ups about children (she's got two), touring, life, vocal problems, and patreon. she's thinking about doing one. i think she should. i'll keep you posted :)

having her in the audience for my berlin show set me on fire. it might have been the reason it was so good. i had another powerhouse female to impress, goddamit.

if you don't know judith's post-wir sind helden work (esp if you're german-speaking), check it out here:



some more things to make you smile, and photographic proof that i really do like kissing people.

two of my good friends had babies right before i left for tour. so here are some baby pictures.

this is the writer maria davhana headly, with her new bebe, grimoire.

....and this is a more recent one of sxip, coco (who danced in and choreographed the drowning in the sound video)....and their new bebe, thelonius. 


on the way to start the tour prep in london, neil and i met up at his house in northern scotland, on the isle of skye, where my grandmother is from.

it was cold and windy and everybody up there has struggles with alcoholism. my people! but it is...very....beautiful, in a jim-morrison-before-he-committed-suicide kinda way. i honor jim here with a photo:

(photo by justine marzack)


and then: to london.

neil is writing. ash is watching his ipad.

if you've seen the show, you know the screen rules.

we are making this circuitous traveling circus art family work somehow.



it was august!!!

i did this thing:

in may, between shows on the US tour, i flew to philadelphia to perform at a non-commerical radio station showcase called "non-comm" and played a set to, y'know, industry people. WXPN recorded my performance and just released a video clip of me playing "voicemail for jill". you can watch it here, it's pretty good:



 5 Questions with Dan Schawbel podcast 

i was a guest on dan's podcast, and you guessed it, answered five questions..... it's fast and short and kind dumb and cute. (you can listen to the podcast on itunes, spotify, stitcher and many other distributors here: http://bit.ly/2Tpoe6s)



as a reminder, if you have any questions about my patreon, how it works, or the THINGS i've released here, send an email to patronhelp@amandapalmer.net - this email address goes to hayley and alex, and they'll help sort you out and point you in the right direction.

please: do not send a message through the patreon inbox. due to the volume of messages sent there, that's not the best place to send anything urgent (like if you're having trouble fixing your pledge), that's what our patron help email address is for. OKAY??? okay.


maybe you've barely noticed this exists, but patreon is ending their integration with reddit, which previously put a little "patron" flair icon next to your user name when you posted on the r/amandapalmer subreddit if you connected your reddit account to your patreon account. this integration started last year, and now, after almost a year exactly, it's ending. you probably won't miss it, as it was such a small thing but it will disappear on september 20th. this won't affect your reddit account, and it won't affect your access to the r/amandapalmer subreddit, it's a cosmetic thing within the subreddit that won't exist anymore.

okay doke.


the "ART OF ASKING EVERYTHING" podcast update!

the podcast is coming along....this is a lot more work that i thought it would be and there's been a lot of twists and turns to get it ready for public release. but it'll be worth it.

the team is hard at work getting everything together for launch....i thought i'd have it in the can for a september release, but it's looking like it may be out a little later so we can get the launch right...maybe october. or november. it's hard to line this up with the start of my european/uk tour....

meanwhile, while the launch is in the works, i'm still interviewing some more incredible people and working on new episodes. i got to interview elizabeth lesser and i cannot WAIT to share that one with you. having all of these in the bank is KILLING ME because they're just so so good.

however....there's a bunch of reading you can do to catch up with some of the guests that i've been talking to if you really wanna get ready with me:



wayne muller

wayne has several books, you can get them all on his website:


here's a couple:

A Life of Being, Having, and Doing Enough

How, Then, Shall We Live?

laurie penny 


andrew o'neill  

A History of Heavy Metal

erika moen 


jamil zaki 

The War for Kindness: Building Empathy in a Fractured World 

bj miller

A Beginner's Guide to the End: Practical Advice for Living Life and Facing Death  

laura jane grace

Tranny: Confessions of Punk Rock's Most Infamous Anarchist Sellout 

madison young

Daddy: A Memoir 

and this is just the TIP OF THE PODCAST ICEBERG !!!!

wait until you see the full line-up. 

you gonna die. 



at long last. the video came out.

read all about it and see tons of behind-the-scenes photos, here:

we are super proud. 

you can watch it, HERE! it's reached over 130k views on youtube, which is super respectable:


then i made a weird little ukulele gun-control protest song called EVERYBODY KNOWS SOMEBODY:

...and the song's single artwork was made by manuel oliver, an artist and activist who lost his son jaoquin in the parkland shooting. it was a really beautiful internet moment.

you can download the studio recording, here:

100% of the profits from the bandcamp downloads will go to CHANGETHEREF.ORG, a non-profit started by manuel and patricia oliver started after joaquin was murdered during the parkland shooting.
a bunch of patrons sang along with me....you can read about the making of this song here:


and watch the sing-along-video:


as soon as we got to london, alex and i ran a....


it was really joyful, read more about it here:


here is neil reading his new children's story, "pirate stew", to the lot of weirdos who came:

here's my friends christo (from perhaps contraption) and fiona fey, playing for shits and giggles and tips:

this is ruby wednesday and russell...

and my dear dear friend max melton on the accordion!

he played a cabaret song about brexit that was so fucking funny we MIGHT use patreon dough to make it into a video. it's that good.... 


my very first night of tour, in amsterdam, i got a goddamn five-star review. i am happy about that. but it's in dutch :)


here are some shots from amsterdam taken by my photographer friend gabreille motola (more on her below):



i had time in berlin to meet up with a bunch of patrons before the show for thirty seconds!!!


and this is a reminder, if you're coming to any of the tour shows, make sure you have your email notifications TURNED ON to be notified of my new patreon posts and CHECK YOUR EMAIL the morning and afternoon of the show!!! I ALWAYS TRY TO TAKE A PHOTO WITH PATRONS IF TIME CAN ALLOW IT!!!! i usually find a place a block or two from the venue to make sure strangers to barge in.


i love this photo, and i love this post i made on IG:


stage. funny, i just read the whole ann powers vs lana de rey dust-up on twitter and was thinking about persona and costume and fashion and image and truth. i’ve gotten way better in my old age at setting aside the idea of glamour and using the time for other things. not that glamour is bad. but. this is a perfect shot from last night’s show in berlin at @admiralspalast.berlin from @christinakratsch. this must have been when i was laughing with disbelief during the death threat / anthony in the restaurant story. dudes. i will never be on the cover of vogue. i will never be considered a groundbreaking fashion icon, though in some futuristic hard rock cafe on mars they may hang a bra and some stripey tights from a ceiling fan. i played the first half of the show in the same clothes that i out on when i woke up in the morning, which were the same clothes i’d worn the day before through 2 airports. sorry vogue. but 1,500 human beings in berlin gave me a ten-minute long standing ovation, while i stood there and wept openly awe and gratitude at what my life has become. never have i felt so strong in my decision to walk away from the musical-fashion-art-brand-industrial complex. i needed a reminder like last night. thank you, berlin. 


in ironic news, judith holofernes texted me the next morning to say that german vogue wanted to do a photoshoot with us.

i don't know whether to laugh or cry.



alex and connor have been SLAUGHTERING it at the merch table. make sure to bring them lots of love when you go to buy your vinyl. it's a thankless job, selling merch, sometimes.

and look: ALEX-INSPIRED ART!!!!!!!!!!!!! i mean. it had to come to this. art by zero kiwifruit

and now.



in addition to making the main music video, i invited filmmaker james holland to document the making of the video itself. there was just so many moving bits and pieces that i knew had to be captured, and the doc itself is almost as beautiful as the video.

i've collaborated with james previously, including on the making of documentary for the voicemail for jill music video. i've seen the rough cuts and this is going to be special. he nailed it. that'll be out pronto. also: the doc helped cover the cost of the video itself. win win win.



(photo by krys fox)

it's COMING!!!! hopefully in october. 

pope (and james) are collecting additional footage that we decided was worth the time and expense to make the video....work.

i have no idea idea how good it's gonna be yet. i haven't even seen a rough cut. stay tuned.


okay.... maybe november. 



the WHOLE team is working along with me on the special edition of the artbook here on patreon. this is not going to be a PLAIN pdf of the proof we sent to the printers for the physical book, oh noooo. 

this is going to be it's own multi-media beast....it'll have TONS of extra photos that didn't make the final book, a brand new introduction written by me now that i've had a chance to tour the show and play the album live, and it'll have some interactive elements to the pages like a SHITLOAD of links you can click to take you to videos, songs and more pictures and other things that i've referenced within the book's pages.

here i am annotating a physical copy of the book so that hayley can go in and type up and collect the links and things i want you to click off to in the digital version.

(photo by hayley)

also, good news:

the physical softcover artbook itself is now in it's SECOND printing, WHEEEEE, which means the first printing sold out. so we had to make more. 

it's exactly the same as the original printing, but the second printing has a slightly different finish on the cover, which should help minimize the amount of finger prints sticking around on it when you handle it.

i'm bringing these on the road with me throughout the euro/uk tour, but as always, if you wanna grab a copy in my online shops, you can get it in all three web stores: USA, UK/EURO and the new AUS store: http://amandapalmer.net/merch




patreon bills credit cards on the 1st of the following month so we usually see a couple hundred people drop off in the beginning of the month due to payment errors and credit card issues, it takes a few days for this to adjust once people fix their accounts. it's life.

as of this writing there are about 15,246 patrons pledging about  $56,029 for the first THING of the month. 


the office talk....

patreon charges you "monthly"/"retroactively".....meaning that you get billed on the 1st of the month for all the Things released the month prior (for example, you were just charged for the Things released in july on august 1st). 

so i don't have the final figures for this month, as they're still being processed, but here's july:

(i say this every month, but if you're new....)

because people have their pledges capped (HAVE YOU NOT CAPPED YOUR PLEDGE? if you are on a budget, you should. here's the tutorial again), the first Thing raises the most money, and anything released thereafter raises less and less. (I LIKE THIS. it means i never feel too guilty!!!!!).

the numbers below are gross. not net. basic math. meaning: it's the money raised before fees were deducted by patreon and is not the total deposited to me. patreon takes a 5% fee (which they use to build and sustain the platform, which is GOOD) and then there's a payment processing fee, which varies on a ton of factors and is usually between 5-9% of the total collected. 

also, none of this reflects the money i SPENT MAKING THE ART, running my business, etc etc. 

i don't share that level of nitty-detail-stuff with you because i assume it would bore you to fucking tears. but you can trust me: paying for a full-time staff, office, manager, accountant, and massive team of art-collaborators ain't cheap. sometimes we barely break even. so be it. this is awesome.


just a reminder, i posted this previously but it's worth repeating:  patreon introduced a new pricing and fee plan that took effect on may 7th, however all creators who've had accounts up until then are considered "founding creators" and for the time being are locked into the original fee structure with the 5% patreon fee and the 5-9% credit card payment processing fee.


in july, i Thanged two Things:

The State of All Things: JUNE 2019 was the first Thing and it earned about $62,087 from 14,983 patrons.

AFP talks with LINGUA IGNOTA podcast {official thing} was the second Thing of the month and it earned about $28,573 from 9,318 patrons.

(we say "about" because patreon may be still trying to process some pledges that have yet to go through...we never know, you know.)

them's the numbers.



from hayley:

Hi everyone,

At the end of August I went down under to Australia for the first time. My first stop was Sydney, where I spent a few days working with Jordan, Amanda's manager. I stayed with him and his family, and had a wonderful time not only getting actual face time to work alongside him, but to spend time together outside of frantic emails and late night phone calls. I had only one "tourist" wish for my time in Sydney, and that was to see the Sydney Opera House - I just wanted to see the outside, but Jordan is so involved in the Australian music scene, and has put on big events at the Opera House previously, that he was able to hook me up with a private tour where I got to see the backstage loading area and several performance venues. 

here's a picture Jordan took of me in the main concert hall. I had a point and shoot camera, which i pointed at him.

It was rainy and cold when we first went to the opera house, but it was such a special experience. We went back a couple days later when the weather was nice and road the ferry through the harbor and walked through the botanical garden, it was such a lovely time.

After a few days in Sydney, I left for Brisbane to speak on a panel at the BIGSOUND conference called "SNAKES AND LADDERS: Music Career Design" which focused on how to build a sustainable music career. The panel was a success and it felt great getting the opportunity to talk to other folks in music - musicians and managers - who are trying new things and are interested in using Patreon and the internet to release art and connect with their audience.

Here's a picture Jordan took of me on the panel:

I spent most of my time in Brisbane at the conference, in meetings, and while I was utterly exhausted by the evening, I made it a point to catch some live music at night and enjoyed all the new-to-me bands I saw. Everyone at the conference was nice, and I enjoyed my time in Oz, I feel so fortunate to have had the opportunity to be there, and am so thankful to BIGSOUND for the invitation, to Amanda and all of Team AFP to their support while I was away.

I'm sorry Amanda...

As I mentioned last month, I want to try to illuminate a bit more here on how I work directly with Patreon to help improve the platform and inform them of what our community needs are. This month, we've communicated and helped fix some bugs we found in the iPhone app, some bugs and trouble with the Patreon video posts that use Vimeo uploads (Amanda has mainly used this feature to send random surprises to the $5+ tier patrons), and I gave feedback on different areas of the platform that could use some improvement to make things work more smoothly for us and other creators.

That's it for now, mates.

Rock on friends.


{from amanda: i will forgive you hayley. this once. only this once. and seriously: i'm so fucking proud of you for going to oz and repping for team AFP.)


from michael:

Hello Patrons!

Here is a quick update from my ‘desk’ for the month of August (my desk being a counter top in a fantastic Williamsburg coffeeshop while I wait for my car to get fixed. . . have laptop, will travel).

August flew by, but then it usually does for all of us in the northern hemisphere who are trying to soak in the last remnants of summer before real life starts up again.  This month was spent largely prepping for the EU/UK Tour, coordinating with the Tour Manager, booking travel, figuring out how to get Amanda from closing her show in Berlin to a Wedding south of Edinburgh in 12 hours or less.  Fun. Stuff.

There were definitely some powerful highlights to the month however.  Top of the list is that I got to spend the entire month with my son before he started grade 10 (which I still find hard to believe, but here we are).  He and I spent a few days up in Woodstock while Amanda and I tried to get just a few more things done before she left for tour.  We were. . . partially successful.  We were able to sneak in a last minute recording session to get “Everybody Knows Somebody” recorded and released in typical “AFP Fast Art” fashion and since he was around and game for it, my son sang on the recording!  His first professional music credit! This dad is so proud!

Here’s a picture of him on the porch reading next to the infamous Leg Lamp from the North American Tour.

After that I took a much needed end of summer vacation to really spend some quality family time together and went out to the Poconos for the first time.  It was a bit resort-y for my personal tastes, but we definitely had a lot of fun and I even got to spend some time playing the ukulele!

Then by the time I got back to work before labor day, Amanda was over in the UK, Hayley was off to Australia and I played a lot of catch up to round out the month.

As always, thank you all for reading engaging and being such a fantastic part of this wonderful community.  Onwards into Autumn!

Many hugs!


{michael: i love you and i love your whole family. sorry i'm such a pain in the ass sometimes. i swear i'll get to the urgent emails. and i'm glad you got a little bit of a breather. everything can.....usually wait :)


from alex:

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH tour is very imminent, and somehow despite the best laid plans, the last few days are hectic and i find myself running around like a headless chicken. i am also completely incapable of formulating proper sentences so, to summarise this month of my life for you:











{from afp: I FUCKIN LOVE YOU ALEX! i was just telling judith holofernes how literally blessed i am to have someone handling merch who actually cares about the community. you are amazing. see you tomorrow :)




here are all my 2019 tour dates for now...it's coming sooner than you think.

as always, all info and tickets can be found on my tour page:


Wed Sep 11 – Germany – Munich – Kongressaal

Fri Sep 13 – Germany – Offenbach – Capitol

Sat Sep 14 – Austria – Vienna – Konzerthaus (SOLD OUT)

Sun Sep 15 – Austria – Graz – Stefaniensaal

Wed Sep 18 – Germany – Stuttgart – Theaterhaus

Thu Sep 19 – Germany – Essen – Colosseum

Fri Sep 20 – Belgium – Antwerp – De Roma

Tue Sep 24 – Germany – Hamburg – Laeiszhalle

We Sep 25 – Germany – Leipzig – Haus Auensee

Thu Sep 26 – Czech Republic – Prague – Hybernia

Fri Sep 27 – Luxembourg  – Luxembourg – Conservatoire

Sat Sep 28 – France – Paris – Bataclan

Fri Oct 11 – Denmark – Copenhagen – Bremen Teater

Sat Oct 12 – Sweden – Stockholm – Södra Teatern (SOLD OUT)

Wed Oct 16 – UK – Bexhill – De La Warr Pavilion

Sat Oct 19 – UK – Cardiff – St David's Hall

Sun Oct 20 – UK – Cambridge – Corn Exchange

Wed Oct 23 – Ireland – Cork – Opera House

Thu Oct 24 – Ireland – Dublin – National Concert Hall

Sat Oct 26 – Ireland – Belfast – Ulster Hall

Sun Oct 27 – Ireland – Limerick – University Hall

Frin Nov 1 – UK – Dunfermline – Carnegie Hall

Sat Nov 2 – UK – Glasgow – City Halls

Sun Nov 3 – UK – Manchester – Albert Hall

Mon Nov 4 – UK – York – Opera House

Thu Nov 7 – UK – Newcastle – Tyne Theatre

Sun Nov 24 – Portugal – Braga – Theatro Circo

Thu Dec 5 – UK – London – Union Chapel (SOLD OUT)

Fri Dec 6 – UK – London – Union Chapel  (SOLD OUT)

Fri Dec 13 – UK – London – Union Chapel (SOLD OUT)

Sat Dec 14 – UK – London – Union Chapel (JUST ADDED)

if you're on facebook, you can RSVP to the official event pages, invite your friends and more: http://facebook.com/amandapalmer/events

and SPREAD THE WORD, always.

here's an interesting tidbit:

this is a screencap of the PDF of my UK sales (this image is STRICTLY patron only).


and CORK, yikes. 





gabrielle motola is a photographer that i met in the strangest of ways. i was walking along the street in paris a few years ago and she recognized me. “hey! amanda palmer! i once photographed you for reuters!” i heard this friendly, chipper american-in-paris say. i stopped. “hi!l” i said. "why are you living in paris?!” “i’m not! i’m living in ICELAND!” and i was like: i have to know this woman. it turns out she’d created an incredible feminist book of photographs and stories while in iceland, and she invited me to visit her. so i did. that visit resulted in a lot of the photos you see in the artbook. 

(photo by stephanie zakas)

gabrielle just moved back to london and, inspired by the awesomeness she’s witnessed in this community and others, just kicked off her own patreon. i also have a special surprise project in cooking up with her - stay tuned. and if you can, and you’re into her kind of work, support her. her instagram feed alone (where she takes photos of strangers and writes stories) is alone worth your patronage. it’s amazing.



birdy, a patron i know from NYC, took some photos inspired by the drowning in the sound music video....i love this, and her...


this tattoo makes me want to cry. i was this bride, this street performer, for thousands of hours, being galvanized into the woman i am on the streets of harvard square. if you’d told that 23-year-old me that her image would ever come to have meaning like this, she would have said...well, nothing. she was a statue. tattoo by @madalchemisttattoo. ⠀
story of tattoo by @honey_and_bones: Thank you to Matt at the Mad Alchemist Tattoo for doing such an amazing job on such a beautiful and important piece to me. I’m so in love with it and I can’t thank you enough


art from a friend in india ... this is by @fellow_passengers from mysore, karnataka based on a very tipsy selfie i took a few months ago in london the night of the @goodomensprime premiere. it all comes around. love from scotland...i’m here for a few days before decamping to london to rehearse for the amsterdam & german legs of the #therewillbenointermission tour.


and oh my god this is so beautiful. art inspired by one of @krysfoxphotography’s shots of me and choreographer/dancer @findingcoco from the “drowning in the sound” video, by @ghostingalongtempest. sometimes the camera still catches it better than the camera moving and then the paintbrush comes along and changes everything. there is nothing better than art begetting art begetting art. amazing layers of layers. if you haven’t seen the video yet, the link is in the bio. go watch it. it gets better every time. there’s a lot to see. 🎥📷🎨🏆


some art by @jason_anderson_3. i had a long day...i sat in a chair from 10am til 8pm staring at a screen and trying to make it all work. sometimes i forget to breathe. sometimes it helps to remember.


a beautiful ink-and-marker drawing by @aka.zsu (zsu csiszâr) from zürich switzerland. zsu: thank you so much for making and sharing this, it’s stunning, and i wish my hair was actually that graceful in real life. also: if you want to come to any of my fall shows, i’ll give you a pair of tickets...i’m sadly not playing switzerland this time around, but i am playing a ton of shows in germany, luxembourg, austria, prague, france...road trio and come to me! just look at the tour dates and hit me in the comments about where you’d like to come if you can and i’ll stick you on the guest list. keep making art. 🔨🎨🏆🎡also reminder to all artists: i only stumbled across this because zsu told me in a random comment on a random post from a few days ago that i happened to go back and check. if you have art or photos to share, tag me!!! xxx


from @atcfsut on twitter


all this art makes me wanna get my website shit together even more. the dolls used to have a great ART GALLERY. 

we are still working on an epic very-community-centric site (which will probably be worthy of being thing’d once it’s done, especially because it is verging on breaking the bank). 


time to get on a plane, people.

A16 here i come. 

see you soon münchen. 

i am am so grateful for all of you in my life. 





1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol.

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland

4. new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

5. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net



Olenka Fawkes

Amanda this ALTHING is amazing. So much art, so much love. (I actually hadn't known if you got paid for the ALTHINGs, but that's because I was excited to support you and also busy af.) What I really want to know, is what does the pin on your suit say in the beginning photos from your interviews??


So excited you and Deborah Frances-white met! Hoping for a Guilty Feminist and AFP podcast crossover!


Hi! I'm new to this Patreon and very excited about it. I've also just finished reading your book "The Art of Asking", it was the first thing I could concentrate on from start to finish after a recent break-up with my husband. Thank you for all the Things! I'm going to learn some of them on a piano :)


I love these updates, they make me stop and pay attention. I'm so proud to be a Patreon.


Such a lot of exciting stuff done or in the works and coming up! As always, proud to be a patron and part of the ride! See you in Vienna!


I was a patron a couple of years ago, fell off the wagon but kept on getting updates. And boy I'm happy I did because that's how I learned that you had released There Will Be No Intermission and that got me to listen to Voicemail for Jill, which got me crying my eyes out and - still crying - I noticed you've got a European tour coming and that you'll be in Amsterdam so - still crying - I booked a ticket and then I went to see your show, cried a-whole-lot more and now I'm a patron again!) So.


And since I'm very much in love with Iceland, I now need to get Gabrielle's book!


Wow, love the fan art! Hayley, Vegemite is awesome -- Marmite is even better :) I'm always amused by the visceral reaction most Americans have to Marmite... but I think you need to spread it thicker to get the true effect!

Hayley Rosenblum

I've had Marmite before! Actually, Edward Ka-Spel taught me how to eat Marmite about two years ago, so I had some expectation on how to be introduced to Vegemite :)

Zena Darling



i fuckin' love yooooou and your crew. <3