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i am slowly recovering from one of the hardest weeks of my life....so goddamn satisfying but SO LITTLE SLEEP AND SO MUCH BODY MOVING AROUND AROUND.

i'm not even going to try to catch you up, not yet....and there's time.

tomorrow is my birthday. i usually put a post out for my birthday asking for a favor. don't worry, i will. i'm going to take tomorrow OFF (well, as off as i can). i'll post in the am and try to enjoy my fucking self. if you want to see some of the photos from the White House correspondents dinner, head to my instagram (you don't have to be a member or jump any hoops in order to persue through the photos).....or wait for the epic post/podcast i'm quietly building in the background for you. it's going to be amazing.


i gotta get a quick piece o’ news out the door:

if you've been following me for awhile, you know that i've been an avid, enthusiastic user and supporter of bandcamp - a cutting-edge online music store - for over a decade, since they first launched in 2008.

my page is here, if you've never been there (which i would find shocking, since it's where i try to send you to Get My Music):


i fuckin love bandcamp. LOVE. LOVE LOVE LOVE.

many of my friends who are indie musicians have found a real salvation in bandcamp. they are friendlier and less corporate than the Big Box Digital Stores like iTunes and Google, and they really seem to love and care about their artists and music.

earlier this year they opened a brand new brick and mortar record store and performance space, that just like their online community, is meant to promote and benefit independent artists directly.

i love bandcamp. did i say that? i'll say it again. love.

they've helped me crowdfund and pre-order albums before kickstarter was even a Thing (like my radiohead covers EP, evelyn evelyn, 8in8, my first single when i got off the record label, etc. to name a few), and they're my digital music store of choice because they instantly allow me and my pals to release my music for free and as pay-what-you-want downloads. 

this is important: i can release whenever i want without any delays, approvals, or gatekeepers. 

many of you don't think about this, but WHEN I PUT A NEW RECORD OUT WITH ITUNES I HAVE TO SEND IT WEEKS IN ADVANCE. they are not good at being fast, and they are not great at being fair (they insisted that i censor my last record cover, for instance. bandcamp did not...though i chose to self-censor because facebook - argh - was taking down people's pages when they shared the bandcamp link. welcome to my life.)

my long-time hero and collaborator, edward ka-spel, told me the story of how bandcamp was the savior of his band, the legendary pink dots, because it allowed them to directly connect with their fans, sell music, and keep both control and profit since their margins are so razor-thin. (yes - that means that you going and spending $10 on them on bandcamp will actually make a difference....and you can find their whole catalog on bandcamp here....(don't be daunted by the 9,212 albums up there.....i recommend starting with "the maria dimension" then moving on to "asylum"

and if you missed the record i co-made with edward, it's HERE on bandcamp :)


bandcamp. love.

and now THEY HAVE A BRICK N MORTAR RECORD STORE opening in oakland, CA!!! 


it's kind of like the delicious antidote to amazon buying up whole foods and replacing all the tellers with robots (or weirder, making check-out totally obsolete, which saddens me, because how else are you gonna strike up a converstion with a neighbor if not at the neighborhood market. fuck a duck.)


so yeah.....you bet yer ass i'm gonna help bandcamp celebrate the opening of their new record store IN PERSON because i love them, they've helped me (and US) a lot...and it's all conveniently happening when i'm in the bay area for my show at the warfield in SF next week.



1901 broadway, oakland, CA, 94612

doors open at 6:30pm, the signing starts at 7pm.

i will have a ukulele.

don't make me use it. :)

i'll also do some discussin'.

i like discussin'.

there's a lot going on, eh.

how are we all going to fit in this store?? I DON'T KNOW.

we'll have copies of THERE WILL BE NO INTERMISSION for purchase, but you can BYOV. or BYOCD.

the event is FREE, open to the public, and ALL AGES. i'm playing the warfield in san francisco the next night, so i may even bring some extra little merch items to sell on hand for you to get signed, too....wheeeee.

here are all the details and the official RSVP, on facebook:


SPREAD THE WORD, PLEASE!!!!!, about BOTH EVENTS! the warfield is getting closer and closer to sold out, but that fucker holds 2,300 bodies and i need your help to make it to the finish line.




1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol.

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland

4. new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

5. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net




Yes 😘😘


Happy birthday Amanda x


I LOVE Bandcamp!! It's awesome that their highlighted albums cover all kinds of musicians and genres and as a consumer it's always the first place I look when there's an indie album I want to buy


It's Tuesday here, so I believe a Happy Birthday is in order! I adore bandcamp. I follow many indi artists, and even learned to save my downloads separately from my iTunes, so when my computer inevitably crashes, I still have my music/poetry/stories in a safer place and can reload. I love you.


Happy birthday Amanda,,everyday is better for me thanks to your music.

Marguerita Tajibnapis

I have the Bandcamp app on my phone but wasn’t that thrilled about it before. You gave me some great helpful information that I had absolutely no idea....well for example the instantaneous nature of their releases vs. itunes. Anyway it’s how I got the Radiohead album, which I still love so much. I like your versions better than theirs 😃❤️. Love from Minneapolis, Monica.


Thanks for the recommendations!


I LOVED this film, i agree with you saving the 2 podcasts of Laura Jane Grace and Lingua Ignota for later as there was so much richness held there. The sound overall seems raw whch adds to heaviness of the record. All the LIVE performance clips--keep b/c many people won't have been at a show and these are just LIFE. Here are a few specific notes I jotted down for you: You mentioned validiation over 13x--and everytime you did i thought validation = vulnerability = relatedness. And has me looking at where do I need approval? 12:12 - 12:21 the music with the elevator beeping distracts from your voice 14:09 the focus on AA sign is distracting as it has nothing to do with what you and Neil are saying but maybe that's the point--randomness of everything 14:34 HAILEY--to me she's the Chancellor of the Unexplainable & Master of Everything 15:17 -writing the notes as we go along--ahhh loved this 25:49 a message all men--no all people need to hear and take in 37:52--the women singing the chorus to A Mother's Confession layered over Amanda talking is words upon words and everything loses significance 39:17--GREAT use of Judy Blume but this scene could be shorter but don't cut out Neil holing the art book for you as you read b/c that said everything about relationships and support 47:44 - 48:27 don't need to show all this set-up 51:50 - 52:46 healing and Ash--love--FYI Munchausen by Proxy was renamed Factitous Disorder 53:35 NO POETRY AFTER TRUMP--yes, yes, yes sad but ahh 1:04 Machete--thank you for showing us how a tribute can hold anger yet be wrapped in a cocoon of love and compassion. People run from anger I love and need to see it's okay. 1:06 lost baby photo shoot sotry = closure--love this and also great lighting 1:09 the intimate close-up during Just a Ride allows the viewer to focus on the words as they are formed and then tumble out of your mouth into our hearts--the shape of the words holds weight 1:14 energy from being sen and heard including in the line at the coffee shop--yes, yes, yes--we live to been seen and heard 1:16 - 1!7 empathy for everyone including people who kill others FUCK YES--b/c we could all be that person if circumstances were different yet people refuse to see that in themselves 1:21 good art comes from not being safe--THIS times a million 1:32 - 1:37 the music and lyrics fights with your speaking voice. Words layered upon words is confusing my OCD brain--it becomes a struggle to focus. FAMILY @ 2:10 - yes they are yours--super sweet 2:48 - 4:38 Love the intimacy of connection 6:33 the close-up is incredible


wooohoo another place to see your face!


I meant to do this with detail and time stamps but I ran out of time, so my comments are more general, sorry! I agree with just about everyone here---when there is dialog, please use instrumental music only under it, no singing. -- when there are shots of you eating--those are not necessary, you can just use voice-over something else, if what is being said needs to stay in. The first one at around 00:34 was the one that bothered me the most. --- Love the Read-in footage, that's done very well, please leave that in. --- the NPR Tiny Desk thing needs some fixing; there's footage of someone else doing something with the caption, and then several minutes later, there is the scene with you and Neil in the church basement talking about it (also yeah also previously mentioned, the AA sign is not necessary, snip that out). Then you are is on stage doing the Tiny Desk thing. I found that all somewhat confusing. Maybe cut that first scene with the time stamp 'Tiny Desk" because it doesn't feature you and doesn't really say anything? --- I know the SXSW talk is the main reason you were there, but I think it needs to be edited or parts of it need to appear in different parts of the film, if that makes any sense. Just having footage of you speaking like that is not very dynamic to watch, esp. the shots that are done from farther back in the audience. It's kind of boring; I am sure that hearing you speak in person was NOT boring, but on film, after all the frentic energy of some of the scenes that come before it, it sort of slows down the pace of the film and drags, I think. Perhaps use pieces of the talk to preface other sections that demonstrate the ideas you are speaking about (if that makes any sense)? I also think there are too many talking head/interviews here, maybe snip them all down so that there is more action and activity and less "people sitting around being interviewed." --- Love the shots of Hailey, the shots of you working on the Patreon posts, etc. All that stuff is interesting and more dynamic. ----- I hope what I've written makes sense. Sorry again I couldn't do the time stamp thing. I am honored to have been asked to contribute my thoughts to this work. I do like it and I think with some tightening, it will be the piece that you and Jessica want it to be. :)


and sorry about the typos, ugh. ;/


And the fact that I posted this in the wrong place ugh