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hallo loves

EDIT **I LEFT OUT KAMALA HARRIS** that wasn’t on purpose. i’m going to upstate this post and flip out a comment down there - if you’re feeling harris ... just heart that comment. sorry about that. i tried. 

the international folks can sigh and ignore the poll....but i am MIGHTY curious to see where y'all people are leaning now that joe biden is in the race officially and the croquet field of democratic presidents is pretty much flamingo'd. WHERE YOU AT? please feel free to comment liberally (or.....conservatively) about what's on your mind regarding the 2020 election. and WOULD YOU FUCKIN BELIEVE THAT THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF POLL OPTIONS IS 21 and there are 21 CANDIDATES *cue twilight zone theme*....

meant to be, people.

i don't assume all of my patrons are democrats - i'm sure many of you are...but. many may be independent, republican or green/rainbow, etc.....if you're planning to vote otherwise, let's get it going in the comments and tell us why. i'm wide open to having good conversations - i've voted all over the map all my life. i'm still registered as independent (shocking, i know). 


greetings from a hotel bed in the DC washington hilton, my roommate laurie penny & i are both doing email and work catch-up between podcasting and dinner.

thank you for your comments yesterday....read them all and folded some into the podacst today.

the taping of the samantha bee "not the white house correspondents dinner" last night was amazing, i'll post everything up in one big blog....but here's a quick red carpet shot (it was actually a pink carpet: i called it the vagina carpet) and a shot of me & laurie & me & ms. bee. 


btw....SAM B KILLED IT. watching people do live newly-scripted seat-of-the-pant comedy is really fucking thrilling and i forget how much i love it. it was like watching an SNL taping...whatever happens happens...it's live TV.

here's the airing info for tonight (April 27): it's at 10pm/9 pm central on TBS....

if you're near a TV or screen-type tonight, tune in..you may see me & laurie getting interviewed on the red/pink/vagina carpet, and you'll get to see the amazing "my fair lady"-themed  "THE RACIST DID RACISM WHICH WAS RACIST" song that had everybody pretty much on their feet. sigourney weaver filmed a very fucking funny alien-themed journalist joke video, there were lots of very very satirical and very necessary jabs at trump, the white house and the STATE OF NEWS.....and robert deniro gave the send-off speech, which was pretty great...

.....except he had a hard time reading the teleprompter and gads i hope they have time today to clean it up fer broadcast. poor robert. :(

here's the washington post's review:



this morning laurie and i woke up and headed straight into podcasting....you can't shut either of us up....so we went on, and on, and on....hopefully i'll be able to fast-track this one out, because it's timely.

discussed just off the top of my head:

the internet, deep fakes, feminism, anxiety, the state of journalism, mammals and how we respond to threat and opportunity, what words mean and how it changes, abortion...and seven or eight other things i'm forgetting. 


also....the TRUE true reason for my trip didn’t reveal itself until i got here. at 3 pm yesterday i heard a familiar voice say “amanda..?” incredulously in the lobby of the washington hilton. it was my beloved cousin judith fagin, who is here in the same hotel, totally coincidentally, for a holocaust organization event. she was only wandering by that part of the lobby because she was lost (to be fair, it is a seriously disorienting hotel shaped like two donuts smashed together).

and? it’s her birthday today. we had a perfect accidental birthday breakfast and i love her so goddamn much.

not all who wander are lost.

i love you judith. happy birthday.

love from the hotel, and more soon.....

by the way, don't forget that laurie is on patreon as well.

her ability to fund her independent journalism is just as important to her as my ablity to fund my independent songs, projects and podcasts.....so show her some patron love. she's doing really wonderfully....she's got 640 patrons and her posts are really fantastic food for thought (and i often comment over there, it's a good crowd).





1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol.

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland

4. new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

5. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net



Trump will win in 2020 as long as the Socialist Democrats stay on course with their New Green Agenda. This is my opinion and I will vote for Trump again. MAGA. Again we can agree to disagree.


I've narrowed it down to my top 4 (no particular order) Joe Biden Mayor Pete Elizabeth Warren Bernie Sanders


I'm leaning Warren for her rock-solid detailed policy-driven work and progressive ideas, though the DNA incident leaves me wondering whether she's going to be able to LISTEN and respond thoughtfully to the concerns of marginalized communities that aren't as well-represented in her home state. I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt that native heritage was actually part of her family lore, and that they never learned which tribe. However, why did she not take the time to reach out privately to some native tribes about this topic when it hit national news? If she had, she would have learned how tribes feel about white people waving DNA tests trying to claim tribal membership. Everybody who cares to hear about it, go listen to the podcast "All My Relations" (they have a patreon page too). I learned about Warren's policies regarding sex workers through this comment section, so... thanks guys!


Interesting. I am getting harassed and called names because I am a Republican and support Trump and our Constitutional Republic in the USA. . Why can't we agree to disagree. I have served during Vietnam and was serving when the socialist threat from Russia was in full swing. My mothers family live in Communist Hungary. Life was not good living under socialism. Google that or any country during Communist Socialism rule. Food lines and subjects had very little of anything. In the USA I have succeeded in life paying for my own college and working in management until I am very comfortably retired now. This is on my investments and social security that I paid for since I was 16. I will not vote for any Democrat. This is my reason why.


Again I am a Patreon of AFP because I love her music and have followed her since 2002. As was stated i don't assume all of my patrons are democrats - i'm sure many of you are...but. many may be independent, republican or green/rainbow, etc.....if you're planning to vote otherwise, let's get it going in the comments and tell us why. i'm wide open to having good conversations - i've voted all over the map all my life. i'm still registered as independent (shocking, i know).


Kelly Smith and Sallita Morales. Hopes this answers the reason why I am not Socialist Democrat. Peace.


I strongly believe Sanders is the only person running on the Dem ticket that has the policies and the pull that can defeat Trump. And even then, I'm wary. Warren is a great candidate but she isn't as "electable". She would 100% lose to Trump despite the comprehensive policies on her platform. Voting for a moderate Democrat will provide the same result. They may have the charisma but they don't have the policies. Biden is another Obama/Clinton. He's a "Democrat" but his policies wouldn't be any more progressive than his moderate counterparts. The DNC lost Clinton the race in 2016 by ignoring the demands of their progressive base of voters. Too many of us weren't willing to vote for a corrupt Democrat just because she was a Democrat. Party lines aren't enough to form allegiances anymore. You really need to dig. If you want to not be treated like a second class citizen, you cannot vote for second class Democrats that ride into the ballot on the coattails of the very people they are running against. A majority of of the policies that are being talked about are things Bernie Sanders brought to the table in 2016 that every mainstream Dem at the time fought against. Sanders is the ONLY candidate with the policies AND the appeal that can defeat Trump.


I invite everyone to read Andrew Yangs book. Or listen to his Joe Rogan or Sam Harris interview.


I think both parties do things to keep themselves in office at the expense of we the people. I do not trust any candidate that subscribes to socialism or communism. I will not select any of those candidates due to that. I have several friends that are in horrible moods all day about politics, yet neglect their responsibilities to themselves or their family/partners each day. It irritates me to no end. I've found happiness in ignoring political chatter and making my immediate surroundings the best they can be.


WORD. Trump 2020!! Socialism Destroyed Venezuela -- This is a warning for America!


I'm having a hard time getting really excited about anyone this year. Based on policy & experience alone, Warren is leagues above any other candidate so I think that's where I am leaning, but I am worried that she can not hold her own against Trump. I like Buttegieg as well, but he lacks experience and has his own issues. Not feeling the Bern this time around, and definitely not excited for Biden.


Amanda, was that you standing in front of the Marine Band before the event started in DC... I thought it was you but I was so surprised I thought my brain was playing tricks on me! This Marine loves me some AFP!

Andrew Miller

I know it doesn't count for much but from over here in Europe but as a casual observer and a social media user Bernie is the only name there to have made any kind of an impact or profile (of course it may be very different in the USA). The only other politician other than Trump who gets interweb airtime (or even noticed) is Cortez