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that  was pretty incredible 

heres our fuckin photo 

i am collapsing 

tell me everything 

photos by hayley 






Gratitude for Compassion, honesty, and holding space for yourself and others to talk about everything that we tend to tuck into the corners or even further shove down & hold back. Your evolving art is amazing to witness. I've been a fan since the very early Dolls days, when I witnessed Brian's powerful and open enthusiasm (the way he watched you and responded was incredible, electric, love-in-action). Thank you for sharing the details of your miscarriage -- I hadn't realized it happened at Kripalu..................................... You posted a few months about Kripalu. And I have a fuller response that's still gestating.... For now, I'd like for you to know that your poem, your passion, your insight are exactly the kind of perspective needed to help the current Kripalu community to heal from what really happened as that Ashram fell apart in the mid 90s. Making light, or at the very least, shining light on darkness. It's not at all as simple as your hashtags in that post implied. "Boinking everyone" is factually incorrect. "Me too" is not really a fit for the long-term relationship the guru was having with Krishnapriya, who was a very powerful leader in the community as well. And "communelife" is pessimistic in a way that doesn't align with the longer-term healing and embracing of complexity that There Will Be No Intermission is all about. At some point, I will send you an email message with more. For now, thank you for the ways you are both vulnerable and powerful. Love and light! -- janie


It was a gorgeous night. So grateful to you.


Thank you for sharing your beautiful soul. It was the best birthday present ever.


Amanda, what a great show, and at one point I was sitting next to your mother, as you were talking about how she supported you in music and in life which was just so surreal to me


I feel at home in your music. Brought home a handkerchief. Wiped my first tear with it watching Nick Cave’s Live in Copenhagen song Let Us Go Now. This cloth will travel with me to all momentous events. So many tears it will sop up. Thank you. It’s all so beautiful and breaking this ride.


This was my third time seeing you in Boston and I love how so far each show I see is so drastically different from the last one. Here’s hoping the next show I see of you is Dresden Dolls ( I missed your last tour)


This was my first time getting to see you and it was truly a magical night. I ended up showing up late to the meet up so I missed that and it put a little damper on the night but I couldn't let that ruin my night. Before we even started the emotional songs I couldn't help but cry tears of joy that I was in the same room as you. My teacher back in HS had introduced me and my best friend to you and since then we've been in love. Money has been tight so I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to make it and leave on time to catch my train home but I wasn't about to not try. Got to enjoy the whole show up until you played The Ride, though I wanted so badly to hear it live, I had to leave early to catch my train which I ended up missing after everything lol. I'm so happy I was able to go and add another night to the best memories of my life. Thank you for everything you do and for bringing light to even the darkest of things. Thank you for being my role model. I can't wait for the day that I can see you again and hopefully this time closer 💜 good luck on the rest of your shows


Amanda. I’ve been following you for, oh, ten years? This is the first show I’ve seen live. It was a gorgeous show, your comedic timing is excellent, everything was balanced, the humor and the sad. The best thing I can relate, I think (because I’m sold, have loved you and your art since the day I heard you sing “Gaga, Palmer, Madonna”) is that my husband, who’d never heard your music, left the show SOLD. “She’s an incredible showman,” he said, and “I just want to be best friends with her... she has a beautiful heart.” You shone. Your voice was gorgeous, you handled the audience with class (I feel like a few people were trolling after the intermission? I was getting upset for you - you invited us to interact, but BETWEEN stories, not in the MIDDLE of you pouring your heart out, I kept thinking that must have felt lonely). Nothing but love, you powerhouse of love and grace. You let the light in.


That was beautiful. One of the things I love about art is how it can paint with emotions and be beautiful and moving and transcendent whether it was happiness or sadness or things words have trouble wrangling. Love what you do. SUPER excited at the prospect of more Dresden Dolls!!!! :)


Reading all these after show noties just gets me so excited for you to come to Portland!!! Time can't pass quickly enough!!! Xoxo,Deb

Adrienne Arnold

I’m still digesting the Boston show. The experience was wonderful, and I cannot believe how close our seats were. Hubs and I planned our Vacation around it. We fly home to TX tomorrow. Drowning in the sound is suddenly new to me. Harvey happened in my neighborhood, very close to the venue Neil was at a few years ago. The 2016 election happened during my friends murder trial, literally the day between conviction and sentencing. Very long story short, her husband killed her. I’m still finding out how the entire situation is affecting me. Compassion is complicated. I’m still digesting the show. I hope to post another response here, but I didn’t want to entirely miss my chance at being seen, or miss my chance to say, if nothing else, THANK YOU.


This was such a wonderful show and I'm still trying to unpack all the emotion wrought on by it! I can't wait for the UK leg of your tour to drag all my British friends to!