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(patron only)

Hi everyone.

Hayley, here. You may have just gotten an email with a long list of bullet points and zero context. Sorry about that. We're hard at work over here at AFP HQ getting ready to send out this month's State of All Things.

(see that down arrow on the right is so close to the publish button, it's touching!)

I was working on the draft and I meant to click the down selection arrow on Patreon (which brings up an option to select "save draft") to save my updates but my hand slipped and I clicked "publish" which triggered the email notification (if you're signed up to receive email notifications). I deleted the erroneous post, but alas, this snafu may live on forever in your email inboxes.

This had me extremely mortified, but Amanda was super nice about it and told me to update you here so you are not confused. If anything, I hope this gives you a little bit of insight as to what it takes to build out the Althings posts. If you received the email, I recommend that you don't read the erroneous post now - as it won't make sense - and  wait til the real Althing comes out.

Sorry for any confusion. The real Althing will be out on Sunday, March 31st. Until then, if you have any questions or need help, hit us up at patronhelp@amandapalmer.net

Team AFP




I may check it out anyway for grins and giggles, I'm a great appreciator of bloopers, they're what makes us human. Especially my own mistakes, whoosh....


My email doesn't display the attached pictures, so when you wrote "that down arrow on the right is so close to the publish button, it's touching!", I assumed it was a Bob-Ross-like description for how ENDEARING those very-close-to-each-other buttons were. Haha! Thank you for that laugh. Don't be mortified, Hayley. ♥